PostgreSQL: After using CreateLang, I still get an error "42704: language "plpgsql" does not exist" - postgresql

I am using pgProvider on a MVC3 Mono application and had no issues on Windows Postgres 9.2. I am migrating to my production Linux/Mono environment, and received an error when attempting to access the provider:
"42704: language "plpgsql" does not exist"
I am using postgreSQL 8.4 on CentOS 6.3
I looked at some info, and ran the following:
createlang -d dbname plpgsql
When I run it again, it affirms that the database is already there.
I restarted postgresql and my app. However, I still get the above error.
Does anyone have any info on why I would still receive an "plpgsql does not exist -- after it is installed?"

In general this sort of error is an indication that something is not as you expect and you need to challenge your assumptions.
Please note that languages do not require restarting the database server to take effect on any version of PostgreSQL. Also note that what languages are allowed in PostgreSQL is a per-db catalog entry (languages, unlike users and roles, are not cluster-global).
So in troubleshooting this, you need to start with:
Is this the right db? The right server?
Is my application connecting to the same db/server I think it is?
Given that createlang affirms that the language exists after you run it, this can't be an issue with PostgreSQL raising a phony error. Instead it must be a problem with the changes you made not affecting the database your application is using.


postgres update query not works from Metabase

I'm using the open source Metabase version, and I was able to connect my PostgreSQL databases correctly.
but when im trying to run a update query from metabase its throws below error.
ERROR: cannot execute UPDATE in a read-only transaction
but when I execute same query from terminal and pgAdmin its worked and updated the rows as well.
so i thought the issue is the connection between metabase and PostgreSQL,
then i tried to change the connection propertes as below way.
I have tried below arguments as well.
but im still geting the same error message.
Metabase isn't geared toward modifying any data in the source databases it knows about.
Seemingly as a way to enforce this usage pattern, Metabase's developers are using the setReadOnly method when creating JDBC connection objects which is likely overriding any driver-level properties you've set. (This happens in the file src/metabase/driver/sql_jdbc/execute.clj in the Metabase codebase.) You could attempt to change this by compiling your own custom version of Metabase, but you might achieve some unexpected results.

"Null value for 'password'" - PostgreSQL in DataGrip

I have browsed the web but didn't find any answers/solution to my problem, so i hope somebody here can help me:
I have downloaded DataGrip because i wanted to replace pgAdmin 4. When i try to create a PostgreSQL data source and host it locally, i get the following error: "Null value for 'password'". In pgAdmin 4 i do remember creating a password to access my local database when i first set it up, and it worked fine. However, i don't remember creating a password when installing DataGrip. Is there some default password that im not aware of? And what should be written under "User"?
DataGrip can only connect to the server which already exists (and therefore has a password). "Data source" is the term of DataGrip.
In other words, you need to already have a working database on the server with the known credentials.

MobileFirst install - cannot connect to database appcntr after it was created

Trying to install MobileFirst 6.3 (Using DB2 v 10.5, Windows Server 2012 R2 std) - and during the creation of the DB2 APPCNTR database stage, I get the error:
Creating database APPCNTR (this may take 5 minutes) ...failed:
Cannot connect to database 'APPCNTR' with user 'db2admin' after it was created: DB2 SQL Error: SQLCODE=-1035, SQLSTATE=57019, SQLERRMC=null, DRIVER=4.17.29
This is a clean installation of DB2, with no other programs using it (that I know of). The db2admin user is a member of my windows security group 'DB2ADMS' as well as 'DB2USERS' just in case
If I go back in the installer, then press next again, it says the database is already created (not sure if it's fully successful or partial)....
I believe that the database has been created successfully but for some reason, it is not possible to connect to the database via JDBC.
The explanation for the error message can be found here -- it can be many reasons:
When that happens to me the issue is often resolved by waiting a bit and retarting Installation Manager. Restarting the DB2 instance helps also. (If you don't restart Installation Manager, it believes it needs to create the database and fails because the database was created).
If the problem is not resolved by waiting a bit, you can also create the database manually prior running install Manager using that procedure (use a different database name than the one that is considered busy):
Then use that database name when running Installation Manager,

POSTGRESQL 9.1 backup and restore to 8.4

I'm trying to upload a database, which I developed locally, into our development server.
I installed PostgreSQL 9.1 on my machine and the development server uses 8.4.
When trying to restore the database to 8.4 using the dump file created by 9.1 I get the error:
pg_restore: [archiver (db)] could not execute query: ERROR: syntax error at or near "EXTENSION"
and a quick research tells me that "EXTENSION" doesn't exist prior to 9.1.
I'm not really sure I should look for an option in pg_dump that ignores "extensions" as the database I'm trying to upload relies on the PostGIS extension for most of data.
While upgrading the development server and installing PostGIS in the dev server is an option, I'd like to know of a different route, one wherein I do not need to edit anything on the server while maintaining the functions of the database I developed.
Of course other workarounds are welcomed, my sole aim in uploading my database to the server is to reduce the amount of reconfiguration I have to do on my project whenever I need to deploy something for our team.
This is an old post but I had the same problem today and there is a better more reliable way of loading a PG 9.1 db into a PG 8.4 server. The method proposed by Craig will fail on the target machine because the PLPGSQL language will not be created.
pg_dump -Upostgres -hlocalhost > 9.1.db
replace this line
with this line
delete this line or comment it out
COMMENT ON EXTENSION plpgsql IS 'PL/pgSQL procedural language';
you can use sed to make the changes
Often it is not possible to upgrade an 8.4 server because of application dependencies.
Backporting databases can be painful and difficult.
You could try using 8.4's pg_dump to dump it, but it'll probably fail.
You'll probably want to extract the table and function definitions from a --schema-only dump text file, load them into the old DB by hand, then do a pg_dump --data-only and restore that to import the data.
After that, if you're going to continue working on your machine too, install PostgreSQL 8.4 and use that for further development so you don't introduce more incompatibilities and so it's easy to move dumps around.
In your position I'd just upgrade the outdated target server to 9.1.

How recover sybase database (unknown db version)

I have a database file (*.db) that need to be recovered.
The bad is, the end-user have null idea of the version of the database. Not know the password. The original developer is lost. The computer where was installed was formatted. We have not experience in this database software. Yeah, nightmare.
My guess is a old database. I'm trying to open it in Sybase 11, dev edition.
I follow this steps:
I try to use the UNLOAD utility from command line & from the Sybase central utility. From command line I do:
./dbinfo -c "DBF=/Users/mamcx/Downloads/CEMDE_ENDOCRINO_S.A.DB;UID=DBA;PWD=sql"
SQL Anywhere Information Utility Version
Unable to start specified database: '/Users/mamcx/Downloads/CEMDE_ENDOCRINO_S.A.DB' was created by a different version of the software
Ok, I try to unload:
./dbunload -c "DBF=/Users/mamcx/Downloads/CEMDE_ENDOCRINO_S.A.DB;UID=DBA;PWD=sql" -n /Users/mamcx/Desktop/
SQL Anywhere Unload Utility Version
Connecting and initializing
***** SQL error: Unable to start database server
Ok, from the server admin tool:
dbunload -v -c "UID=dba;PWD=***;DBF=/Users/mamcx/Downloads/CEMDE_ENDOCRINO_S.A.DB" -an "/Users/mamcx/Desktop/baba.db" -ap 4096 -ea None -ii -sa -so _sc866192545
Connecting and initializing
***** SQL error: Unable to start database server
An error occurred while attempting to unload the database '/Users/mamcx/Downloads/CEMDE_ENDOCRINO_S.A.DB'.
Exist a way to know the version of the database server used to create this? Is possible to recover this file?
I don't know how to get the version out of the Database File if you are not able to start it.
You could get a hint from the hopefully existing Client PC's. Check the ODBC Driver Version they have installed.
I had good success with the support of Sybase. If you or your client has a support contract you can get them involved.
Try to simply start a server with that database and capture the output with -z -o server.out. The server.out file should contain a more specific error telling you why it can't start the database. This error can occur if you are trying to start something that is not a SQL Anywhere database.
You may also want to post this question over at