When using Python for the Dwolla off-site gateway the guest checkout does not always appear as expected. (using reflector account and LIVE.
When adding products as:
Dwolla.add_gateway_product('A Fee 1', 1.05, 'Test product',1)
Dwolla.add_gateway_product('A Fee 2', 1.25, 'Another Test product', 2)
url = Dwolla.get_gateway_URL(destination_number, OrderID, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00,
'Description',redirectURL, True)
**Note True here is for the "allow funding sources"
Total = $3.55 and the guest checkout shows up as expected.
However without changing the settings in the gateway url adding items that total 1092.99 causes the guest checkout to fail to appear.
This is reproducible so does anyone #Dwolla know if there is a dollar limit for when the guest checkout appears and when it does not? Or other reasons for this behavior?
I can provide screen shots of the results but Stackoverflow is not allowing me to attach images yet.
The Guest Checkout feature has a transaction amount limit of $1000.00, which is why the guest checkout option doesn't appear at the off-site gateway when you try to checkout with a total of $1092.99.
I have an eCommerce site where ordinary customers (B2C) checkout as guests, and other retailers (B2B) checkout as logged-in customers. I'm using FoxNetSofts SimpleCheckout plugin to do this.
For logged-in customers ("customers") this works splendidly. They are sent to the route "Checkout" which sends them to the URL /simplecheckout and loads the FoxNetSoft plugin page.
For guests, however, this does not work. They are sent to the route "Checkout", which sends them to the url /cart/ and loads the standard nop cart.
As far as I can tell, all settings are correct. I have not manually changed any routes.
I have tracked the problem to cart validation, and cart errors.
2016.01.26 09:58:02:3077*******
SimpleCheckout. Start.
2016.01.26 09:58:02:3480*******
Validation (cart). Warnings.
EDIT: I managed to solve my own problem. It stemmed from a missing Checkout Attribute, which was set as required in the admin backend. Since the attribute was missing I was redirected to my cart to solve the problem. It thus had nothing to do with the plugin.
I managed to solve my own problem. It stemmed from a missing Checkout Attribute, which was set as required in the admin backend. Since the attribute was missing I was redirected to my cart to solve the problem. It thus had nothing to do with the plugin.
I'm using Paypal Website Payments Standard to accept recurring payments, but thinking of upgrading to "Enhanced Recurring Payments" to accept recurring payments from people without paypal accounts. I want to know, what if any are the changes to the APIs? Specifically, do the IPN messages differ at all? I can't find any information on how Enhanced Recurring Payments changes it, if at all.
If anybody knows, or can post a sample IPN for an Enhanced Recurring Payment without a PayPal account, that would be great!
There is a difference of only one variable between the IPN for PayPal Payments and the Credit card Payments . For the credit IPN you will receive an extra variable "receipt_id" in addition to the other variables . I have posted the two sample IPN's below :
ERP IPN when somebody pays via credit card option
mc_gross=1.00 &protection_eligibility=Eligible &address_status=confirmed &payer_id=ZQSC4
4KE3MPNE &address_street=3710 Spring Haven Trail ada &payment_date=07:49:47 Sep 29, 2014 PDT
&payment_status=Completed &charset=UTF-8 &address_zip=07054 &first_name=Eshan &
option_selection1=Small &option_selection2=Red &option_selection3=Value for the text field &
amp;mc_fee=0.33 &address_country_code=US &address_name=Eshan agag ¬ify_version=3.8 &a
mp;subscr_id=I-KJR1N7DVTSFV &custom=THIS IS CUSTOM VARIABLE FOR SUBSCRIPTION &payer_status=u
nverified &business=XXXXXXXXX &address_country=United States &address_city=Pa
rsippany &verify_sign=Aw6X5vyHflgdAgaJGWvPoCJ8QoI9AGpk50cgjQn5vFFAb.keQURphbSq &payer_email=
jain#jainwain.com &option_name1=First Drop Down &option_name2=Second Drop Down &option_n
ame3=This is Text field &contact_phone=434-343-3434 &txn_id=9E162447RW023401J &payment_t
ype=instant &last_name=agag &address_state=NJ &receiver_email=XXXXXXXXXX &
payment_fee=0.33 &receiver_id=XXXXXXXXX &txn_type=subscr_payment &item_name=Passing
custom field in subs button to see if it comes in IPN and show up in Account &mc_currency=USD &a
mp;residence_country=US &test_ipn=1 & **receipt_id=3610-4109-0310-2116** &transaction_subject
=Passing custom field in subs button to see if it comes in IPN and show up in Account &payment_g
ross=1.00 &ipn_track_id=42d902b155b6d
IPN when someone pays via PayPal
mc_gross=1.00 &invoice= 12345678 &protection_eligibility=Eligible &address_status=confir
med &payer_id=XXXXXXXXXX &address_street=cxas asa &payment_date=09:40:46 Sep 29, 2014
PDT &payment_status=Completed &charset=UTF-8 &address_zip=95616 &first_name=Eshan P
ersonal Test &option_selection1=Small &option_selection2=Red &option_selection3=Using th
e text field as the hidden one and also passed invoice id &mc_fee=0.33 &address_country_code
=US &address_name=Eshan Personal Test Account ¬ify_version=3.8 &subscr_id=I-79KEGCFRB
8V6 &custom=THIS IS CUSTOM VARIABLE FOR SUBSCRIPTION &payer_status=verified &business=XXXXXXX
&address_country=United States &address_city=FL &verify_sign=ABoC7zeo
JKOS8-FgzxlPH0pKFIpkABi1td4dId5Vndd1boMDXpvdWXfX &payer_email=XXXXXXXXX &option_n
ame1=First Drop Down &option_name2=Second Drop Down &option_name3=This is Text field &co
ntact_phone=408-767-7151 &txn_id=5LX310552A647342M &payment_type=instant &last_name=Acco
unt &address_state=FL &receiver_email=XXXXXXX &payment_fee=0.33 &receiv
er_id=XXXXXXX &txn_type=subscr_payment &item_name=Passing custom field in subs button
to see if it comes in IPN and show up in Account &mc_currency=USD &residence_country=US &
;test_ipn=1 &transaction_subject=Passing custom field in subs button to see if it comes in IPN a
nd show up in Account &payment_gross=1.00 &ipn_track_id=80ffac6da5284
I have attached Screen Shot also :
I'm developing a cart on a website and I'm integrating it using the hosted checkout page Layout C with iframe within the website page, I have configured all urls so cancel, return and error url but when I try with the 411111.. and 12/15 credit card for test in test mode the website goest always on error page and in the post data I can see 104 error "Timeout waiting for Processor response"
I have followed step by step the guide I dont know how to solve it!
The 41111... card is not supported at this time.
Please use any other Luhn-valid card number. I.e. http://www.darkcoding.net/credit-card-numbers/
I did a button of 3 options for payment (Buy Now) on PayPal, and when I pasted the code on my website.
Everything looks ok until you click on Buy now, It's transfer to error code on PayPal.
This is the link for the website: http://compx.co.il/?page_id=43
The error code that I get is:
1.Can not process your request at this time. Return to CompX IT Services and try another option.
2. PayPal can not process this transaction because of a problem on the site of the seller. Contact the seller directly to resolve this issue.
Any suggestion?
It's probably a character set issue. The default character set doesn't recognize them so you can fix this problem by changing the text of your option values or by changing the "charset" you're posting to PayPal.
You can follow these steps to modify the character set within your PayPal account:
- Log into your PayPal account at https://www.paypal.com
- Click the Profile link
- Click the 'Language Encoding' link under the Selling Preferences column
- Click the gray 'More Options' button
- Choose the same encoding you are using for your data off your site
- Select 'Yes' for 'Do you want to use the same encoding for data sent from PayPal to you (e.g., IPN, downloadable logs, emails)?'
- Click 'Save'
You can also define the charset value in the button code to match the charact values you have set in your options.
I'm using Paypal Payments Advanced with the hosted checkout page (iframe). This gives customers an option to click the "pay with paypal"(button) which is paypal's Express Checkout or pay using a credit card. Everything seems to be working great, except I am unsuccessful at making individual line items show when passing parameters using the NVP API. Instead I only see a total amount (See picture below).
And I also believe this means the line items are not being sent at all (even when I pay using a credit card) since I don't see any line items when I log into paypal to view the details of the transactions.
Here are the NVP parameters I'm currently using:
"PARTNER" => "PayPal",
"VENDOR" => "company_here",
"USER" => "user_here",
"PWD" => "password_here",
"TRXTYPE" => "S",
"AMT" => "2.16",
"ITEMAMT" => "2.00",
"TAXAMT" => "0.16",
"L_NAME0" => "Test Product 1",
"L_DESC0" => "Test Product Description",
"L_AMT0" => "1.00",
"L_TAXAMT0"=> "0.08",
"L_QTY0" => "1",
"L_NAME1" => "Test Product 2",
"L_DESC1" => "Test Product 2 description",
"L_AMT1" => "1.00",
"L_TAXAMT1"=> "0.08",
"L_QTY1" => "1",
"CUSTOM" => "Custom Text Here",
"INVNUM" => "Invoice12345",
"SECURETOKENID" => "token_here",
Any ideas what I'm doing wrong?
According to this small section in the Express Checkout for Payflow Pro document (page 19):
To enable line-item support in reference transactions, which includes the parameters below,
you must contact Merchant Technical Support at http://www.paypal.com/mts:
So I called PayPal tech support and they turned on line item support in my paypal manager account. However line-items still weren't being sent in the transaction. So I called them again, and they informed me that, for payflow, the line-items won't show in the express checkout and you can't view them in the transaction details in your paypal account either. They are pretty much ignored. They are actually used for certain processors, but since my processor is PayPal, they weren't being used for anything.
The idea is that (say you have a shopping cart) you show a breakdown of line-items at the payment screen, just before a user pays (perhaps same screen where you have the payments advanced iframe, a.k.a. hosted checkout page). Then if you ever want to look up what line items were purchased for a specific invoice, you need to make sure you saved this on your web server, not paypal. Then you can look up the invoice number on paypal and compare with the order details stored in your own database.
I stumbled across your post after running into a similar situation. I also use paypal advanced on two of my websites. One website has been processing orders through the iFrame and has successfully managed to achieve line item support while the other one was having difficulties. I got the same run around with paypal support about how line item for certain PP advanced transactions wasn't supported...But this is false. After talking with all different levels of merchant technical support, both sites now support line item details for all the transaction types available through PP advanced.
We use shiprush, so pulling orders directly from PP is much easier than trying to link shiprush and the shopping cart..