Model parametrized API Call in Activity Diagram - android-activity

I have an an activity diagram with two swimlanes (Client and Server). I want to model a request call from Client to Server.
Is it correct to use Signals Notation for Calls between systems? Are there alternatives?
The call is parametrized, Client wants to send something which was created before. How to model this?
Thankful for any hint! Here's my example:

My answer has to be improved, but here is a first step.
The norm/spec says: "A SendSignalAction is an InvocationAction that creates a Signal instance and transmits the instance to the object given on its target InputPin. A SendSignalAction must have argument InputPins corresponding, in order, to each of the (owned and inherited) Properties of the Signal being sent, with the same type, ordering and multiplicity as the corresponding attribute.
And a SendSignalAction has an association to a target objet which is an input pin.
So for your question about Request:item I would use input pin, one for the object from which the Signal is created and one to define the Target. (in the schema the target comes from an output pin but a data store may be use). Then after sending the request, the client is waiting the answer. The AcceptEvent is linked to a trigger (not shown on the schema) which a signal, the one created by the server. But you can not link SendRequest of Client to ReceiveRequest of Server because this is not how it runs.
For the server, you can do similar reasoning.

Concerning the parametrization of the call I would use InputPin to model the arguments of the Call i.e. the Object sent by the Call as shown below.
Signal and Call Notations are correct for me but I am not used to have the sending and receive action in the same diagram so will suggest two alternatives.
1) First remove them...
2) Separate Client and Server Modelling
Let me know what you think about that and what seems to be clear for you...
I also recognize the tool you used so please find my project at:

As I see it, it should be modeled like this:
The server runs in an independent loop and starts with waiting for a request. There's a object flow between Create request and Query result set. This symbolizes data placed in a queue (or what ever is appropriate). The receipt of the result set would be done below in a similar way, I just left that out for brevity.
You can also draw an object for the query set
instead of the ActionPins.


Onion Architecture - What should an Interface do if has some Data to check after giving structured data (p.ex : an Object) to a Usecase

I have a REST API based on Onion Architecture.
But I have some challenges to apply this way of building a server. Concretely with what should be the behaviour of an Interface if has some data to check before giving structured data to a Usecase.
That is one of my problems:
I have some methods in the Interface that catch info about timers from the request. But I'm facing always the same question. Must I catch all and give to the Usecase and do all checks there, or instead of that, first I have to check if a timer exists in the DB (if i'm updating a timer) and after that do what I need?
This type of checks like Role of who is requesting and what is allowed to do or not, if timers exist, if user exists, if an user already exists and you can't create someone with the same username (I want an unique username restriction) etc, are annoying me because depending on where I'm doing the check, following strictly the Onion Architecture or not, I'm executing more or less code that sometimes is unnecessary.
If I check some things in the Interface, I am avoiding executing code that would be unnecesary. But I'm not following this Architecture correctly, and viceversa.
Any thoughts?

CQRS and REST HATEOAS mismatch

Suppose you have a model Foo.
One business case is to simply create an instance of Foo, so there is a corresponding CreateFooCommand in my model, triggered by invoking a POST request to a given REST endpoint.
There are of course other Commands too.
But now, there is a ViewModel, which is derived from my DomainModel. It's simply a sql table with raw data - each Foo instance from DomainModel has corresponding derived ViewModel instance. Both have different IDs (on DomainModel there is a DomainID, on ViewModel it's simply a long value).
Now: should I even care about HATEOAS in such a case? In a proper REST implementation, I should at least return location-url in the header. But since my view model is only derived from DomainModel, should I care? I don't even have the view model's ID at the time my DomainModel is created.
Since CQRS means that Queries are separated from Commands, you may not be able to perform a Query right away, because the Command may not yet have been applied (perhaps it never will).
In order to reconcile that with HATEOAS, instead of returning 200 OK from the POST request, the service can return 202 Accepted:
The request has been accepted for processing, but the processing has not been completed. The request might or might not eventually be acted upon, as it might be disallowed when processing actually takes place. There is no facility for re-sending a status code from an asynchronous operation such as this.
The 202 response is intentionally non-committal. Its purpose is to allow a server to accept a request for some other process (perhaps a batch-oriented process that is only run once per day) without requiring that the user agent's connection to the server persist until the process is completed. The entity returned with this response SHOULD include an indication of the request's current status and either a pointer to a status monitor or some estimate of when the user can expect the request to be fulfilled.
(My emphasis)
That pointer could be a link that the client can query to get the status of the Command. When/if the Command completes and the View is updated, that status resource could then contain a link to the view.
This is pretty much a workflow straight out of REST in Practice - very reminiscent of its Restbucks example.
Another option to deal with the ID issue is to generate the ID before accepting the Command - perhaps even asking the client to supply the ID. Read more about such options here.
As Greg Young explains, CQRS is nothing more than "splitting one object into two". So assume that you have one domain aggregate and it has an id. Now you are talking about your view model having another id. However, you are unable to update your view model unless you have the aggregate id in your view model as well. From my point of view, your REST POST request should return a result that has the aggregate id in it. This is your id, the view model id has no interest to anyone except the read model storage.
Should it return a command status URI like Mark suggests is a topic for another discussion. Many CQRS practitioners currently tend to handle commands synchronously to avoid FE/BE mismatch in case of failure and give the FE an ability to react on errors on the BE. There is no real win to execute commands asynchronously for one user. Commands do mutate the state and in 99% of cases the user needs to know if the state was mutated properly.

RequestFactory Diff Calculation and 'static' find method

Am bit stuck by these three questions:
1) I see that diff is calculated in AutoBeanUtils's diff method. I saw a tag called parentObject in the entity which is used in the comparison to calculate diff.
parent = proxyBean.getTag(Constants.PARENT_OBJECT); in AbstractRequestContext class.
Does that mean there are two copies for a given entity thats loaded on to the browser? If my entity actual size is say 1kb, actual data loaded will be 2kb (as two copies of entity are getting loaded onto the browser) ?
2) On the server side:
Suppose I have to fetch an entity from the database, the static find<EntityName> should be such that I have to make a db call every time, or is there a way where I can fine tune that behavior? [Sorry I did not understand the locator concept very well.]
3) What happens if there is a crash on the server side(for any reason which need not be current request specific) when a diff is sent from the client?
Thanks a lot.
when you .edit() a proxy, it makes a copy and stores the immutable proxy you passed as argument as the PARENT_OBJECT of the returned proxy.
you'd generally make a DB call every time the method is called (this is the same for a Locator's find() method), which will be no more than twice for each request. You can use some sort of cache if you need, but if you use JPA or JDO this is taken care of for you (you have to use a session-per-request pattern, aka OpenSessionInView)
If there's any error while decoding the request, a global error will be returned, that will be passed to onFailure of all Receivers for the failed RequestContext request.

What is the relationship between the FIX Protocol's OrdID, ClOrdID, OrigClOrdID?

I'm pretty new to the FIX protocol and was hoping someone could help clarify some terms.
In particular could someone explain (perhaps with an example) the flow of NewOrderSingle, ExecutionReport, CancelReplaceRequest and how the fields ClOrdID, OrdID, OrigClOrdID are used within those messages?
A quick note about usages of fields. My experience is that many who implement FIX do it slightly differently. So be aware that though I am trying to explain correct usage you may find that there are differences between implementations. When I connect to a new broker I get a FIX specification which details exactly how they use the protocol. I have to be very careful to make sure where they have deviated from other implementations.
That said I will give you a rundown of what you have asked for.
There are more complicated orders but NewOrderSingle is the one most used. It allows you to create a trade for any asset. You will need to create a new order using this object / msg type. Then you will send it through your session using the method sendToTarget(). You can modify the message after this point through the toApp() method, assuming your application implements the quickfix.Application interface.
The broker (or whoever you are connected to) will send you a reply in the form of and Execution report. Using quickfix that reply will enter your application through the fromApp() callback. From there the best thing to do is to implement your app inheriting from the MessageCracker class (or implement it elsewhere) using the crack method from MessageCracker it will then call back a relevant onMessage() method call. You will need to implement a number of these onMessage() methods (it depends on specifically what you are doing as to which methods you will need), the main one being onMessage(ExecutionReport msg, SessionID session). This method will be called by message cracker when you receive and Execution report from the broker. This is the standard reply to a new order.
From there you handle the reply as required.
Some orders do not get filled immediately like Limit orders. They can be changed. For that you will need the CancelReplaceRequest. Your broker will give you details of how to do this specifically for them (again there are differences and not everyone does it the same). You will have to have done a NewOrderSingle first and then you will use this MsgType to update it.
ClOrdID is an ID that the client uses to identify the order. It is sent with the NewOrderSingle and returned in the ExecutionReport. The OrdID tag is in the ExecutionReport message, it is the ID that the broker will use to identify the order. OrgClOrdID is usually used to identify the original order in when you do and update (using CancelReplaceRequest), it is supposed to contain the ClOrdID of the original order. Some brokers want the original order only, others want the ClOrdID of the last update, so the first OrigClOrdID or will be the ClOrdID of the NewOrderSingle, then if there are subsequent updates to the same order then they will be the ClOrderID from the last CancelReplaceRequest. Some brokers want the last OrderID and not ClOrderID. Note that the CancelReplaceRequest will require a ClOrdID as well.

Move resource in RESTful architecture

I have a RESTful web service which represent processes and activities. Each activity is inside one and only one process.
I would like to represent a "move" operation of activity between the process it is currently in and another process.
I've look at forums and found people suggest to use MOVE operation which is not very standard and other suggest to use PUT but then I'm not sure how to tell the difference between PUT that update and PUT that moves which looks semantically wrong.
Any ideas?
One way might be to represent the move itself as, say, a "transfer" resource (transfer as a noun), and POST a new one:
POST /transfer
With an entity containing:
activity: /activities/4
toProcess: /processes/13
This way, clients are creating new "transfers" which, on the server, handle validating and transferring the activity.
This gives you the ability to add information about the transfer, too. If you wanted to keep a history for auditing, you could add a transferredBy property to the resource, or a transferredOn date.
If using PUTs, you can tell the difference by whether the process of the existing entity matches the new one.
PUT /process1/activity2
process: 2
some_data: and_stuff
To which the logical response (if successful) is
303 See Other
Location: /process2/activity2
Given the available answers I'm not really satisfied with the proposals.
POST is an all purpose method that should be used if none of the other operations fit the bill. The semantics of a payload received are defined by the service/API only and may therefore a solution for one API but not for most ones. It further lacks the property of idempotency which in case of a network issue will leave the client in an uncertainty whether the request received the server and only the response got lost mid way or if the request failed to reach the server at all. A consecutive request might therefore lead to unexpected results or further actions required.
PUT has the semantics of replace the current representation obtainable from the resource (may be empty) with the representation provided in the payload. Servers are free to modify the received representation to a more fitting one or to append or remove further data. PUT may even have side effects on other resources as well, i.e. if a versioning mechanism for a document update is provided. While providing the above-mentioned idempotency property, PUT actually does not fit the semantics of the requested action. This might have serious implications on the interoperability as standard HTTP servers wont be able to server you correctly.
One might use a combination of POST to create the new representation on the new endpoint first and afterwards remove the old one via DELETE. However, this are two separate operations where the first one might fail and if not handled correctly lead to an immediate deletion of the original resource in worst case. There is no real transactional behavior in these set of operations unfortunately.
Instead of using the above mentioned operations I'd suggest to use PATCH. PATCH is a serious of changes calculated by the client necessary to transform a current representation to a desiered one. A server supporting PATCH will have to apply these instructions atomically. Either all of them are applied or none of them at all. PATCH can have side effects and is thus the most suitable fit to perform a move in HTTP currently. To properly use this method, however, a certain media-types should be used. One might orientate on JSON Patch (more reader-friendly) i.e., though this only defines the semantics of operations to modify state of JSON based representations and does not deal with multiple resources AFAIK.