Does Cassandra support sharding? - nosql

Does Apache Cassandra support sharding?
Apologize that this question must seem trivial, but I cannot seem to find the answer. I have read that Cassandra was partially modeled after GAE's Big Table which shards on a massive scale. But most of the documentation I'm currently finding on Cassandra seems to imply that Cassandra does not partition data horizontally across multiple machines, but rather supports many many duplicate machines. This would imply that Cassandra is a good fit high availability reads, but would eventually break down if the write volume became very very high.

Cassandra does partition across nodes (because if you can't split it you can't scale it). All of the data for a Cassandra cluster is divided up onto "the ring" and each node on the ring is responsible for one or more key ranges. You have control over the Partitioner (e.g. Random, Ordered) and how many nodes on the ring a key/column should be replicated to based on your requirements.
This contains a pretty good overview. Basic architecture
Also, I highly recommend reading the Dynamo white paper. While Cassandra is different than Dynamo in many ways, conceptually they stem from the same roots. Check it out: Dynamo White Paper

yes, cassandra supports sharding, but in its own way.
In Mongodb each secondary node contains full data of primary node but in Cassandra, each secondary node has responsibility of keeping only some key partitions of data.


Limitations of Kafka as a Distributed DB

I have an application which requires an interesting orchestration between states of instances distributed across geographic regions, in combination with the need for a scalable distributed database.
At the moment I think that Kafka with log compaction will fit my needs for state maintenance and message exchange between instances, and Cassandra will fit my needs for high volume distributed reads and writes of persisted data.
However, there is quite a lot of data duplicated that way: Many of the data exchanged via Kafka would also need to be stored to Cassandra for distributed data access. Using Kafka for both messaging and distributed data querying and persistence seems tempting.
Therefore, I'm interested to figure out the real-world pros and cons to be expected when using e.g. the pull queries feature of Kafka to use it as a distributed database [1].
Though, I'm a bit suspicious about what to expect of that in terms of performance and scalability, especially when compared to Cassandra, as well as unknown pitfalls.
What are the tradeoffs when using Kafka as a distributed DB, and what would it compare performance-wise to "native" distributed systems like Cassandra?
pure KV lookups
Then Kafka StateStores / Interactive Queries can work, but with the caveat that if you use containers and an orchestrator, you need to maintain the state of those stores somewhere on persistent volumes. Otherwise, when the containers move to a fresh host, the streams changelog topic needs to be read from the very beginning, giving you a "cold-start" problem, and you will be unable to query.
Using any database (with persistent storage) will not have this problem, and will always be able to query immediately.
I'm not sure I would suggest Cassandra for strictly KV data, though.

Vespa vs other no-sql databases

I have been going through Vespa documentation for a while but interested in understanding advantages and disadvantages of vespa over no-sql db's like hbase and cassandra as a key-value store. I don't see any blog/post about it.
1) For hbase,cassandra recommended row size for better performance should not exceed 1MB , 32MB. How about vespa? How large can a vespa document be and what's the recommended size?
2) Where does Vespa fit in CAP theorem?
Vespa is more of an ElasticSearch alternative than an HBase/Cassandra one so while documents can be bigger it isn't the same use case
re 2 - Vespa is CP - as described in the documentation
To elaborate on question 2) re: CAP, Vespa is currently AP (with a caveat, see below), not CP. The C in CAP implies that the linearizability property holds for writes and reads, which is not offered by our existing consistency model. In particular, even though we have a write-ahead log per replica, there’s no consistent distributed log across replicas.
Note that our “A” in AP is “weak” in the sense that we depend on a centralised (but fault tolerant) cluster coordinator which tracks and communicates the availability of nodes. Nodes that are partitioned away from the coordinator leader are not guaranteed to successfully answer client requests (applies to both reads and writes).
I'll add a section to the linked documentation that explicitly states the CAP properties of Vespa.

Cassandra as replacement to PostgreSQL

Is Cassandra with multiple nodes a good choice as replacement to single node PostgreSql? Data being stored is a time series. It is about tens of gigabytes already and is expected to grow. Database should be integrated into pipeline with apache spark as source and possibly result destination.
What is needed:
1) redundancy: one node failure shouldn't stop the system (all data should be available)
2) speed: more nodes - less time per single insert/select for one client
3) concurrency: more nodes - better speed for simultaneous inserts/selects from different clients
For your points:
1) This is a question which is up to you while choosing the keyspace replication factor RF and the consistency levels CL of your inserts and selects. To be available and consistent you need RF=3 on your and CL.QUORUM for both insert and select for hande loss of one node (for QUORUM you need RF/2+1 nodes online, 3/2+1=2 - integer division, with RF=5 you would neeed 5/2+1=3 nodes online, so you can handle loss of 2).
2) A single request will be handled by a single node as coordinator in your cluster. You do not gain much performance here with singe and synchronous requsts. If you issue any requests and use async you will split your requests across more nodes and gain performance.
3) With more clients you have the same effect - the coordinator will be picked at random (ok there is the TokenAwarePolicy which will pick a appropriate coordinator).
You've mentioned that you use time series data.
1. Naturally, you can vary the replication factor and consistency level. So yes, Cassandra would be good as a replacement.
2. The insert would be really fast as Cassandra writes memory first. So yes, Cassandra would be good as a replacement.
3. Cassandra has linear horizontal scalability. So yes, Cassandra would be good as a replacement.
The drawbacks are that Cassandra is a key-value storage. So you should model the table structure around the queries. And PostgreSQL as RDBMS is more flexible as support the whole set of SQL operations.
You can read more about some pros and cons of using Cassandra with time series data here and here.

Why isn't RDBMS Partition Tolerant in CAP Theorem and why is it Available?

Two points I don’t understand about RDBMS being CA in CAP Theorem :
1) It says RDBMS is not Partition Tolerant but how is RDBMS any less Partition Tolerant than other technologies like MongoDB or Cassandra? Is there a RDBMS setup where we give up CA to make it AP or CP?
2) How is it CAP-Available? Is it through master-slave setup? As in when the master dies, slave takes over writes?
I’m a novice at DB architecture and CAP theorem so please bear with me.
It is very easy to misunderstand the CAP properties, hence I'm providing some illustrations to make it easier.
Consistency: A query Q will produce the same answer A regardless the node that handles the request. In order to guarantee full consistency we need to ensure that all nodes agree on the same value at all times. Not to be confused with eventual consistency in which the network moves towards having all data consistent but there are periods of time in which it is not.
Availability: If the distributed system receives query Q it will always produce an answer for that query. This should not be confused with "high-availability", this is not about having the capacity to process a higher troughput of queries, it is about not refusing to answer.
Partition Tolerance: The system continues to function despite the existence of a partition. This is not about having mechanisms to "fix" the partition, it is about tolerating the partition, i.e. continuing despite the partition.
Note that the following examples do not cover all possible scenarios. Consider the following caption:
An example for CP:
The system is partition tolerant because its nodes keep accepting requests despite the partition; it is consistent because the only nodes providing answers are those that maintain a connection to the master node that handles all the write requests; it is not available because the nodes in the other partition do not provide an answer to the queries they receive.
Examples for AP:
Either because (respectively) we have the slave nodes replying to requests regardless whether they able to reach master or because the slave nodes in the other partition elect a new master, or because we have a masterless cluster, availability is achieved because all questions are getting an answer - consistency is dropped because both partitions are replying while potentially yielding different states.
Examples for CA:
If we disconnect nodes when a partition occurs, we can ensure that we have at most one partition which ultimately means that the network is not partitioned anymore, or simply there is no service at all. This is the opposite of partition tolerance, because the system is avoiding the partition instead of functioning despite it. Consistency and availability holds in these partially or fully disconnected systems because all working nodes (if any) have the same state and all received queries (if any) will get an answer - shutdown nodes do not receive queries.
To answer the questions:
Under default configurations, databases such as Cassandra and MongoDB are partition tolerant because they do not shutdown nodes to cope with partitions, whereas RDBMS such as MySQL do.
Availability has very little to do with master/slave setup, e.g. Cassandra is masterless and very available because it doesn't really matter which node dies. As for availability in a master/slave setup, there is no reason to stop responding to all queries when master is dead, but you may need to suspend write operations while electing a new one.
A lot of databases now actually have different configurations and depending on the settings you set, it can be either CA, CP, AP, etc but can not achieve all three at the same time. Some databases actually make an effort to support all three but still prioritizes them in a certain way.
For example, MySQL can be CP and CA depending on the configurations. By default, it is CA because it follows a master slave paradigm which data is replicated to the slaves. Partition tolerance is sacrificed in the event that a set of the slaves loses the connection to the master and therefore decides to elect a new master creating two masters with their own set of slaves.
However, MySQL also has another configuration which is a clustered configuration. It prioritizes CP over availability eg. the cluster will shutdown if there are not enough live nodes to serve all the data.
There are probably more configurations for MySQL that makes it satisfy other CAP theorem combinations but overall, I just wanted say that it depends on what your system requires. Sometimes databases are better for one configuration vs another so its best to see what kinds of problems that may also occur in using a certain configuration.
As for implementing the CAP theorem, I would advise taking a further look into different databases and how they implement the priorities for the CAP theorem. There are just too many different ways of implementing them eg. generally, the master slave model is used for CA systems, the hash ring for AP systems, etc.
CAP theorem is problematic and it applies only to distributed database systems. When you have distributed databases then network partition and node crashes can happen. And when network partition happens you must have partition tolerance (the P of your CAP).
So to answer your question number 1) It’s either CP or AP. It can be configured as Will mentioned.
More about why partition tolerance is a must:
More about problems around CAP theorem:
I agree that RDBMS can have all the properties of CAP. I have started studying noSQL DBs and had prior experience with IBM DB2.
Here is how IBM DB2 satisfies all the 3 CAP properties
C : Consistency : Every relational database satisfies this due to the transactional nature of RDBMS.
A : Availability : Availability means that when a query is made for a data that exists, it should be returned. Again, a relational database is designed to do this easily.
P : Partition Tolerance : This is the most interesting one. From DB2 stand point, in the application that I was working on, we had 2 databases spread across different data centres. One was the primary and communicated with the secondary via heartbeats. Each of these primary and secondary databases, had 12 physical instances where data was distributed on the basis of some predefined logic. If the primary goes down, the secondary detects this and takes the place of primary. Since the primary and secondary were always maintained in sync, data remains consistent as well.
This is how I think that RDBMS satisfies all 3 properties of CAP Theorem.
I may be wrong, and open to discussion on this.

Mongodb and Cassandra data storing mechanism

I have been reading about MongoDB and Cassandra. MongoDB is a master/slave where as Cassandra is masterless (all nodes are equal). My doubt is about how the data is stored in these both.
Let's say a user is writing a request to MongoDB(a cluster with master and different slaves each in a separate machine). This means the master will decide(or through some application implementation) to which slave this update should be written to . That is same data will not be available in all the nodes in MongoDB. Each node size may vary. Am i right ? Also when queried will the master know to which node this request should be sent ?
In the case of cassandra, the same data will be written to all the nodes ie) effectively if one node size is 10GB, then the other nodes size is also 10GB. Because if only this is the case, then when one node fails, the user will not lose any data by querying in another node. Am i right here ? If I am right, the same data is available in all the nodes, then what is the advantage of using map/reduce function in Cassandra ? If I am wrong, then how availability is maintained in Cassandra since the same data will not be available in the other node ?
I was searching in stackoverflow about MongoDB vs cassandra and have read about some 10 posts but my questions could not be cleared with the answers in those posts. Please clear my doubts and If I had assumed wrongly, also correct me.
Regarding MongoDB, yep you're right, there is only one primary.
Any secondary can become primary as long as everything is in sync as this will mean the secondary has all the data. Each node doesn't have to be the same on-disk size and this can vary depending on when the replication was done, however, they do have the same data (as long as they're in sync).
I don't know much about Cassandra, sorry!
I've written a thesis about NoSQL stores and therefor I hope that I remember the most parts correctly for Cassandra:
Cassandra is a mixture of Amazon Dynamo, from which it inherit the replication and sharding, and Googles BigTable from which it got the datamodel. So Cassandra basically shards your data, while keeping copies of it on other nodes. Let's have a five node cluster, with nodes called A to E. Your keys are hashed to the keyring through consistent hashing, where continuous areas of your keyring are stored on a given node. So if we have a value range from 1 to 100, per default each node will get 1/5 of the ring. A will range from [1,20), B from [20,40) and so on.
An important Concept for Dynamo is the triple (R,W,N) which tells how many nodes have to read, write, and keep a given value.
Per default you have 3 (N) copies of your data, which is stored on the primary node and two following nodes, which hold backups. When I remember it right from the Dynamo paper your writes go per Default to the first W nodes of your N copies, the other nodes are updated through an Gossip Protocol eventually.
As long as everything is going fine you'll get consistent results, if your primary node is down for some time another node takes your data, through a hinted hand-off. Once the primary comes back your data will be merged, or tried to be merged (this part I can't really remember but check those Vector Clocks which are used to tell the update history).
So if not too big parts of your cluster go down, you'll have a consistent view on your data. If bigger parts of your node are down or you request from only a small parts of your copies you may see inconsistencies, which (may) eventually be consistent.
Hope that helped, I can highly recommend to read those original papers about Amazon Dynamo and Google BigTable, but I think you're mostly interested in Amazon Dynamo. Additionally this post from Werner Vogels may come handy as well.
As for the sharding size I think that those can vary depending on your machine and how hot given areas of your keyring are.
Cassandra does not, typically, keep all data on all nodes. As you suggest, this would defeat some of the advantages offered by it's distributed data model (in particular fast writes would be hampered). The amount of replication desired (how many nodes should keep copies of your data) is customizable by the client at write time. As such, you can set it up to replicate across all nodes, or just keep your data at a single node with no replication. It's up to you. The specific node(s) to which the data gets written is determined by the hash value of the key. Each node is assigned a range of hash values it will store, so when you go to look up a value, again the key is hashed and that indicates on which node to find the data.