Is it valid GET method in REST, that returns some set of data, but after a while, the dataset can be modified? - rest

I was reading about "idempotent methods", but not quite get it.
1.1. So the GET method must be idempotent.
1.2. An idempotent HTTP method is a HTTP method that can be called many times without different outcomes. It would not matter if the method is called only once, or ten times over. The result should be the same. - See more at:
Okay, that was theory. Now specific case:
2.1. I have exposed a GET method, that return all records in DB.
2.2. Somebody called this method and it returned 1000 results.
2.3. The application is running, so in a few minutes I have 1001 records in the DB.
2.4. Somebody (maybe the same caller) called this method again and now it returned 1001 results.
Is mine GET method is still idempotent or it should be changed to POST?

Because the GET is not changing the resource. That's the distinction.
GET /currenttime
Perfectly valid request, idempotent, but you'll get a new answer pretty much every time you call it.

An idempotent HTTP method is a HTTP method that can be called many times without different outcomes. It would not matter if the method is called only once, or ten times over. The result should be the same.
The opening sentence is somewhat unfortunate but the rest explains it pretty clearly.
The key point to note here is that the outcome may not be altered by any number of subsequent calls of the same method. The state of the resource, a represantation of which you're GETting is free to be changed by other means though.
In your example it isn't the GET request that's changing the state of the database. It's an external factor.
Is my GET method is still idempotent or it should be changed to POST?
Yes, the way you describe it, it's both idempotent and safe as it does not modify the state of your resources and it will always yield the same result provided that other parties do not alter the resource state between calls. Calling it does not affect the result of calling it.


Idempotentency of GET verb in an RESTful API

As it was mentioned here (and in other places as well):
GET APIs should be idempotent, which means that making multiple
identical requests must produce same result everytime until another
API (POST or PUT) has changed the state of resource on server.
How to make this true in an API that return time for example? or that return data that is affected by time.
In other words, each time I use GET http://ip:port/get-time-now/, it is going to return a different response. However, I did not send any POST or PUT between two sequenced GET's
Does this make the previous statement wrong? Did I misunderstand something?
Idempotency is a promise to clients/intermediaries that the request can be reissued in case of network failures or the like without any further considerations and not so much that the data will never change.
If you take a POST request for example, in case of a network failure you do not know if the previous request reached the server but the response got lost midway or if the initial request didn't even reach the server at all. If you re-issue the request you might create a further resource actually, hence POST is not idempotent. PUT on the other side has the contract that it replaces the current representation with the one contained in the request. If you send the same request twice the content of the resource should be the same after any of the two PUT requests was processed. Note that the actual result can still differ as the service is free to modify the received entity to a corresponding representation. Also, between sending the data via PUT and retrieving it via GET a further client could have updated the state in between, so there is no guarantee that you will actually receive the exact representation you've sent to the service.
Safetiness is an other promise that only GET, HEAD and OPTIONS supports. It promises the invoker that it wont modify any state at all hence clients/intermediaries are safe on issuing such request without having to fear that it will modify any state. In practice this is an important promise to crawlers which blindly invoke any URLs in order to learn their content. In case of violating such promises, i.e. by deleting data while processing a GET request the only one to blame is the service implementor but not the invoker. If a crawler invokes such URLs and hence removes some data it is not the crawlers fault actually but only the service implementor.
As you have a dynamic value in your response, you might want to prevent caching of responses though as otherwise intermediaries might return an old state for your resource
The main basic concept of idempotent and safe methods of HTTP:-
Idempotent Method:- The method can called multiple times with same input and it produce same result.
Safe Method:- The method can called multiple times with same input and it doesn't modify the resource onto the server side.
Http methods are categorized into following 3 groups-
GET,HEAD,OPTIONS are safe and idempotent
PUT,DELETE are not safe but idempotent
POST,PATCH are neither safe & nor idempotent

REST API: How to deal with processing logic

I read (among others) the following blog about API design: It helped me to better understand a lot of aspects, but I have one question remaining:
How do I deal with functionality that processes some data and gives a response directly. Think, verbs like translate, calculate or enrich. Which noun should they have and should they be called by GET, PUT or POST?
P.S. If it should be GET, how to deal with the maximum length of a GET request
This is really a discussion about naming more so than functionality. Its very much possible to have processed logic in your API, you just need to be careful about naming it.
Imaginary API time. Its got this resource: /v1/probe/{ID} and it responds to GET, POST, and DELETE.
Let's say we want to launch our probes out, and then want the probe to give us back the calculated flux variation of something its observing (totally made up thing). While it isn't a real thing, let's say that this has to be calculated on the fly. One of my intrepid teammates decides to plunk the calculation at GET /v1/1324/calculateflux.
If we're following real REST-ful practices... Oops. Suddenly we're not dealing with a noun, are we? If we have GET /v1/probe/1324/calculateflux we've broken RESTful practices because we're now asking for a verb - calculateflux.
So, how do we deal with this?
You'll want to reconsider the name calculateflux. That's no good - it doesn't name a resource on the probe. **In this case, /v1/probe/1324/fluxvalue is a better name, and /v1/probe/1324/flux works too.
RESTFUL APIs almost exclusively use nouns in their URIs - remember that each URI needs to describe a specific thing you can GET POST PUT or DELETE or whatever. That means that any time there is a processed value we should give the resource the name of the processed (or calculated) value. This way, we remain RESTful by adhering to the always-current data (We can re-calculate the Flux value any time) and we haven't changed the state of the probe (we didn't save any values using GET).
Well, I can tell you that I know about this.
GET // Returns, JUST return
DELETE // Delete
POST // Send information that will be processed on server
PUT // Update a information
This schema is for laravel framework. Will be most interesting that you read the link in ref
You should start with the following process:
Identify the resources (nouns) in your system.
They should all respond to GET.
Let's take your translation example. You could decide that every word in the source language is a resource. This would give:
Which might return:
Content-Type: text/plain
Content-Language: fr
If your processes are long-running, you should create a request queue that clients can POST to, and provide them with another (new) resource that they can query to see if the process has completed.

Best practices for RESTful API for records with version numbers. Do I use PUT?

Need some guidance on best practices for building a RESTful API in node.js
Let's say I have a person record like so:
id: 1,
name: 'Jon',
age: 25,
recordVersion: 1
If I need to increment the recordVersion every time a value gets changed, would I still use a HTTP PUT to update this record? I've researched on how PUT should be idempotent and should contain the newly-updated representation of the original resource, so I am no sure of what to do.
I could increment the recordVersion property on the first PUT call and send an error on the second PUT call with the same versionNumber of 1 (because it would have incremented to 2 at that point), but does this follow RESTful API standards?
Representation != State
The resources sent over the wire are a representation of the state, not the actual state.
It's perfectly fine to remove the recordVersion and to update it behind the scenes - however if you do that, it would be best to remove it from the representation returned by a GET to that resource as well. To understand why: idempotency is all about what would happen if you applied the operation multiple times in a row (it isn't guaranteed if other operations happen in between...), and about observable side effects.
PUT the data without the version
the data is updated
version code incremented
if you did a GET you would get the data you had PUT (with no version)
PUT the same data again without the version
the data is updated
version code incremented
if you did a GET you would get the same data you had PUT (with no version)
Idempotent, because the resource representation has not changed as a result of calling PUT twice, even though the internal entity state has changed - no observable side effects.
See for a bit more detail.
Using version codes to detect conflicts
As you note, you could use inspect the version and throw an error if it has changed - and in fact this is very RESTful, and in my opinion the best way to approach PUT as it helps avoid (often inexplicable) concurrency errors. If you detect this case, it would be appropriate to return a 409 Conflict http status code.
How this would work is:
PUT the data with the version (v1)
the data is updated
version code incremented
if you did a GET you would get the data you had PUT with the new version (v2) (this is a side effect, but it's ok to have a side effect from the first time you do an operation).
PUT the same data again with version (v1)
conflict is detected because v1 != v2
409 Conflict returned
if you did a GET you would get the same as the result of the first operation - the data you originally PUT with the version v2
This is idempotent, because there have been no observable side effects as a result of calling the operation twice.
The client should, in response to a 409, do another GET to get the latest version code, and possibly offer to the user the opportunity to merge their changes with whatever else has changed in the meantime.
Often people confuse idempotency with thinking that the response to the operation must be the same as a result of multiple calls, but that is not the case - it is about there being no observable side effects as a result of multiple sequential calls.

How to design a RESTful api for slow-generated resources or job status?

I am trying to design a RESTful api for a service that accepts a bunch of parameters and generates a large result. This is my first RESTful project. One tricky part is that the server needs some time (up to a few minutes) to generate the result. My current thought is to use POST to send in all the parameters. The server response can be a job id.
I can then retrieve the result using GET /result/{job_id}. The problem is that the result is not available for the first few minutes. Maybe I can return the resource unavailable at the beginning and the result once it is available. But this feels odd and add some odd logic in the client.
An alternative is to retrieve the job status GET /job_status/{job_id}, where the result might be running/error/done, similar to the http status code, where done status also comes with a result_id. Then I can retrieve it with GET /result/{result_id}.
Either case has some problem with what I have read about GET. In both cases, GET result is not fixed and not cacheable at the beginning while the job is still running. On the other hand, I read somewhere that it is OK to do things like GET /currentWhether or Get /currentTime, which are similar to at least my second approach. So my questions are:
Which one is better? Why?
Should I use GET for such situation?
Or neither one is OK? What would you do?
Thank you very much.
Should I use GET?
For long running operations, here is an approach which tells setting expire or max-age headers to your response properly. Here is the example Best practice for implementing long-running searches with REST
But I recommend The RESTy Long-op Protocol for your case.
Your solution will be more robust and more client friendly.

What's the correct way to view idempotency in terms of HTTP DELETE?

I have spent a lot of time recently reading the HTTP 1.1 specification and relating it to REST. I have found that there are two interpretations of the HTTP DELETE method in regards to its "idempotency" and safety. Here are the two camps:
If you delete a resource with HTTP DELETE, and it succeeds (200 OK), and then you try to delete that resource N number of times, you should get back a success message (200 OK) for each and every one of those delete calls. This is its "idempotencyness".
If you delete a resource with HTTP DELETE, and it succeeds (200 OK), and then you try to delete that resource again, you should get back an error message (410 Gone) because the resource was deleted.
The specification says DELETE is idempotent, sure, but it also says that sequences of idempotent events can still produce side effects. I really feel like the second camp is correct, and the first is misleading. What "safety" have we introduced by allowing clients to think they were the cause for deleting a resource previously deleted?
There are a LOT of people in the first camp, including several authors on the subject, so I wanted to check if there was some compelling reason other than emotions that lead people into the first camp.
Being idempotent does not mean that a request is not allowed to have side-effects (that's what the 'safe' property describes). It just mean that issuing the same request multiple times will not result in different or additional side-effects.
In my opinion, the subsequent DELETE request should return an error - it's still idempotent because the state of the server is that same as if only one DELETE request were made. Then again returning the 200 OK status should be OK as well - I don't think being idempotent requires the returning of an error code for the subsequent DELETE requests - it's just that returning the error status seems to make more sense to me.
#MichaelBurr is correct about idempotency and side-effects.
My opinion is that there are 2 states involved in a given REST request, the client's state and the server's state. REST is all about transferring these states between the server and the client, such that the client's state maps to a subset of the server's state, in other words, the subset stays consistent with the server. Because of that idempotency should mean that subsequent idempotent requests will not result in either state being different than it would be from only making the request once. With the first DELETE you would imagine that the server deletes the resource and lets the client know it can delete the resource as well (as the resource "doesn't exist anymore"). Now both states should be identical to before with minus the item that was deleted. For the client to do anything different when it tries to delete the item after it has already been deleted, then the state that is transfered from the server to the client must contain different information. The server can do things slightly differently with the information that the resource was already deleted, but once it responds with something different idempotency of the methods is essentially broken.
For idempotent function:
delete(client_state) -> client_state - {item}
delete(delete(client_state)) -> client_state - {item}
delete(client_state) = delete(delete(client_state))
The best way to guarantee this idempotency is if the server's response is identical, that means the only way for the client's state to break the idempotency is for there to be non-determinacy or side effects in the client's handling of the response (which probably points to an incorrect implementation of handling the response).
If there is an agreement between the client and server that the status codes exist outside of the representation of the state being transferred (REST), then it is possible to inform the client that the item "doesn't exists anymore" (as it would in the first request) with the extra comment that it had previously been deleted. What the client does with this information is unclear, but it shouldn't effect the resulting client state. But then the status code can't be used to communicate state, or rather if it does also communicate state in other situations (like maybe "you don't have permission to delete this item" or "item was not deleted"), then there's some introduced ambiguity or confusion. So, you at least need a pretty good reason for introducing more confusion into the communication if you want to say that DELETE is idempotent and still have the server's response depend on previous DELETE requests that are identical.
HTTP requests involve remove methods, so the function might resemble
delete(client_state) = send_delete(client_state) -> receive_delete(client_state)
-> respond_to_delete(informative_state)
-> handle_response(informative_state)
-> client_state - {item}
Wikipedia defines Idempotence as an operation that:
can be applied multiple times without changing the result beyond the initial application.
Notice that they talk about the result of the operation. To me, this includes both the server state and the response code.
The HTTP specification is a bit more vague on the matter. It defines it specifies that HTTP methods are Idempotent:
if the intended effect of multiple identical requests is the same as for a single request.
If you interpret effect as result in the Wikipedia definition then they mean the same. In any case, I question the practical benefit of telling clients that the resource as already been deleted.
Final point: Idempotence is defined in terms of a single client. Once you start introducing concurrent requests by other clients, all bets are off. You are supposed to use conditional-update headers (such as If-Match-ETag) to deal with such cases.
To reiterate: you should return the same return code, whether the resource just got deleted, was deleted by a previous request, or never existed at all.