App download with webclient not working on device but work on emulator, monotouch iphone - iphone

I'm downloading json data in my monotouch iphone application by webclient. and using json.NET 4.0 R3 for MonoTouch for parsing json data.
Every thing is right on emulator but on when I create a ad-hoc api file and install it on the iphone it does not work.
I have not device on my hand to debug it and find the errors. can any body help me from what may be the diffrent on emulator and device?

I have no idea if this is your issue without further information, but I know I ran into an issue with my app where it worked fine in the simulator but failed on the device. My issue was because of trampolines. I had to increase mine when running on a device. Here is an example of this problem: MonoTouch SIGABRT "Ran out of trampolines of type 2" error
I had that issue (where the app wouldn't download) also with my in-house deployment. Are you using the correct certificate to sign the app for distribution? You need to make sure that you are using a Distribution certificate. You need to make sure you have a certificate here: and a provisioning profile here:
Have you connected a physical device (provisioned for development) for debugging and made sure that it correctly works on the device? This needs to be your first step. If this works, then the issue is likely a certificate/provisioning profile problem and has nothing to do with MonoTouch.

It is not from webclient. Please consider on your codes for parsing json by json.NET 4.0 R3 for MonoTouch. It is better that use JSON.Net componnet that xamrin himself published.


Is it possible to test an app in an iOS device without having a Mac?

I believe this is a duplicate question, but examining the others I could not find my problem exactly.
I have developed a flutter app and I intend to publish it. So I rented a virtual Mac, loaded the project in XCode and tested it on a simulator. Everything worked fine.
I have an Apple Developer Account, Certificates, registered an iPhone, etc., but it seems that I have to physically connect the device to the computer to be able to run it on the iPhone. No way to do that remotely (I'm in Brazil and the virtual Machine in NY).
XCode tells me to plug in the device so it can register it (but I have registered it already in the developer's site).
I thought it would be possible to generate some kind of executable to download to my iPhone, but it appears that is note the case.
Is there any other way I can do that?
Maybe I can skip this step and try to publish the app, because it is the same project as an Android app already tested and published in Play Store.
The answer is yes, the modern answer is probably TestFlight. But this has always been possible using OTA downloads. To do this, archive your app, create an OTA manifest and put this on a web server somewhere. Then you can download the app straight to your phone (assuming it's signed with the correct provisioning profile and all that). We used to do this a lot before TestFlight came along.
This question and
this article are somewhat related to what you want to do
I was having trouble to test without an iphone what I did is register this device on my account and so far I could build the app for iOS.

Viewing application in simulator

I need to show my app to customer but without sending sources codes to him.
He does not own any iDevice at the moment, but only a Xcode installed on his host with iPhone simulator.
So my question is there a "normal/official" way I can pass him the application binary so he can test it on his simulator ? Probably using xcode archiving ?
PLEASE NOTE : I know what is ad-hoc distribution, please do not suggest this, he does not own a device.
NO. You cannot give him the ipa to launch it in simulator. Only the source code. (If he is smart enough to launch it, I think you guess how confused will the client be when you try to explain him stuff around the provisioning profiles and certificates and keys to pair them) ....
I see your problem - however, if this is just about a small tour through the app and not a long time testing, might I suggest another way around this:
Why not using a screensharing app like TeamViewer, which has a version that works without installation and is quite hassle free. And then let him play with the App running on your computer?
Sorry for not having an answer on the question, but that would be an alternative route to take.
Very simple solution:
Set up a contract with penalty fee if he copy's the code or distributes the code that'll settle you for life.
If he doens't own a device, you could also loan him one with the app installed. Just do an iphone without a sim card or an ipod
Creating an ipa file and run on the simulator is not possible. We can run the simulator using Xcode only. (means by sharing the code). If you are not interested, ask him to buy device.

iPhone app crash immediately after update

today my app update it has been released in the store, when updated or downloaded for the first time the app immediately crash on start.
I've tested the app on simulator and on device (the same where I've installed the update from the store) and I never experienced this problem.
My update it has been submitted with Organizer after the archiving, in the Distribute section.
Apple do not perform these types of controls before to release an app?
Anyone experienced a similar problem? I have no idea what could be the cause..
Thank you, Stefano.
Here's the best way to test a production build without deploying to the store:
Set your build Scheme to "iOS Device"
Do an Archive build
Select your archive and click Distribute
Choose "Save for Enterprise or Ad-Hoc Deployment"
Pick your code signing cert
After saving the ipa file, use Apple's iPhone Configuration Utility(*) to install it on your device
You should always perform two tests:
installing on a blank device after uninstalling your app *and any profiles in Settings -> General -> Profiles"
installing over the top of the previous version of your app, to make sure any files/preferences/etc are properly converted to the new format
(*) the iPhone Configuration Utility is mostly used for enterprise app deployment, but it's also useful for developers and is available as a free download for mac and windows at You can also use iTunes instead, but it's convoluted.
As for why your app is crashing? No idea... it could be anything. Standard debugging advice applies.
The issue is related to the Framework. I had this exact error. It wasn't a case of logic as it was crashing before the AppDelegate was even called and my usage of NSMetadataQuery was much later in the life cycle than that.
It turns out that weak linking the Foundation framework was required.
Problem was solved by changing (under the Project Info in Xcode) the dependency option of the Foundation.framework from required to optional. Check for any such frameworks.
Try deleting any old versions of the app you have on your device, and reinstall. Also try on a different device, maybe with a different apple id to your developer account.
This happened to our app also, and apparently, other apps too.
Apple is aware of the problem and is currently working on a solution.
see this article:
If you are using core data & you have updated database in your latest version without versioning core data in that case app crashes on launch after update.

Application crashing in Distribution mode not in debug mode

I am facing an issue for which I am giving a try a to explain here. (I don't know I will be able to explain).
I made an iPhone application having the base sdk version current and target OS devices as 3.0 the application was running well until I tried to build for iPhone 5.0.
Now when I am making the build for iPhone 5.0 the build is running fine in debug mode but its crashing in Distribution mode. I am consuming some webservice in the application using SOAP. The first step of authentication using the webservices is working fine in both mode but I am not able to move further in distribution mode. Moreover I feel very helpless as I am not able to find the right place from where the issue is being generated.
I know that's a weird thing to ask but still I am hopeful that somebody would have faced a similar challenge and would have overcome it. So the knowledge-full would enlighten me too.
What is "Distribution mode"? Do you mean "Release" configuration? Which one you have? llvm 3.0? Is your project ARC-enabled?...
(Anyhow, first thing I would do is replacing -Os Fastest, Smallest optimization with no optimization. Try to run.)
Try these
iPhone Codesign object file format invalid or unsuitable

IPhone App Submission Problem

I have finally gotten my first app to work properly and I'm attempting to send it to the App Store. In my Application Loader, I'm getting this error:
Info.plist does not contain a CFBundleResourceSpecification
I have read on the following SO question that this could be because I am Building on the simulator and then zipping up the app, and sending this instead of building on a proper device.
However, when I provision a distribution profile, I can't select my IPod Touch under my devices when I have App Store selected. When I switch it to AdHoc I can select it, then I can Build it on the device perfectly, everything works. Has anybody had this issue before?
Any advice would help me here, Thanks!
An App Store build can't be run on a device using Xcode. It's only good for submission.