Mongodb and Cassandra data storing mechanism - mongodb

I have been reading about MongoDB and Cassandra. MongoDB is a master/slave where as Cassandra is masterless (all nodes are equal). My doubt is about how the data is stored in these both.
Let's say a user is writing a request to MongoDB(a cluster with master and different slaves each in a separate machine). This means the master will decide(or through some application implementation) to which slave this update should be written to . That is same data will not be available in all the nodes in MongoDB. Each node size may vary. Am i right ? Also when queried will the master know to which node this request should be sent ?
In the case of cassandra, the same data will be written to all the nodes ie) effectively if one node size is 10GB, then the other nodes size is also 10GB. Because if only this is the case, then when one node fails, the user will not lose any data by querying in another node. Am i right here ? If I am right, the same data is available in all the nodes, then what is the advantage of using map/reduce function in Cassandra ? If I am wrong, then how availability is maintained in Cassandra since the same data will not be available in the other node ?
I was searching in stackoverflow about MongoDB vs cassandra and have read about some 10 posts but my questions could not be cleared with the answers in those posts. Please clear my doubts and If I had assumed wrongly, also correct me.

Regarding MongoDB, yep you're right, there is only one primary.
Any secondary can become primary as long as everything is in sync as this will mean the secondary has all the data. Each node doesn't have to be the same on-disk size and this can vary depending on when the replication was done, however, they do have the same data (as long as they're in sync).
I don't know much about Cassandra, sorry!

I've written a thesis about NoSQL stores and therefor I hope that I remember the most parts correctly for Cassandra:
Cassandra is a mixture of Amazon Dynamo, from which it inherit the replication and sharding, and Googles BigTable from which it got the datamodel. So Cassandra basically shards your data, while keeping copies of it on other nodes. Let's have a five node cluster, with nodes called A to E. Your keys are hashed to the keyring through consistent hashing, where continuous areas of your keyring are stored on a given node. So if we have a value range from 1 to 100, per default each node will get 1/5 of the ring. A will range from [1,20), B from [20,40) and so on.
An important Concept for Dynamo is the triple (R,W,N) which tells how many nodes have to read, write, and keep a given value.
Per default you have 3 (N) copies of your data, which is stored on the primary node and two following nodes, which hold backups. When I remember it right from the Dynamo paper your writes go per Default to the first W nodes of your N copies, the other nodes are updated through an Gossip Protocol eventually.
As long as everything is going fine you'll get consistent results, if your primary node is down for some time another node takes your data, through a hinted hand-off. Once the primary comes back your data will be merged, or tried to be merged (this part I can't really remember but check those Vector Clocks which are used to tell the update history).
So if not too big parts of your cluster go down, you'll have a consistent view on your data. If bigger parts of your node are down or you request from only a small parts of your copies you may see inconsistencies, which (may) eventually be consistent.
Hope that helped, I can highly recommend to read those original papers about Amazon Dynamo and Google BigTable, but I think you're mostly interested in Amazon Dynamo. Additionally this post from Werner Vogels may come handy as well.
As for the sharding size I think that those can vary depending on your machine and how hot given areas of your keyring are.

Cassandra does not, typically, keep all data on all nodes. As you suggest, this would defeat some of the advantages offered by it's distributed data model (in particular fast writes would be hampered). The amount of replication desired (how many nodes should keep copies of your data) is customizable by the client at write time. As such, you can set it up to replicate across all nodes, or just keep your data at a single node with no replication. It's up to you. The specific node(s) to which the data gets written is determined by the hash value of the key. Each node is assigned a range of hash values it will store, so when you go to look up a value, again the key is hashed and that indicates on which node to find the data.


Sharding with replication

Sharding with replication]1
I have a multi tenant database with 3 tables(store,products,purchases) in 5 server nodes .Suppose I've 3 stores in my store table and I am going to shard it with storeId .
I need all data for all shards(1,2,3) available in nodes 1 and 2. But node 3 would contain only shard for store #1 , node 4 would contain only shard for store #2 and node 5 for shard #3. It is like a sharding with 3 replicas.
Is this possible at all? What database engines can be used for this purpose(preferably sql dbs)? Did you have any experience?
I have a feeling you have not adequately explained why you are trying this strange topology.
Anyway, I will point out several things relating to MySQL/MariaDB.
A Galera cluster already embodies multiple nodes (minimum of 3), but does not directly support "sharding". You can have multiple Galera clusters, one per "shard".
As with my comment about Galera, other forms of MySQL/MariaDB can have replication between nodes of each shard.
If you are thinking of having a server with all data, but replicate only parts to readonly Replicas, there are settings for replicate_do/ignore_database. I emphasize "readonly" because changes to these pseudo-shards cannot easily be sent back to the Primary server. (However see "multi-source replication")
Sharding is used primarily when there is simply too much traffic to handle on a single server. Are you saying that the 3 tenants cannot coexist because of excessive writes? (Excessive reads can be handled by replication.)
A tentative solution:
Have all data on all servers. Use the same Galera cluster for all nodes.
Advantage: When "most" or all of the network is working all data is quickly replicated bidirectionally.
Potential disadvantage: If half or more of the nodes go down, you have to manually step in to get the cluster going again.
Likely solution for the 'disadvantage': "Weight" the nodes differently. Give a height weight to the 3 in HQ; give a much smaller (but non-zero) weight to each branch node. That way, most of the branches could go offline without losing the system as a whole.
But... I fear that an offline branch node will automatically become readonly.
Another plan:
Switch to NDB. The network is allowed to be fragile. Consistency is maintained by "eventual consistency" instead of the "[virtually] synchronous replication" of Galera+InnoDB.
NDB allows you to immediately write on any node. Then the write is sent to the other nodes. If there is a conflict one of the values is declared the "winner". You choose which algorithm for determining the winner. An easy-to-understand one is "whichever write was 'first'".

How to ensure consistent reading in distributed system?

In a distributed system, if only half of the nodes are successfully written, the subsequent nodes that read the unwritten data will be inconsistent. How to avoid this situation?
client write --> Node1 v
--> Node2 v
client read --> Node3 x(The latest data was not read)
My plan:
Compare the data version with other nodes when reading data
If the current node version is found to be lower, it will be routed to other nodes to read data.
I am going to ignore tags [mongo and elastic] :)
What you are planning to do is called Dynamo style replication. That system is eventually consistent by design. (I read a while ago that it could get strongly consistent with some effort, but I don't remember if that paper was correct.)
Back to dynamo and quorum: with three nodes you want to have at least 2 nodes to save writes to assume the write has succeeded. Important point is that you need two nodes to report back to customer the success, but the data is still should to be sent to three nodes.
Let's assume that data is written to two nodes, third failed, but camed back online later. To read the data, you have to read it from any two nodes as well. You will sent read requests to all three, but only two is needed to report back to the customer. This will give you quorum: 2+2>3. This guarantees that there is an intersection in between writes and reads.
This will work ok when the network is good and nodes are healthy. But you will run into major challengers, lost updates and conflict resolution to name a few. But in either way, the system will not be strongly consistent based on design itself.
Let me describe another interesting issue to illustrate weak consistency:
node 1 gets the write
the rest of process fails; node 1 has new data, but node 2 and 3 don't
now, when you read, under the quorum condition, you may or may not see the value from node 1 - since you are picking any two nodes for a read, node 1 may not be in that set.
Long story short, dynamo is not good for strong consistency, and we get to the Raft part of the solution.
Raft will get you what you need. A consistent system. There is a catch to watch for. Most examples are focused on writing - raft maintains a log of messages and consensus is used to agree on the order (and content) of these messages.
But when you do a read, you can't just go to a node, or any two nodes, or three and read the value. You will have to do read via Raft as well, by attaching a read operation to raft's log. This is called linearizable read.
I'll stop here, as this is pretty complicated topic (but not an impossible one to learn).
Hope this gave you enough ideas to explore.
I saw both mongodb and elasticsearch is being tagged, I don't know which case you are thinking, but the two database is very different.
For mongo, replicas are not by default used to increase reading speed, see, the default reading preferences will only look at primary and excludes all replicas. The writing of Mongo is also to the primary first and the replication will happen asynchronously possibly after the write to primary finishes, see Because of that, if you do a force read to the secondary, you are not guaranteed to have the newest data.
For elasticsearch, elasticsearch naturally does not guarantee you always read the most recent data, see, so in either way even if there is only one node you may get data that are out of date.

Why MongoDB is Consistent not available and Cassandra is Available not consistent?

From this resource I understand why mongo is not A(Highly Available) based on below statement
MongoDB supports a “single master” model. This means you have a master
node and a number of slave nodes. In case the master goes down, one of
the slaves is elected as master. This process happens automatically
but it takes time, usually 10-40 seconds. During this time of new
leader election, your replica set is down and cannot take writes
Is it for the same reason Mongo is said to be Consistent(as write did not happen so returning the latest data in system ) but not Available(not available for writes) ?
Till re-election happens and write operation is in pending, can slave return perform the read operation ? Also does user re-initiate the write operation again once master is selected ?
But i do not understand from another angle why Mongo is highly consistent
As said on Where does mongodb stand in the CAP theorem?,
Mongo is consistent when all reads go to the primary by default.
But that is not true. If under Master/slave model , all reads will go to primary what is the use of slaves then ? It further says If you optionally enable reading from the secondaries then MongoDB becomes eventually consistent where it's possible to read out-of-date results. It means mongo may not be be
consistent with master/slaves(provided i do not configure write to all nodes before return). It does not makes sense to me to say mongo is consistent if all
read and writes go to primary. In that case every other DB also(like cassandra) will be consistent . Is n't it ?
From this resource I understand why Cassandra is A(Highly Available ) based on below statement
Cassandra supports a “multiple master” model. The loss of a single
node does not affect the ability of the cluster to take writes – so
you can achieve 100% uptime for writes
But I do not understand why cassandra is not Consistent ? Is it because node not available for write(as coordinated node is not able to connect) is available for read which can return stale data ?
Go through: MongoDB, Cassandra, and RDBMS in CAP, for better understanding of the topic.
A brief definition of Consistency and availability.
Consistency simply means, when you write a piece of data in a system/distributed system, the same data you should get when you read it from any node of the system.
Availability means, the system should always be available for read/write operation.
Note: Most systems are not, only available or only consistent, they always offer a bit of both
With the above definition let's see where MongoDB and Cassandra fall in CAP.
As you said MongoDB is highly consistent when reads and write go to the same node(the default case). Further, you can choose in MongoDB to read from other secondary nodes instead of reading from only leader/primary.
Now, when you try to read data from secondary, your consistency will completely depend on, how you want to read data:
You could ask data which is up to maximum, say 5 seconds stale or,
You could just say, return data from majority of nodes for your select statement.
Same way when you write from your client into Mongo leader, you can say, a write is successful if the data is replicated to or stored on majority of servers.
Clearly, from above, we can say MongoDb can be highly consistent or eventually consistent based on how you read/write your data.
Now, what about availability? MongoDB is mostly always available, but, the only time when the leader is down, MongoDB can't accept writes, until it figures out the new leader. Hence, not highly available
So, MongoDB is categorized under CP.
What about Cassandra?
In Cassandra, there is no leader and any nodes can accept write, so the Cassandra cluster is always available for writes and reads even if some nodes go down.
What about consistency in Cassandra?
Same as MongoDB Cassandra can be eventually consistent or highly consistent based on how you read/write data.
You can give consistency levels in your read/write operations, For example:
read/write data from one node
read/write data from majority/quorum of nodes and more
Let's say you give a consistency level of one in your read/write operation. So, your write is successful as soon as data is written to one replica. Now, if your read request happens to go to the other replica where the data is not updated yet(could be due to high network latency or any other reason), you will end up reading the old data.
So, Cassandra is highly available but has configurable consistency levels and hence not always consistent.
In conclusion, in their default behavior, MongoDB falls under CP and Cassandra in AP.
Consistency in the CAP paradigm also includes "eventual consistency" which MongoDB supports. In a contrast to ACID systems, the read in CAP systems does not guarantee a safe return.
In simple words, this means that your Master could have an updated value, but if you do read from Slave, it does not necessarily return the updated value, and that it's okay to no have this updated value by design.
The concept of eventual consistency is explained in an excellent answer here.
By architecture, Cassandra is supposed to be consistent; it offers a special implementation of eventual consistency called the 'tunable consistency' which would meant that the client application may choose the method of handling this- it even offers multi data centre consistency support at low levels!
Most issues from row wise inconsistency in Cassandra comes from the fact that Cassandra uses client timestamps to determine which value is the most recent, and not the server side ones, which may be tad bit confusing to understand at first.
I hope this helps!
You have only to understand the "point-in-time": As you only write to mongodb master, even if slave is not updated, it is consistent, as it has all the data generated util the sync moment.
That is not true for cassandra. As cassandra uses a master-less model, there's no garantee that other nodes has all the data. At a certain time, a node can have certain recent data, and not having older data from nodes not yet synced. Cassandra will only be consistent if you stop write to all nodes and put them online. As soon the sync finished you have a consistent data.

Mirror Production Mongo Data for Analytics

I have a Mongo cluster that backs an application that I use in production. It's very important to my business and clustered across a number of boxes to optimize for speed and redundancy. I'd like to make the data in said cluster available for running analytical queries and enqueued tasks, but I definitely don't want these to harm production performance. Is it possible to just mirror all of my data against a single box I throw into the cluster with some special tag that I can then use for analytics? It's fine if it's slow. I just want it to be cheap and not to affect production read/write speeds.
Since you're talking about redundancy, I assume you have a replica set.
In that case you can use a hidden replica set member to perform the calculations you need.
Just keep in mind that the member count must be odd. If you add a node you might need to also add an arbiter. Or maybe you can just hide one of the already existing members.
If you are looking for a way to increase querying speed having a lot of data, you have to look might look into sharding with mongodb. Basically what it does is dividing your big amount of data into small shards and stores them on different machines.
If you are looking to increase redundancy (in order to make backup or to be able to do offline processing without touching primary servers) you have to look into replication with mongodb. If you are doing replication, keep in mind that the data on the replicas will be always lagging behind a primary (nothing to worry about, but just need to know this fact to decide can you allow read from the replicas). As it was pointed by Rafa, hidden replica sets are well suited for backup and offline data processing. They will still be able to get all the data from primary (with small lag), but are invisible to secondary reads and can not become primary.
There is a nice mongodb course which is talking in depth about replication and sharding, so may be it is worth listening and trying it.

Difference between Sharding And Replication on MongoDB

I am just confuse about the Sharding and Replication that how they works..According to Definition
Replication: A replica set in MongoDB is a group of mongod processes that maintain the same data set.
Sharding: Sharding is a method for storing data across multiple machines.
As per my understanding if there is data of 75 GB then by replication (3 servers), it will store 75GB data on each servers means 75GB on Server-1, 75GB on server-2 and 75GB on server-3..(correct me if i am wrong)..and by sharding it will be stored as 25GB data on server-1, 25Gb data on server-2 and 25GB data on server-3.(Right?)...but then i encountered this line in the tutorial
Shards store the data. To provide high availability and data
consistency, in a production sharded cluster, each shard is a replica
As replica set is of 75GB but shard is of 25GB then how they can be equivalent...this makes me confuse a lot...I think i am missing something great in this. Please help me in this.
Lets try with this analogy. You are running the library.
As any person who has is running a library you have books in the library. You store all the books you have on the shelf. This is good, but your library became so good that your rival wants to burn it. So you decide to make many additional shelves in other places. There is one the most important shelf and whenever you add some new books you quickly add the same books to other shelves. Now if the rival destroys a shelf - this is not a problem, you just open another one and copy it with the books.
This is replication (just substitute library with application, shelf with a server, book with a document in the collection and your rival is just failed HDD on the server). It just makes additional copies of the data and if something goes wrong it automatically selects another primary.
This concept may help if you
want to scale reads (but they might lag behind the primary).
do some offline reads which do not touch main server
serve some part of the data for a specific region from a server from that specific region
But the main reason behind replication is data availability. So here you are right: if you have 75Gb of data and replicate it with 2 secondaries - you will get 75*3 Gb of data.
Look at another scenario. There is no rival so you do not want to make copy of your shelves. But right now you have another problem. You became so good that one shelf is not enough. You decide to distribute your books between many shelves. You decide to distribute them between shelves based on the author name (this is not be a good idea and read how to select sharding key here). So everything that starts with name less then K goes to one shelf everything that is K and more goes to another. This is sharding.
This concept may help you:
distribute a workload
be able to save data which much more then can fit on a single server
do map-reduce things
store more data in ram for faster queries
Here you are partially correct. If you have 75Gb, then in sum on all the servers there will be still 75 Gb, but it does not necessarily be divided equally.
But here is a problem with only sharding. Right now your rival appeared and he just came to one of your shelves and burned it. All the data on that shelf is lost. So you want to replicate every shard as well. Basically the notion that
each shard is a replica set
is not true. But if you are doing sharding you have to create a replication for every shard. Because the more shards you have, the bigger is the probability that at least one will die.
Answering Saad's followup answer:
Also you can have shards and replicas together on the same server, it is not recommended way of doing it. Each server should have a single role in the system. If for example you decide to have 2 shards and to replicate it 3 times, you will end up with 6 machines.
I know that this might sound too costly, but you have to remember that this is a commodity hardware and if the service you providing is already so good, that you think about high availability and does not fit one machine, then this is a rather cheap price to pay (in comparison to a dedicated one big machine).
I am writing it as an answer but actually its a question to #Salvador Sir's answer.
Like you said that in sharding 75 GB data "may be" stored as 25GB data on server-1, 25GB on server-2 and 25Gb on server-3. (this distribution depends on the Sharding Key)...then to prevent it from loss we also need to replicate the shard. so this means now every server contains it shards and also the replication of other shards present on other server..means Server-1 will have
1) Its own shard.
2) Replication of Shard present on server-2
3) Replication of Shard present on server-3
same goes with Server-2 and server-3. Am i right?..if this is the case then each server again have 75GB of data again. Right or wrong?
Since we want to make 3 shards and also replicate the data so following is the solution to the above problem.
r has shard and also replica set then in that case the failure of that server will lead to loss of replica set and shard.
However you can have the shard 1 and replica set (replica of shard 2 and shard 3) on same server but this is not advisable..
Sharding is like partition of data.
Lets say you have around 3GB of data, and you defined 3 shards, So each shard MIGHT take 1GB of data(And it truly depends on the shard key)
Why sharding is needed? Searching a specific data out of 3GB is 3 times complex than searching in 1GB of data. So its almost similar to partition. And sharding helps for fast accessing of data.
Now coming to Replica, Lets say you have the same 3GB of data without any replication(That means only a single copy of data exists) so if anything happens to that machine or the drive, your data is gone. So replication comes into picture to solve this problem, Lets say when you set up the DB, you have given your Replication as 3, which means the same 3GB of data is available 3 times(So the total size could be 9GB divided by each of 3GB copies). Replication helps for fail over.