Which API I should use for Paypal when I have many receivers and payers - paypal

I am building a project that might be a bit complicated and I have to use paypal for this.
There are many users in the app and they can be receivers, payers or both. The receivers/sellers provide certain services and the payers have to pay their sellers monthly. So if the user agrees to pay, the paypal will charge him monthly and automatically. The users need to register as paypal member and get authorized from paypal beforehand so I can use their emails for the transactions in the app.
I am thinking of using paypal express checkout with recurring apis, but I am not sure if it is the right decision and no clue if it is working. Any suggestions? thanks.

You could use either Express Checkout, Subscriptions w/ Website Payments Standard, or Enhanced Recurring Payments w/ Website Payments Standard. Either one of these would allow you to set up recurring payments. Enhanced Recurring Payments is the only one that would have a monthly charge associated with it. Express Checkout and Subscriptions w/ Website Payments Standard would not have a monthly charge. However, Enhanced Recurring Payments allows the buyer to sign up for a subscription without having to have a PayPal account, and they can just use their credit card. Express Checkout and Subscriptions w/ Website Payments Standard require the buyer to have a PayPal account. They can still be billed via credit card, but they have to have the credit card attached to their PayPal account. The subscription would bill the PayPal account, and the PayPal account would pull the funds from the credit card on the account.
With a PayPal account, your users can receive or send funds based on the country these accounts are located in.


PayPal recurring subscriptions with credit card payments

In my website I have integrated PayPal subscription. There client redirects to paypal site and do the payments and return to my site, it is fine. But my client wants to accept credit card payments, in current implementation users need to create paypal account in order to do credit card payments. As per my finding on the web we can do recurring credit card payments in following ways.
Collect credit card detail and store on paypal side and perform transaction when we need using a token. But this method supports only in UK and US
Collect credit card details and create recurring payment profiles via API. But this method possible only in US,UK,Canada only
We can do credit cards payments on PayPal site(without paypal account) with their Enhanced Recurring Payment service. It is not free($19.99/month)
My client is in France, So in my case only possible option is 3. Am I correct? Is there any other way to do it.
Unfortunately, none of the option is available for France Merchants to process direct credit card payments.
The option 3 Enhanced Recurring Payment(ERP) is available for US,UK,AU and CA.
No, for France Merchants there is no way to accept direct credit card payments, only way is you can turn on "account optional" feature in paypal account and increase chances that buyer could pay with credit card along with PayPal with Website Payment standard or Express checkout

using paypal express checkout API to handle payments for third parties?

i am creating a small marketplace where sellers can sell their products and receive payments to their PayPal account directly from the buyer.
i've previously been using "website payments standard" but am looking to switch to the express checkout API to generate a one-time payment token each time someone purchases something and which then allows buyer#email.com to send a payment directly to seller#email.com without the involvement of my PayPal account.
is that possible?
i've only found one option in the documentation at https://developer.paypal.com/docs/classic/api/merchant/SetExpressCheckout_API_Operation_NVP/ called "PAYMENTREQUEST_n_SELLERPAYPALACCOUNTID", but is that the correct way to send the entire payment from the buyer to the seller without any amount going to me?
also, do i NEED to have my own "USER" and "PWD" to generate an API token each time if I am receiving no payment mysefl?
Think you are looking for Adaptive payments.
Adaptive payments handles payments between a sender of a payment and one or more receivers of the payment. You are an application owner, such as a merchant that owns a website, the owner of a widget on a social networking site, the provider of a payment application on mobile phones, and so on. Your application is the caller of Adaptive Payments API operations.
So, in general if you want to act as API caller and to felicitate the money transfer between buyer and seller, Adaptive payment is the way to go.
Steps to go live with Adaptive Payments

Recurring payments via Express Checkout with CC not paypal account

Using the PayPal Express Checkout API, is it possible to set up recurring billing but have "PayPal account optional" feature enabled?
I have it enabled in the account (UK, Business with Express Checkout + Recurring billing enabled) and I'm also setting 'SOLUTIONTYPE=Sole' in the API call SetExpressCheckout which according to the docs sets the call to "Paypal Account Optional". However I still get the "Create a PayPal account - pay by debit card option".
Is there any way to have recurring billing without requiring a PayPal account?
Unfortunately, when working with recurring payments users will need a PayPal account to sign up through Express Checkout.
You would need to sign up for Payments Pro + Recurring Billing to get access to process credit cards directly and setup profiles that way. This way you could eliminate the redirect to PayPal altogether when people choose to pay with a credit card.

Import existing recurring donations into Paypal

Currently I am working with several non-profits (who receive recurring donations normally monthly) to migrate away from their current gateways to Paypal.
Is there any way to import their currently donor's payment information into Paypal?
If not which would you recommend to help migrate their donors over?
1) Setup a special section of their website and as donor's to re-subscribe?
2) Send out Invoices for their current recurring amount (if its possible to email a subscription)?
This depends on what type of system you are currently using, and specifically what type of service you are going to use from PayPal. Are you going to be using PayPal's Recurring Payments, Enhanced Recurring Payments, Subscriptions or Payflow's Recurring Billing? If you have all of the contributor's information, such as credit card info, name, address and etc and you are going to be using PayPal's Recurring Payments or Payflow's Recurring Billing you could use the API's to create the profiles on your PayPal or Payflow account without having to have the contributor do anything on their end. If you are going to be using PayPal's Enhanced Recurring Payments or Subscriptions, then you would need the buyer to re sign up for a recurring donation. You can could use either option that you mentioned above. You would be able to do either through PayPal.

Paypal Express Checkout Subscription using Credit Card Payment

Is it possible to set up a subscription via Paypal api Express Checkout, so you can pay via Credit card and Paypal login. The Paypal login works no problem, but I can not get it to work with credit cards at the moment.
I have set the NVP SOLUTIONTYPE = Sole
I know you can set up a paypal subscription button, but the client want to sell a product (single payment or instalments) and add a subscription if user wants to sign up.
Many thanks for any help.
For anyone else who has this problem I got this response back from Paypal:
With subscriptions and Express Checkout, they will be PayPal only. Any time you specify a billing type in your SetExpressCheckout call, it turns it into a PayPal only transaction. The only way you would be able to set up a recurring payment via credit card (without a button) is to use the Website Payments Pro and Pro Recurring Payments. Website Payments Pro would allow the customer to enter their credit card directly on the website for one-time payments and also you can set it up to accept the credit card information for recurring payments. You wouldn't be able to turn that one-time payment into a recurring payment at a later time but if you wanted to set them both up at the start that's certainly possible. Also, you would be able to use reference transactions with your Pro payments as well.
Here is a link to the paypal manual for Paypal Pro.
Be warned, with Paypal Pro you can not accept American Express cards, if your paypal account is not American - which sadly is what I'm trying to do :(
No, this is not possible with Express Checkout Recurring Payments.
You must purchase Direct Payment Recurring Payments (an addon to Website Payments Pro) in order to set up profiles direct via credit card.
Note that Direct Payment Recurring Payments is only available in the US, UK and Canada at the moment.
This is not possible to make direct payment with Express Checkout,for this you have got create and account on paypal and please set only two options to working credit/debit card with Express Checkout.
solutiontype = Sole
landingpage = billing