Cannot access paypal sandbox - paypal

I have been trying to access my Paypal Sandbox but no luck. I can login fine to my PayPal account but when I try to access or I keep getting a page cannot be displayed error. I have flushed my cache and have tried IE, Firefox and Chrome but none seem to work.
None of the links from within PayPal to the sandbox work either.

Perhaps behind some type of firewall or security setting that is blocking access. What pages on the sandbox are you specifically trying to access. Make sure you are signing into PayPal's Developer Site first at (, and then try accessing one of your accounts you have set up by clicking the link under you test account that says access sandbox site. Otherwise after signing into the developer account, you can open up another tab and go to the sandbox site at and see if that page comes up for you. You should be able to sign in there.

I was facing the same problem but I could find a workaround.
If you pay attention in the links of the left menu (My business info, my money..), they are leading to pages in the domain "beta-sandbox" and that's the problem.
Copy the link and change the domain for "sandbox"
For instance, the correct link for


paypal api access page not display fully

I have issue with paypal when request api access.
I have click on selling tools -> API access -> update. Then it redirect to the page
After the page fully loaded. It don't display the text below the Learn more link. So I can't process more.
I have changed to different computers, phones, internet connections, browsers but it not solved the problem. I have created another account but it still meet that issue and I don't know why some my friends have used Paypal but don't have this issue. And they still can't solve my situation.
So please help me!
Paypal access API page not display fully

cant login into paypal sandbox site (paypal hell)

I am trying to login to my sandbox account (using chrome) but since the new change in paypal i cant.
PayPal now ask me to log in to the developer site. i do.
and then i go to the applications->sandbox accounts and there press the 'sanbox site' link.
if am lucky then i then get the login screen to the sandbox.
i enter my credentials and click on the login button.
i then get this screen:
I press the "paypal sandbox" link and i return again to the site.
ofcurse i use the email address that is listed in my sandbox account.
if i try and use firefox and go to i get a very long json response
that start like this
ok i am not giving up i go and delete all my cookies that belong to paypal i then go to now i enter my credentials again now i get this screen:
i click the "paypal sandbox" link and i get the long json again :(
another wonderful work by paypal.
btw i contacted paypal on the 8/5/13 but did not get an answer yet.
does anyone know of way to end this hell and be able to use my sandbox again ?
Try clearing all of your cookies and cache prior to opening up your browser window. The once you have done this, open up a browser. Pull up a tab, and navigate to and log in. Once you have successfully logged in, you should be able to test your site, or the sandbox site. Open up your site or the sandbox site in a different tab while leaving the site up.

PayPal ExpressCheckout integration problems

I'm trying to integrate Paypal's ExpressCheckout API into my website.
I'm incurring into very frustrating problems with the system and with the support assistance, too.
Every time we have a problem the support assistance invites us to change the implementation technology, from SOAP, to SDK, to NVP, etc..
After 3 days of working (from coding with SOAP (PHP) up to the attempt to start the SDK's examples) no solution has yet been found.
I'd like to know if someone has ever had similar problems.
Thank you in advance.
I completely understand and share your frustrations.
The current issue I am having is after a call to SetExpressCheckout() using the .NET SDK I redirect to the PayPal sandbox URL with the appropriate command and token specified on the querystring and when the browser gets to the PayPal site it says "Please log in to use the PayPal sandbox features" which is linked to the site.
If I log in first on another tab and then redirect to PayPal it still doesn't work, aarrggh!
Stefano - What type of issue are you currently having?
Peter - What particular browser are you using? There have been a few issues in the past with IE. If you are using IE, you might try using Chrome or Firefox to see if you get different results. I just tested all 3 and they were working for me. You also might try clearing all cookies and cache prior to opening up a browser and navigating to Once you have cleared cookies and cache, open up the browser and go to and log in. Then once logged in, on a second tab pull up your website and try testing.
Clearing the cache and cookies prior going to has worked for some merchants in the past that were having these same issues.

Can not access imported accounts in paypal development environment

just found that PayPal changed their Sanbox, now I need real PayPal account to develop.
Ok, I went to my real one, imported my test sandbox accounts into it. Then, I go to one of these accounts on, and click "sandbox site" link. I expect that it will go to sandbox site where I can log in with this test account. But instead after clicking the link I'm getting "please login to use PayPal sandbox features" message on, that has a link to, where I'm logged in already. So, I don't know any way to log in with my test accounts now. Please help.
This is a known issue due to transition from old sandbox to the new site. You need to delete your cookies and re-login to access the sandbox site. Please note that IE has permanent cookies stored on file system that need to be deleted. Firefox or Chrome would work better than IE8.

Please login to use the PayPal sandbox feature

With the recent revamp of the PayPal developer site, I have encountered many problems trying to test my site with PayPal integration.
Issue 1:
I am not able to check out from out site which it should bring me to, it return me the common error of "Please login to use the PayPal sandbox feature". I have confirmed that I am logged in to the developer site at
Issue 2:
Under Applications > Sandbox accounts, in one of the account, I am redirected to the live site at by clicking on "Sandbox site". It should bring me to so I can login to the sandbox account. Currently this is not possible.
Issue 3:
I realised that I am logged out from when I go to Some kind of cookie issue?
Above all issues, I have tried troubleshooting by using a different browser, clearing cookies and cache.
Some of these issues are currently being worked on. Some have been able to have been resolved by clearing the cache and cookies on your browser. This must be done prior to opening up the site and most developers have better luck with this when using Firefox or Chrome. There appear to be more issues with IE, than the other browsers.
If doing this does not resolve your issue, you will want to open up a ticket with PayPal Merchant Technical Services. This way your issues can be tracked, and it will allow PayPal to gauge the number of merchants being effected by the different issues. Also, this will allow you to be notified once the issue is resolved.
As a workaround, you could also try using the API credentials that are within the sample code/SDK's for testing purposes. This will allow you to test the API calls, though you just will not be able to log into the Merchant account and make changes to it. This may or may not work for you depending on your needs.
Trying different browsers worked for me. I experienced the same problem for several hours today when using Firefox, Chrome, and Safari on Mac OSX 10.8. I tested using Firefox 19.0 on a PC and things worked fine with the PayPal sandbox site.
I had the same issues as the original poster. I was using IE9 with ExpressCheckout API.
I was calling the SetExpressCheckout and redirecting to PayPal sandbox. On the Sandbox login page, after typing login details of my test personal account I received a message that the email account was not valid and a link (which didn't work) to return to Sandbox site.
I switched to Firefox (which was also probably clean of cookies for the PayPal Sandbox as I don't recall ever testing PayPal using Firefox) and everything worked fine.
I called the SetExpressCheckout, redirected to PayPal sandbox and I could login with my test personal account and checkout and return correctly to my payment landing page to call DoExpressCheckoutPayment.
FYI in case anyone else is dealing with this problem. I am using the PayPal IPN feature, which in the Sandbox environment stopped working when I was doing some recent testing after migrating to the 'new' sandbox environment. I imported my old sandbox test accounts after logging into the developer site with my real paypal info, but still nothing worked. After messing around forever, I discovered that basically you have to setup again as if it was a new account even though you imported your old settings. I had to specify my IPN url again and also re-verify the old imported sandbox accounts via an email link that you receive under you paypal developer sandbox notifications. Then while logged in the developer site, you can log into the sandbox environment with your test accounts and everything works.
For testing purposes the most simple solution:
Click your browsers back button and perform the step again.
Sounds stupid, but it works.