IPhone App Submission Problem - iphone

I have finally gotten my first app to work properly and I'm attempting to send it to the App Store. In my Application Loader, I'm getting this error:
Info.plist does not contain a CFBundleResourceSpecification
I have read on the following SO question that this could be because I am Building on the simulator and then zipping up the app, and sending this instead of building on a proper device.
However, when I provision a distribution profile, I can't select my IPod Touch under my devices when I have App Store selected. When I switch it to AdHoc I can select it, then I can Build it on the device perfectly, everything works. Has anybody had this issue before?
Any advice would help me here, Thanks!

An App Store build can't be run on a device using Xcode. It's only good for submission.


Getting Mulitiple App Icons on ios7 device

Im getting a strange bug on ios7 (iPhone5 device). I installed iPhone app using xcode5 on ios7
my problem is whenever I install my app on the device, I'm getting my app icons multiple
times with same name, I also tried for different apps through my system. I'm getting the same problem, even duplicate icon image not deleting from my device.
Any help will be appreciated.
I also have similar issue. the installation icon with a "download circle" is left behind. I have a workaround to delete this extra icon. Try to install the app again and when device is downloading the app, delete the icon!
I also observed that when I upload the same ipa on testflight, or use itune directly, it work without leaving another icon behind.
Any help?
I had a similar problem when downloading the app from server. The issue occurs when there is a conflict with the bundle identifier in your info.plist in your app bundle and the bundle identifier in the plist file on the server from which you download your ipa. If both the bundle identifier are of exact match, you will not run into this issue.
Have you made sure all the app icon dimensions are correct? I don't know if that would help at all. Another thing you should try is loading the app onto another iPhone that isn't yours to see if it is on your Computers side or just your phones problem.

How to test iphone app on remote location

I have created an iPhone application. I don't have the iPhone and I want to test the application on the iPhone of my friend who is far from me. How can I test it on his iPhone?
When I searched on google, it told me that you need to have the device with you. Is it possible to send the wrap and send the application to a remote location and get tested from there? I also have the Apple ID and license.
Yes with a tool like TestFlight you will be able to check wether or not your will work on a device. Thus is good for acceptance testing but never for technical working of an app.
But when it comes to really testing a device is needed, there is not way around it. You should do performance testing on a device.
Also there is no way to use the debugger unless it is connected to your development machine.
If you are developing for iOS get an iOS device.
It's possible, check Test Flight:
I used it in the past for the same scenario as you
You should have a device yourself for testing on, before you publish anything in the App Store. Testing in the simulator is just not the same as testing on a device.
On developer.apple.com you will need to create a Ad Hoc distribution profile. You will also need to add all the devices you want to run the app on to this profile. Once you have the profile and you have it installed in Xcode, you can run an Archive build and sign it with the distribution profile. After this you can select the archive and click on 'Distribute...' to generate a .ipa file.
Once you have this .ipa file, you could use a site like testflightapp.com to distribute the app to test-devices. (you could also just email it ;-) )
If you are looking for just a way to transfer the ipa to someone else the best simplest solution for that would be http://www.diawi.com/ or https://appsendr.com
Get the target Device UDID and add it to your testing list, Create your IPA, drag it to the site above, Done.
No need to signup or anything like that.
I like appsendr better because of the small app they provide.
Lets you drag the IPA to your tool bar and have the ipa url right in your clipboard once it's uploaded.

App won't transfer from iTunes to iPhone

We have a working app and we want to field test it by putting on our client's iPhone. We've already put the app onto one of our phones through iTunes with no problems. When we tried to get it onto the other phone (after getting it onto iTunes) there was an error.
The other computer already has the provisioning profile on iTunes, both phones are included in the profile, both phones are the same model (4s) and are running the same OS.
The only difference I can think of is that we are trying to transfer through a PC for this one, whereas we used a Mac. I hope this isn't the problem.
Is there any way to know what's causing the problem? Or a workaround?
Please try testflight or diawi for installation of app. its very easy.
Have you tried selecting the device under "Organizer" and choosing "Use for development"?

trying to publish to app store - No provisioned iOS device is connected

I do not wish to start the iphone app executable on the device.
I just want to publish it to appstore.
so after following all steps I have in my folder:
However from what I understood this is not enough i need to zip the app file... if I could zip this file and upload it to app store this would be great. But when I tried the application loader it didn't accept a zip with this file.
so in xcode I have choosen: device and not simulator, and it complains now when I build that the device is not connected (the device is not with me...) so my question is can I create (build) the the product.app so that I can then publish it to app store even when I don't have a device with me?
Assuming you have your App Store provisioning profile setup and selected, under the Build menu select Build and Archive it sounds like you are doing Build and Run (which is not what you want).
Then from the organiser you can Submit directly to the App Store, you don't even need application loader.
Hope this helps,

app could not be verified alert

I am quite new to iphone development, I am following the specified steps to test app on my device.
I have two provisioning profiles outof which none are expired. These profiles aare working fine on 3.0 devices, but when I try on 2.0(iphone) devices it says application could not be verified.
I am using snow lepord and it doesnot provide simulator support below 3.0 thats why I have to test my app on devce.
Can you help me regarding this.
Thnx in advance
ok I think this one is done but now its showing "Failed to upload MyApp.app" due to which app appears in iphone but I cannot debug my code.
I have checked the tick box in entitlements.plist
Google is your friend here.
Two good articles right off the bat...