LWUIT 1.5 VKB issue - lwuit

The native keyboard for BB, opened via LWUIT 1.5 has the following issues,
The EditField of BB, if it is added to the bottom of the form, doesn't scroll up.
I am getting a rectangular box (like a selector or a magnifier) when I type something, then again click on the text area
When I have 2 Textfields, When I click on the first, edit it. touck the same text area (The magnifier pops up) and then click on the 2nd text area, the VKB of the previous is retained. It isn't closed.
If the scrolling up of components is resolved in Codenameone, pls help me to resolve the same in LWUIT 1.5 too .
Kindly help me in this regard.

The question isn't very clear about the problem. We have a few patches for text editing on Blackberry in Codename One such as special TextField properties e.g.
ta1.putClientProperty("RIM.nativePopup", "true");


Text aligment cursor problem in user Input field (WIX sites)

I'm creating my own site on the Wix platform, and I met one problem. When I'm setting up text alignment to the right side, after starting typing, the cursor moves to the left side of the text, but I want to make it usual and keep it on the right side (with left and center text alignment it works fine). I can't find any setting in Wix, to fix this.
I don't think that I can add custom CSS code in WIX elements, but I can add some JS code there/
Cursor problem image
I would appreciate any help

JQuery Mobile Custom Select Menu is visible when unselected

I was having the same problem as this question:
jQuery Mobile 1.1.1 Custom Select Menu - Placeholder Text not Visible
The above question solved my problem by telling me to use 'http://code.jquery.com/mobile/latest/jquery.mobile.min.js'. That solved my original problem but caused another.
The select menu is always displayed and doesn't center on the select item like it did before.
Does anyone know how to fix this. I think I might be able to hide and show the menu if that was the only problem that I was having, but even when selected it is not in the right position. It should be centered over the select element both horizontally and vertically (if given enough vertical space).
This is caused by the latest release of JQuery, but I also can't download 1.1.1 because it causes the original problem that I had which was solved in the other question.
Looks like the menu is displaying relative to the rest of the content - Try adding a css line on there
on the menu structure - Another good way to test this would be to load up your site in google chrome and use firebug to see why the menu is positioning lower than the "click point." Just on glance it appears that the menu is appearing relative.

Iphone like password interface

I am new to Iphone programming. I want to add a password module to my application with look and feel as iphone's "Enter Passcode". Is it possible. I earlier tried this by using four text boxes and allowing allowing to enter only one alphabet in each.
This had the problem of cursor in the text boxes. So i disabled all these, took an invisible text box. Allowed user to enter passcode in it. And copied the text in each of those disable text box on textediting event. This works as required. However the last text box of the four never displays text. Is this because i have chosen text editing event. Please help.
There's a Google Code project that has implemented this pretty nicely:
Hope this helps!
You mean the 4 number pin pad?
I implemented something similar
xib file with 12 UIButtons 4 UILabels and 4 UIImageViews.

Order of widgets in Netbeans JavaFX designer

I'm using the JavaFX designer in NetBeans for the first time, and I'm not sure how to control the order of my objects layering. I wanted to put an ImageView behind a group of buttons, but it always appears above them. How do I tell the designer that it goes below the buttons?
Darn, I knew this would happen. Spend an hour searching, post a question, find the answer five minutes later. The Navigator panel in the bottom left. Just click and drag the item up or down to control ordering.

Change content of a Label depending on panel size

once again I've got a question. Since I am using Google Web Toolkit (GWT) at work (along with Java Servlets), I am currently building some user interface with GWT (in Java).
I've got some trouble though. I am using a SplitLayoutPanel which contains a ScrollPanel on the left and another one on the right.
In the left ScrollPanel there's a VerticalPanel with several Labels, which differ in their width. What I want to accomplish, is: if the Label's text doesn't fit in one line, it should display as many characters as possible and have a "..." in the end, if it's not fully displayed.
I am about to add a CustomEvent EventHandler for the Label, which can be fired whenever the Label needs to change its content. Now the problem however is, that I'd need to fire the event whenever the ScrollPanel or its inner VerticalPanel is resized (by dragging the SplitLayoutPanel-Splitter).
Now the question: is it possible to override some sort of "onResize"-Event or at least "onMouseMove"-Event inside the VerticalPanel, so that I could fire the "changeLabelSize()"-method for each Label inside of this VerticalPanel?
How would I go about it? Thank you all for your time in advance! Please ask for anything unclear, so I can clarify it.
Best regards,
This can be done easily with the CSS property text-overflow: ellipsis;.
Supported by IE7-, Safari and Konqueror.
And it can be emulated in Firefox.