RequestFactory Diff Calculation and 'static' find method - gwt

Am bit stuck by these three questions:
1) I see that diff is calculated in AutoBeanUtils's diff method. I saw a tag called parentObject in the entity which is used in the comparison to calculate diff.
parent = proxyBean.getTag(Constants.PARENT_OBJECT); in AbstractRequestContext class.
Does that mean there are two copies for a given entity thats loaded on to the browser? If my entity actual size is say 1kb, actual data loaded will be 2kb (as two copies of entity are getting loaded onto the browser) ?
2) On the server side:
Suppose I have to fetch an entity from the database, the static find<EntityName> should be such that I have to make a db call every time, or is there a way where I can fine tune that behavior? [Sorry I did not understand the locator concept very well.]
3) What happens if there is a crash on the server side(for any reason which need not be current request specific) when a diff is sent from the client?
Thanks a lot.

when you .edit() a proxy, it makes a copy and stores the immutable proxy you passed as argument as the PARENT_OBJECT of the returned proxy.
you'd generally make a DB call every time the method is called (this is the same for a Locator's find() method), which will be no more than twice for each request. You can use some sort of cache if you need, but if you use JPA or JDO this is taken care of for you (you have to use a session-per-request pattern, aka OpenSessionInView)
If there's any error while decoding the request, a global error will be returned, that will be passed to onFailure of all Receivers for the failed RequestContext request.


Axon - How to retrieve the new entity version number in the CommandHandler?

I'm currently writing a distributed application with a microservice architecture.
For that I am applying the CQRS pattern and event sourcing with the help of the axon framework. Therefore the data is eventual consistent.
Both, the write and the read side, are accessible over HTTP; REST specifically.
The initial problem:
After updating/creating an entity, the user [1] should be able to see the results. Because the events are handled asynchronously, the client/UI doesn't know when the entity is really updated (or created). So when the client fetches the data after sending the update-request but before the event is processed, the unchanged data is returned. Therefore the user could think, that the application is broken and/or sends a new request.
Solution attempt:
While looking for a solution for the read-after-write problem I came accross this blog entry.
There is proposed to return the new entity version in the write response. The client can then request the data with the expected entity version (as Expect header). If the actual version is equal or greater than the expected version, the data is returned. Or else an empty response with a Retry-After Header is returned.
The problem:
When the client sends an UpdateFoo request to the write side, the application sends a corresponding UpdateFooCommand over the CommandGateway. The Command is processed by the entity aggregate which publishes the FooUpdatedEvent. The read side receives this event and updates its entity view which can be accessed over the REST interface of the read side.
This is controlled by the axon framework. The handlers are annotated with #CommandHandler and #EventSourcingHandler respectively.
Now: How can I access the new version number of the affected entity in the CommandHandler, so that this number can be returned in the update response?
Thanks in advance
[1] Not only users. There can als be non human clients.
you can use AggregateLifecycle.getVersion() from within your aggregate. You can choose to return that value as part of your command's results and pass that information when doing a query. If the query doesn't have that version number of the aggregate's information, yet, you can (wait and) retry.

Model parametrized API Call in Activity Diagram

I have an an activity diagram with two swimlanes (Client and Server). I want to model a request call from Client to Server.
Is it correct to use Signals Notation for Calls between systems? Are there alternatives?
The call is parametrized, Client wants to send something which was created before. How to model this?
Thankful for any hint! Here's my example:
My answer has to be improved, but here is a first step.
The norm/spec says: "A SendSignalAction is an InvocationAction that creates a Signal instance and transmits the instance to the object given on its target InputPin. A SendSignalAction must have argument InputPins corresponding, in order, to each of the (owned and inherited) Properties of the Signal being sent, with the same type, ordering and multiplicity as the corresponding attribute.
And a SendSignalAction has an association to a target objet which is an input pin.
So for your question about Request:item I would use input pin, one for the object from which the Signal is created and one to define the Target. (in the schema the target comes from an output pin but a data store may be use). Then after sending the request, the client is waiting the answer. The AcceptEvent is linked to a trigger (not shown on the schema) which a signal, the one created by the server. But you can not link SendRequest of Client to ReceiveRequest of Server because this is not how it runs.
For the server, you can do similar reasoning.
Concerning the parametrization of the call I would use InputPin to model the arguments of the Call i.e. the Object sent by the Call as shown below.
Signal and Call Notations are correct for me but I am not used to have the sending and receive action in the same diagram so will suggest two alternatives.
1) First remove them...
2) Separate Client and Server Modelling
Let me know what you think about that and what seems to be clear for you...
I also recognize the tool you used so please find my project at:
As I see it, it should be modeled like this:
The server runs in an independent loop and starts with waiting for a request. There's a object flow between Create request and Query result set. This symbolizes data placed in a queue (or what ever is appropriate). The receipt of the result set would be done below in a similar way, I just left that out for brevity.
You can also draw an object for the query set
instead of the ActionPins.

Best practices for RESTful API for records with version numbers. Do I use PUT?

Need some guidance on best practices for building a RESTful API in node.js
Let's say I have a person record like so:
id: 1,
name: 'Jon',
age: 25,
recordVersion: 1
If I need to increment the recordVersion every time a value gets changed, would I still use a HTTP PUT to update this record? I've researched on how PUT should be idempotent and should contain the newly-updated representation of the original resource, so I am no sure of what to do.
I could increment the recordVersion property on the first PUT call and send an error on the second PUT call with the same versionNumber of 1 (because it would have incremented to 2 at that point), but does this follow RESTful API standards?
Representation != State
The resources sent over the wire are a representation of the state, not the actual state.
It's perfectly fine to remove the recordVersion and to update it behind the scenes - however if you do that, it would be best to remove it from the representation returned by a GET to that resource as well. To understand why: idempotency is all about what would happen if you applied the operation multiple times in a row (it isn't guaranteed if other operations happen in between...), and about observable side effects.
PUT the data without the version
the data is updated
version code incremented
if you did a GET you would get the data you had PUT (with no version)
PUT the same data again without the version
the data is updated
version code incremented
if you did a GET you would get the same data you had PUT (with no version)
Idempotent, because the resource representation has not changed as a result of calling PUT twice, even though the internal entity state has changed - no observable side effects.
See for a bit more detail.
Using version codes to detect conflicts
As you note, you could use inspect the version and throw an error if it has changed - and in fact this is very RESTful, and in my opinion the best way to approach PUT as it helps avoid (often inexplicable) concurrency errors. If you detect this case, it would be appropriate to return a 409 Conflict http status code.
How this would work is:
PUT the data with the version (v1)
the data is updated
version code incremented
if you did a GET you would get the data you had PUT with the new version (v2) (this is a side effect, but it's ok to have a side effect from the first time you do an operation).
PUT the same data again with version (v1)
conflict is detected because v1 != v2
409 Conflict returned
if you did a GET you would get the same as the result of the first operation - the data you originally PUT with the version v2
This is idempotent, because there have been no observable side effects as a result of calling the operation twice.
The client should, in response to a 409, do another GET to get the latest version code, and possibly offer to the user the opportunity to merge their changes with whatever else has changed in the meantime.
Often people confuse idempotency with thinking that the response to the operation must be the same as a result of multiple calls, but that is not the case - it is about there being no observable side effects as a result of multiple sequential calls.

CQRS and REST HATEOAS mismatch

Suppose you have a model Foo.
One business case is to simply create an instance of Foo, so there is a corresponding CreateFooCommand in my model, triggered by invoking a POST request to a given REST endpoint.
There are of course other Commands too.
But now, there is a ViewModel, which is derived from my DomainModel. It's simply a sql table with raw data - each Foo instance from DomainModel has corresponding derived ViewModel instance. Both have different IDs (on DomainModel there is a DomainID, on ViewModel it's simply a long value).
Now: should I even care about HATEOAS in such a case? In a proper REST implementation, I should at least return location-url in the header. But since my view model is only derived from DomainModel, should I care? I don't even have the view model's ID at the time my DomainModel is created.
Since CQRS means that Queries are separated from Commands, you may not be able to perform a Query right away, because the Command may not yet have been applied (perhaps it never will).
In order to reconcile that with HATEOAS, instead of returning 200 OK from the POST request, the service can return 202 Accepted:
The request has been accepted for processing, but the processing has not been completed. The request might or might not eventually be acted upon, as it might be disallowed when processing actually takes place. There is no facility for re-sending a status code from an asynchronous operation such as this.
The 202 response is intentionally non-committal. Its purpose is to allow a server to accept a request for some other process (perhaps a batch-oriented process that is only run once per day) without requiring that the user agent's connection to the server persist until the process is completed. The entity returned with this response SHOULD include an indication of the request's current status and either a pointer to a status monitor or some estimate of when the user can expect the request to be fulfilled.
(My emphasis)
That pointer could be a link that the client can query to get the status of the Command. When/if the Command completes and the View is updated, that status resource could then contain a link to the view.
This is pretty much a workflow straight out of REST in Practice - very reminiscent of its Restbucks example.
Another option to deal with the ID issue is to generate the ID before accepting the Command - perhaps even asking the client to supply the ID. Read more about such options here.
As Greg Young explains, CQRS is nothing more than "splitting one object into two". So assume that you have one domain aggregate and it has an id. Now you are talking about your view model having another id. However, you are unable to update your view model unless you have the aggregate id in your view model as well. From my point of view, your REST POST request should return a result that has the aggregate id in it. This is your id, the view model id has no interest to anyone except the read model storage.
Should it return a command status URI like Mark suggests is a topic for another discussion. Many CQRS practitioners currently tend to handle commands synchronously to avoid FE/BE mismatch in case of failure and give the FE an ability to react on errors on the BE. There is no real win to execute commands asynchronously for one user. Commands do mutate the state and in 99% of cases the user needs to know if the state was mutated properly.

Is it valid GET method in REST, that returns some set of data, but after a while, the dataset can be modified?

I was reading about "idempotent methods", but not quite get it.
1.1. So the GET method must be idempotent.
1.2. An idempotent HTTP method is a HTTP method that can be called many times without different outcomes. It would not matter if the method is called only once, or ten times over. The result should be the same. - See more at:
Okay, that was theory. Now specific case:
2.1. I have exposed a GET method, that return all records in DB.
2.2. Somebody called this method and it returned 1000 results.
2.3. The application is running, so in a few minutes I have 1001 records in the DB.
2.4. Somebody (maybe the same caller) called this method again and now it returned 1001 results.
Is mine GET method is still idempotent or it should be changed to POST?
Because the GET is not changing the resource. That's the distinction.
GET /currenttime
Perfectly valid request, idempotent, but you'll get a new answer pretty much every time you call it.
An idempotent HTTP method is a HTTP method that can be called many times without different outcomes. It would not matter if the method is called only once, or ten times over. The result should be the same.
The opening sentence is somewhat unfortunate but the rest explains it pretty clearly.
The key point to note here is that the outcome may not be altered by any number of subsequent calls of the same method. The state of the resource, a represantation of which you're GETting is free to be changed by other means though.
In your example it isn't the GET request that's changing the state of the database. It's an external factor.
Is my GET method is still idempotent or it should be changed to POST?
Yes, the way you describe it, it's both idempotent and safe as it does not modify the state of your resources and it will always yield the same result provided that other parties do not alter the resource state between calls. Calling it does not affect the result of calling it.