Change content of a Label depending on panel size - gwt

once again I've got a question. Since I am using Google Web Toolkit (GWT) at work (along with Java Servlets), I am currently building some user interface with GWT (in Java).
I've got some trouble though. I am using a SplitLayoutPanel which contains a ScrollPanel on the left and another one on the right.
In the left ScrollPanel there's a VerticalPanel with several Labels, which differ in their width. What I want to accomplish, is: if the Label's text doesn't fit in one line, it should display as many characters as possible and have a "..." in the end, if it's not fully displayed.
I am about to add a CustomEvent EventHandler for the Label, which can be fired whenever the Label needs to change its content. Now the problem however is, that I'd need to fire the event whenever the ScrollPanel or its inner VerticalPanel is resized (by dragging the SplitLayoutPanel-Splitter).
Now the question: is it possible to override some sort of "onResize"-Event or at least "onMouseMove"-Event inside the VerticalPanel, so that I could fire the "changeLabelSize()"-method for each Label inside of this VerticalPanel?
How would I go about it? Thank you all for your time in advance! Please ask for anything unclear, so I can clarify it.
Best regards,

This can be done easily with the CSS property text-overflow: ellipsis;.
Supported by IE7-, Safari and Konqueror.
And it can be emulated in Firefox.


GWT ToolTip -Requirement

I am looking for tooltip/widget/popup panel like this one
Any idea for such tooltip in GWT ?? I tried ballon widget in gwt,but that does not help me,i need a tooltip like the one above that should also be selectable!
PopupPanel is certainly your best start. PopupPanel will get you an undecorated square box like your example, with user interaction.
Depending on your design requirements you can setup the content with straight HTML (embed an HTMLPanel, with the HTML as contents, inside a PopupPanel), or lay it out using the GWT layout tool.
Also look over: DecoratedPopupPanel for some ideas about decorating the border of your panel with css rules. This may help with the little triangle pointer at the top.
One more hint: you might end up embedding a FocusPanel in your PopupPanel if you need to track events outside specific GUI elements.

GWT: how to nest a TablayoutPanel inside a scroll Panel without specifying its exact height?

I need a scrollPanel with a verticalpanel and a tablayout panel inside it. Problem is, unless I specify the exact height of the tablayoutPanel, the tab content does not show. Any known fixes/ workarounds?
Not the answer you are looking for, but might spark an idea for another way to do this - what does it mean to scroll a tab panel? As soon as the user starts scrolling down, the tabs will no longer be visible to change tabs, user will always need to scroll all the way to the top to consider any other tab.
That said, any of the *LayoutPanel classes GWT has introduced that implement ProvidesResize, RequiresResize, etc need sizing to properly draw themselves and their content. This is why you are having the issue. These classes are designed to size their children, not to just consume as much space as those children require.
Closest I can suggest to a workaround (except for putting a ScrollPanel inside the TabLayoutPanel instead) would be to know the height of the current tab's contents, add to that the height of just the tabs themselves, and assign that as the height of the tabpanel. Not a very nice solution, but it might get you by.

How to disable hover effect to highlight menu items in GWT MenuBar?

I am making a vertical Menu using GWT MenuBar and selection of particular MenuItem shows content on the right, I am trying to make something similar to TabPanel, but with Tabs on left instead of being on top. Now, since I've got the Menu items and actions in place, I want to remove the effect of hovering over and changing color, and keep that menu item selected which was clicked last and whose content is loaded on the right.
I am open to any comments, if you have a better solution to implement this, using some other components(with-in) GWT, please drop in a comment with your suggestions, I'll really appreciate that.
Or if you can just tell me how can I disable this effect, of hovering and sticking to only that selection, That would be awesome too..
Thanks to everyone, taking time to read this and suggesting a solution.
It's all defined in the CSS of your GWT's theme (probably the default one), so it's a matter of overriding those styles - make sure it's not the other way around :) Inspect the code with a tool like Firebug to see what's exactly being set and change that.

Smartgwt - create a panel with title and a border

This sounds like a pretty simple thing to do but I havent been able to find an easy way to do this. How do I create a panel with a title and a border which can contain my widgets? I have seen the SectionStack class which provides this. But I dont want to create a section stack.
Window can be added to a layout and drawn. But is it the only way or is there a container class that I am missing?
Also, how does one center things? Say a textfield and a button at the center of the page. How is this achieved?
If you are using a DynamicForm, you can give it a border and title with
This actually works for Canvas, too (which is the superclass of most widgets and layouts in SmartGWT).
(I just had the same problem, and found this question, as well as the thread Is there a "titled Border" on the SmartGWT Forums, which gave this answer. I tried and it seems to work.)
To do form-related tasks, look into DynamicForm. To set the inputs in the form, you use setItems(Item...). A text field is a TextItem. You set it's title to control the label that SmartGWT will build. To get a title for the form, the best I've come up with is to use a container canvas that will contain both the title (probably a Label element) and the DynamicForm. To center the inputs, I believe you'd need to use setAlignment on the DynamicForm.
You could create an object that is actually a VLayout that contains a Label (the tile), has a border as you need and includes a Canvas (the generic stuff you want included).
In my experience, I noticed that very often I have a DynamicForm visible, so I just add a BlurbItem control to diplay the tile and a small explanation.

Moveable Panels in GWT?

I need some panels in GWT that have moveable functionality. This is so that if you have a series of event-driven panels that have to be displayed on screen, they aren't all directly on top of each other. This can cause problems when you want to compare two different panels or want to close panels in your own order.
I'm currently using PopupPanels which as far as I'm aware, don't have this functionality.
I think what you want is a DialogBox. This class is a movable PopupPanel and has a constructor argument to create it as non modal, meaning if set to non modal mouse/keyboard events outside the panel are not ignored, but passed to the underlying widgets. This allows to open multiple DialogBox at once and being able to click on them or what's under it.
However, these panels can be moved inside the whole browser window and it's not possible to limit the movable area in the browser window. If you want such functionality you might want to look at the library, which makes it possible to create movable panels inside a specific area.
Does your DialogBox refuse to be moved/dragged around? Make sure you DO NOT add() it into your RootPanel. Just create a new dialog and call show() on it.