using adaptive payments / masspay with a billing agreement - paypal

I'm setting up an ebay like website where there are buyers are sellers. When a user (both buyer and seller) signs up, I make them sign a paypal billing agreement with me. When a buyer sells an item, I charge the seller using the billing agreement.
What I'm stuck on is sending that amount to the seller using the billing agreement. I realize I can use the MassPay or Adaptive Payments API to pay the seller but neither of those interfaces taking a billing agreement ID. They both only take the seller's email address. Does that mean I need to retrieve the user's email address via GetBillingAgreementCustomerDetails before making the masspay / adaptive payments call?

I would look into Preapproved Payments if I were you. Your users would setup a preapproval profile instead of a billing agreement. Then you can send money on behalf of any user using their preapproval key.
Specifically, you'll use the Preapproval API to create the profiles and then the Pay API with a preapproval key included to submit payments when necessary.


Does paypal provide offline token or master token?

I have create an application in paypal sandbox account. I want to do when some of the user click 'transfer money' button, then paypal transfer money from my account to user's account (Note: we have user's email id).
So, it possible to transfer money without authentication to paypal account something like offline access method.
Thanks in advanced.
What you want is a billing agreement, where the user authorizes you to make payments against a PayPal account in the same way you would debit a bank account or credit card. Billing agreements are typically set up in the same way Express Checkout works, but you will be provided an ID to refer to when you need to make payments.
A Billing Agreement allows a seller to charge your PayPal account when you purchase goods from them or use their service.
An example of this would be an agreement to pay eBay seller fees for listing items on eBay.

Paypal mass payment by using Receiver Account Id

I want to implement paypal mass payment in my portal. I'm using paypal adaptive payment and i have my customers paypal account id like RPSE782P3LRMU. How can i process mass payment by using account id instead of email address?
Adaptive Payments Pay API now supports PayPal account ID. Look for AccountID.

Payment Adaptive payments, implicit payment fee

I want to know if there is any fee to make Implicit payment using adaptive payments to other paypal accounts in the same country.
User can buy product from my app using Credit Card through a third party gateway or paypal.
2nd part of my application will distribute commission to multiple merchants who also have paypal account of the same country.
From what I understand its free to send money from senders paypal account in this case the api owner to another registered paypal account of the same country.
Is my assumption correct ?
There is a parameter in the Pay request called feespayer that you can set to specify who pays the fee on a payment. Possible values are SENDER, PRIMARYRECEIVER, EACHRECEIVER, and SECONDARY ONLY.
See the Pay API reference for more details.

Which API I should use for Paypal when I have many receivers and payers

I am building a project that might be a bit complicated and I have to use paypal for this.
There are many users in the app and they can be receivers, payers or both. The receivers/sellers provide certain services and the payers have to pay their sellers monthly. So if the user agrees to pay, the paypal will charge him monthly and automatically. The users need to register as paypal member and get authorized from paypal beforehand so I can use their emails for the transactions in the app.
I am thinking of using paypal express checkout with recurring apis, but I am not sure if it is the right decision and no clue if it is working. Any suggestions? thanks.
You could use either Express Checkout, Subscriptions w/ Website Payments Standard, or Enhanced Recurring Payments w/ Website Payments Standard. Either one of these would allow you to set up recurring payments. Enhanced Recurring Payments is the only one that would have a monthly charge associated with it. Express Checkout and Subscriptions w/ Website Payments Standard would not have a monthly charge. However, Enhanced Recurring Payments allows the buyer to sign up for a subscription without having to have a PayPal account, and they can just use their credit card. Express Checkout and Subscriptions w/ Website Payments Standard require the buyer to have a PayPal account. They can still be billed via credit card, but they have to have the credit card attached to their PayPal account. The subscription would bill the PayPal account, and the PayPal account would pull the funds from the credit card on the account.
With a PayPal account, your users can receive or send funds based on the country these accounts are located in.

PayPal adaptive - can pay via more than one currency?

Can more than one Preapproved payment agreement be setup per user?
Ie Preapproved for USD and preapproved for GBD?
Preapproval is between an API Caller (application) and a consumer. You can create as many preapprovals as needed - each one of them will get it's own preapproval key. But that said, Preapproval is just a delegated access for the app to make a payment on behalf of the user. So the same preapproval key can be used to make payments with different currencies. Just keep in mind that when there is a currency conversion - the recipient has to pay for the currency conversion fee and possibly cross border txn fee.