How recover sybase database (unknown db version) - sqlanywhere

I have a database file (*.db) that need to be recovered.
The bad is, the end-user have null idea of the version of the database. Not know the password. The original developer is lost. The computer where was installed was formatted. We have not experience in this database software. Yeah, nightmare.
My guess is a old database. I'm trying to open it in Sybase 11, dev edition.
I follow this steps:
I try to use the UNLOAD utility from command line & from the Sybase central utility. From command line I do:
./dbinfo -c "DBF=/Users/mamcx/Downloads/CEMDE_ENDOCRINO_S.A.DB;UID=DBA;PWD=sql"
SQL Anywhere Information Utility Version
Unable to start specified database: '/Users/mamcx/Downloads/CEMDE_ENDOCRINO_S.A.DB' was created by a different version of the software
Ok, I try to unload:
./dbunload -c "DBF=/Users/mamcx/Downloads/CEMDE_ENDOCRINO_S.A.DB;UID=DBA;PWD=sql" -n /Users/mamcx/Desktop/
SQL Anywhere Unload Utility Version
Connecting and initializing
***** SQL error: Unable to start database server
Ok, from the server admin tool:
dbunload -v -c "UID=dba;PWD=***;DBF=/Users/mamcx/Downloads/CEMDE_ENDOCRINO_S.A.DB" -an "/Users/mamcx/Desktop/baba.db" -ap 4096 -ea None -ii -sa -so _sc866192545
Connecting and initializing
***** SQL error: Unable to start database server
An error occurred while attempting to unload the database '/Users/mamcx/Downloads/CEMDE_ENDOCRINO_S.A.DB'.
Exist a way to know the version of the database server used to create this? Is possible to recover this file?

I don't know how to get the version out of the Database File if you are not able to start it.
You could get a hint from the hopefully existing Client PC's. Check the ODBC Driver Version they have installed.
I had good success with the support of Sybase. If you or your client has a support contract you can get them involved.

Try to simply start a server with that database and capture the output with -z -o server.out. The server.out file should contain a more specific error telling you why it can't start the database. This error can occur if you are trying to start something that is not a SQL Anywhere database.
You may also want to post this question over at


pg: unknown authentication message response: 10 (Golang) [duplicate]

I'm trying to follow the tutorial using PostgreSQL. When I get to the Diesel setup step, I get an "authentication method 10 not supported" error. How do I resolve it?
You have to upgrade the PostgreSQL client software (in this case, the libpq used by the Rust driver) to a later version that supports the scram-sha-256 authentication method introduced in PostgreSQL v10.
Downgrading password_encryption in PostgreSQL to md5, changing all the passwords and using the md5 authentication method is a possible, but bad alternative. It is more effort, and you get worse security and old, buggy software.
This isn't a Rust-specific question; the issue applies to any application connecting to a Postgres DB that doesn't support the scram-sha-256 authentication method. In my case it was a problem with the Perl application connecting to Postgres.
These steps are based on a post.
You need to have installed the latest Postgres client.
The client bin directory (SRC) is "C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\13\bin" in this example. The target (TRG) directory is where my application binary is installed: "C:\Strawberry\c\bin". My application failed during an attempt to connect the Postgres DB with error "... authentication method 10 not supported ...".
set SRC=C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\13\bin
set TRG=C:\Strawberry\c\bin
dir "%SRC%\libpq.dll" # to see the source DLL
dir "%TRG%\libpq__.dll" # to see the target DLL. Will be replaced from SRC
cp "%SRC%\libpq.dll" %TRG%\.
cd %TRG%
pexports libpq.dll > libpq.def
dlltool --dllname libpq.dll --def libpq.def --output-lib ..\lib\libpq.a
move "%TRG%"\libpq__.dll "%TRG%"\libpq__.dll_BUP # rename ORIGINAL name to BUP
move "%TRG%"\libpq.dll "%TRG%"\libpq__.dll # rename new DLL to ORIGINAL
At this point I was able successfully connect to Postgres from my Perl script.
The initial post shown above also suggested to copy other DLLs from source to the target:
However, I was able to resolve my issue without copying these libraries.
Downgrading to PostgreSQL 12 helped

Connect Postman to Postgres

There is a problem.
I need to access Postgres Database from Postman. Database isn't local, it is on a server, but I have full connection string (host, db_name, user_name/password, scheme).
Any chances to do it?
I tried PostgREST, but I can't install it. I have LIBPQ.dll is not found error. I installed it but it was no help, I still have 0xc00007b error.
So that I can't install PostgREST.
Should I install it on the server where DB is located?
And is there any other way?
update: I managed to overcome all the errors (here is the note how to overcome 0xc00007b error:
Now I can call postgrest from cmd with the flag --help, but it's still not connected to the database.
update2: I managed the connection by putting postgrest.conf filled file in the same directory as postgrest.exe file and running in from cmd.
search for app and browser control in start menu, then select exploitation control :
set randomize image ASLR to off

Postgresql and ssl start up error

I am new to freenode and postgresql. I am trying to migrate from mysql to postgresql. Currently trying to set up server for ssl. Have created my server certs and configured the .conf files for ssl according to the manual as far as I can see. Trying to restart postgre sql service fails. Windows event log gives me an event ID of 0 and says
pg_ctrl could not start server examine the log output.
I can't find any log detailing the failure to start in the postgresql folders.
I have tried to register the pgevent.dll as advised by the postgresql manual (18.11 of most recent version), but I get an error message
The module "C:postgreSQL\pg10\lib\postgresql\pgevent.dll" was loaded but the entry-point DllRegisterServer was not found
I believe that means it is either not a registrable dll or it's corrupt.
Can anyone please advise how I can track on Windows the error that is causing Postgre to fail to start?

psql client failing to import dump file - the system cannot find the specified file

I'm attempting to import an SQL dump in PgAdmin 4 using the psql client - However the error message returned is - The system cannnot find the file specified.
Here is a screenshot of my psql client -
The file films.sql is currently stored on my desktop, but I suspect the default location that the psql client accesses is not my desktop? Is there anyway to set the location that the client looks in order to resolve this?
The file SQL is viewable here:
I simply want to get the database on my local machine so that I don't need to store queries in an online learning platform. It would be best if this database is available locally to query and practice on.
I've attempted to execute the whole SQL file as a query on the films database but this does not seem to be working either and returns 'Asynchronous query execution/operation underway.
Query returned successfully in 388 msec.' - However it seems to be the case that the Asynchronous query never completes when I refresh the database.
Please can someone help?
Just give the path to your file:
psql -d my_database -f /path/to/the/file.sql
psql -d my_database -f C:/path/to/the/file.sql
Depending on whether you are on a unix/linux machine or Windows.
Oh, and if you aren't familiar with file paths you may want to take a step back and become more familiar with general computer terminology before diving into a RDBMS. Your learning will be much easier if you have a solid foundation to build upon.
I suspect this question might be moot for the asker at this point, but for anyone else stumbling upon it like I did: the interactive connection info prompts are provided by a batch script (in Windows, I'd guess there's an analogous shell script for Unix) called runpsql.bat, which then just passes your inputs as commandline arguments to the psql.exe executable. I was getting this error because I had migrated my Postgres installation and the batch script was calling a nonexistent path for psql.exe, hence The system cannot find the file specified. I edited runpsql.bat to point to the correct location of psql.exe and that resolved the issue. So for OP, I would look into PgAdmin4 and see where it's (presumably) calling runpsql.bat, then make sure that that calls psql.exe with the correct path.

PostgreSQL: After using CreateLang, I still get an error "42704: language "plpgsql" does not exist"

I am using pgProvider on a MVC3 Mono application and had no issues on Windows Postgres 9.2. I am migrating to my production Linux/Mono environment, and received an error when attempting to access the provider:
"42704: language "plpgsql" does not exist"
I am using postgreSQL 8.4 on CentOS 6.3
I looked at some info, and ran the following:
createlang -d dbname plpgsql
When I run it again, it affirms that the database is already there.
I restarted postgresql and my app. However, I still get the above error.
Does anyone have any info on why I would still receive an "plpgsql does not exist -- after it is installed?"
In general this sort of error is an indication that something is not as you expect and you need to challenge your assumptions.
Please note that languages do not require restarting the database server to take effect on any version of PostgreSQL. Also note that what languages are allowed in PostgreSQL is a per-db catalog entry (languages, unlike users and roles, are not cluster-global).
So in troubleshooting this, you need to start with:
Is this the right db? The right server?
Is my application connecting to the same db/server I think it is?
Given that createlang affirms that the language exists after you run it, this can't be an issue with PostgreSQL raising a phony error. Instead it must be a problem with the changes you made not affecting the database your application is using.