Create custom mail compose view (User Interface) in IOS - iphone

Currently i am working to create a mail composer view without using MFMailComposerview.
My requirements are that i should have to,cc,bcc fields with a webview as as body, while zooming the webview its should behave in the same way as native mail behaves, i.e the "to,cc,bbc" field should also move proportionally.
Concern is just related to the UI not functional part.
Any suggestions on how to start with this thing.

For UI Part (XIB), you can start with following:
You can have a ViewController subclass with UINavigationBar.
Add UITableView (of plain style) on that UIViewController
Make UITableViewCell custom subclass for To,CC,BCC fields.
Make another UITableViewCell custom subclass for Contents.
For the last point, You can use UIScrollView having UItextView and/or UIWebView based upon your requirements for the content/body of your email.
After all this, UI Components working as per your expectation; you can move on the functional part, which is define (though in broad sense) in #user2235613's answer.
Good luck.


Swipe Section Page - Swift 3

I want to make the horizontal swipeable page like YouTube. Is there an object in XCode for this? How do I have to do it? I did not find a tutorial about it. Sorry for my English.
Like this
There are tons of components already made for this in the internet, you can try looking at the cocoacontrols site.
If you still want to write your own code for this, one way is writing a custom UIView subclass. The YouTube feature looks very simple and as far as I can guess, they can use two separate UIView subclasses: one for the menu and one for the pages, just as a container.
For the menu you can use UIStackViews or a single UIViews with UIButtons for the page's titles and another view for the selection effect that moves with the UIButton's touch event. This view should provide a delegate or any notification system that fits better to you in order to notify the container that needs to load the right UIViewController's view inside the container.
The container can be a UIView that loads the view property from the UIViewController subclass on demand. Make sure to add the loaded view controller as a child of the parent view controller, otherwise you will loose some important features.
I hope it can help you to start.

Swift scrolling controller for list of buttons

I'm building a macOS app that requires a scrollable (and ideally, drag and reorderable) list of check box buttons. These buttons are going to be loaded in from a .plist file, so I need some control to load them into.
I'm really a c# programmer, and would just use a stackpanel or dockpanel or something of the like. Is there an equivalent in swift? Or do I need to write a custom control?
I have tried using various types of table views with check box cells, as well as rule views and other scrolling type views.
Sorry, I should have linked to NSCollectionView and NSStackView for MacOS — it's obviously not part of UIKit. :)
Check out UICollectionView. Similar to UITableView (data source, delegate, UIScrollView subclass), but more flexible on how the layout looks and acts. It also supports reordering.
You could also use a UIStackView, but you would have to put it in a UIScrollView yourself and it doesn't easily support reordering.

Design Pattern for Keyboard Pushing Up Blocked TextView

I do understand how to go about making the UIKeyboard push up the UIView if the active UITextView is blocked by the UIKeyboard as per this question: How to make a UITextField move up when keyboard is present?.
What I'm wondering is, from a design perspective, how do you go about implementing the keyboardDidShow and keyboardDidHide methods so that all of the views in your app, whether they be a UIView, UITableView, or UIScrollView all have this functionality and so you need to implement these methods only once?
The only way I could think of would be to have the view property of the UIViewController always set to a UIView, and if you have a UIViewController that needs a UIScrollView or UITableView, just attach it as a subview to this. Then if the UITextView is being blocked, just move the parent UIView up so it will move all of the views that are attached to it.
Does this sound like a good plan, or is it even worth it? Anyone else have any other ideas?
This is a little old, but it's a great article about using firstResponder methods to tell views to slide up. I, personally, like to put my UITextField in a parent container and move it all up. However, I do NOT suggest putting everything in there and moving it all up, because the UITextField "feels" better just above the keyboard. But I do like the background or certain items to move up with the UITextField.
See below:
This is a nice implementation that moves the field up based on the section of the screen it's in (upper, middle, lower). Works very well. May need to be updated for newest SDK, but should be pretty easy.
In experimenting with this, I noticed that if you want to make a BaseViewController that implements this functionality to work for everything that inherits from it, you have to attach another view on top of the UIViewController's view property in order to get it to work. Reason is, if you push the UIViewController's view property up when the keyboard appears, then it resets itself if the app comes back from being active and it's messy.
The problem with this however, is now in all of your child classes you have to attach your subviews to this new view property instead of the regular view property. Also, you probably have to make a custom UITableViewController which will inherit from your BaseViewController class so it can inherit the keyboard notification methods.
Ultimately, I've found it's not the worst idea to have another view on top of the UIViewController's property for a bunch of different scenarios. Making a custom UITableViewController isn't that big of a deal either. So if you have a lot of text fields in your app, this might not be the worst way to go.

custom View IOS [duplicate]

It seems like more and more OS X apps these days are doing all kinds of fancy drawing stuff for custom controls. Apps like Twitterific, Things, EventBox, Versions just to name a few....
So basically I'm looking for any information on how to get started doing this kind of thing. Not sure if it is just done by subclassing controls and using custom drawing or if it is something entirely different.
Any help is greatly appreciated. THanks!
It depends entirely on what you want to do.
The "Show Raw Properties" button in Versions for instance is an NSButton subclass, because basically what we needed is standard button behavior with our own look.  One way to subclass a button is to simply implement your own -drawRect:(NSRect)rect method in the NSButton subclass, but we decided to stick with the way NSButton is implemented in Cocoa, meaning most drawing is done by the button's cell, so the implementation looks like this:
In the NSButton subclass:
+ (Class) cellClass
return [OurButtonCell class];
- (void)drawRect:(NSRect)rect
// first get the cell to draw inside our bounds
// then draw a focus ring if that's appropriate
In the NSButtonCell subclass (OurButtonCell):
- (void)drawInteriorWithFrame: (NSRect) rect inView: (NSView *) controlView
// a bunch of drawing code
The Timeline view in Versions is actually a WebView, the page that you see in it uses javascript to collapse headers you click on.
The rule of thumb I use for where to start out with a custom control is:
To customize the look of a standard Cocoa control:
subclass the appropriate control (like e.g. NSButton and NSButtonCell)
stick as close as makes sense to the way the default control is implemented (e.g. in a buttoncell, start from the existing attributedTitle instance method to draw the button title, unless you always want to draw with the same attributes regardless of what's set up in IB or if you need to draw with different attributes based on state, such as with the trial expiration button in Versions' main window)
Creating an entirely new UI element:
subclass NSView and implement pretty much all mouse and key event handling (within the view, no need to redo "hitTest:") and drawing code yourself.
To present something that's complex, of arbitrary height, but isn't a table:
See if you can do it in HTML, CSS and JS and present it in a WebView.  The web is great at laying out text, so if you can offload that responsibility to your WebView, that can be a huge savings in pain in the neck.
Recommended reading on learning how to draw stuff in your own custom view's drawing methods: Cocoa Drawing Guide
Customizing the look of for instance an NSTableView is an entirely other cup of tea, thanks to the complexity of a tableview, that can happen all over the place.  You'll be implementing your own custom cells for some things you want to do in a table, but will have to change the way rows are highlighted in a subclass of the actual NSTableView object itself.  See for instance the source code for iTableView on Matt Gemmell's site for a clear example of where to draw what.
Finally, I think Abizer's suggestion to go check out the code of BWToolkit is a great idea.  It might be a bit overwhelming at first, but if you can read and understand that code you'll have no trouble implementing your own custom views and controls.
Have a look at some excellent example code: BWToolkit

Can you mix custom-view and non-custom view components in a single UIPickerView?

I have a multi-component UIPickerView in my application. Two components are plain and completely served by the pickerView:titleForRow:forComponent: method. My third component however requires a custom view via the pickerView:viewForRow:forComponent:reusingView: method. I don't see any way in the documentation to have a "partially customized" UIPickerView where some components use ...titleForRow... and some use ...viewForRow.... Is this possible? If so, how does one do that?
You've got to go all or nothing. The plain, boring default views are pretty much just a UILabel. You should be able to easily recreate this view.