paypal api access page not display fully - paypal

I have issue with paypal when request api access.
I have click on selling tools -> API access -> update. Then it redirect to the page
After the page fully loaded. It don't display the text below the Learn more link. So I can't process more.
I have changed to different computers, phones, internet connections, browsers but it not solved the problem. I have created another account but it still meet that issue and I don't know why some my friends have used Paypal but don't have this issue. And they still can't solve my situation.
So please help me!
Paypal access API page not display fully


Facebook periodic review is unclear

in order to approve your app’s continued operation on our platform.
Platforms affected: Connect URL.
Developer Policy 1.2: Build an app that is stable and easily navigable.Some common violations of this policy include:
- Broken Facebook integration (e.g. broken share, like or comment functionality)
- Broken user experience in the app (e.g. app has broken links or user interface failures)
My app:
Using v1.18.8 to query user info from facebook.
The request URL:,first_name,last_name,name,timezone,verified&access_token=.....
calling out hello.js
hello('me').then(function (json) {
App has no share, like, comment functionality and not really any user interface. Just our page offers ability to fill some data with facebook and then it remembers you with cookie.
Anyone has similar e-mail and what to do?
Our app does not use share, like or comment functionality neither do we provide any user interface for users (only the o. We are using Facebook to prefill some user data on our site.
Have the same unclear message "Platform affected: Connect Url".
I asked for a more detailed answer and received an answer the next day:
Thank you for your response.
Facebook periodically reviews the websites and applications which are on it. Your application is in its review process currently. We are required to test the Facebook login functionality in order to conclude the review in totality. However, we are unable to do so.
Unfortunately, we have not been able to locate a Facebook integration (Login, Share and Like) on your submitted platform. To help us conclude the review process, could you kindly share the details regarding the location of a Facebook integration and how to navigate to it on your website URL.
This review is essential to Facebook as we want to offer the best experience to users as well as developers like yourself. Please help us in bringing your application into compliance by working with us.
Alternatively, you could aid us by sending us credentials of a test user which is already registered and connected to an FB account within the app. You can get all the information related to creating a test user here -
Please feel free to get in touch with us regarding any doubts or queries you might have.
Thank you for your patience and cooperation.
Looking forward to hearing from you.
My app contains the functionality of a facebook login. I made an instruction and a test user of the application so that Facebook employees could test the functionality used in my application.
Normally they write down what is wrong and explain how to fix it. If you are not sure you can reply them back and ask how to fix it. I manage to fix my issue which was similar to the one explain below by emailing facebook.
I got the same message from Facebook two months ago. In my case, I didn't find a solution in time and Facebook penalize me by deactivating the app.
Therefore, you must attend to it if you do not want the same to happen to you. Facebook uses software similar to this to check for failures on your site and assigns a score according to its performance. That's why they send you such a generic message.
I suggest you use PageSpeed Insights to receive a report on the performance of your website. In addition, the platform gives you suggestions for optimization and improvement; Surely there you will find some clue of what may be failing.

Linkedin REST API Requires Viewer to Have Linkedin Account?

Just to verify, noone can view anything on Linkedin without having an account on Linkedin?
I was planning on hosting all my professional articles on Linkedin but if I can't fetch them via the REST api to display them on my own website, I find that a non-starter.
Thanks in advance for clarification.
In general, I think you've just got things a bit backward. People don't usually make a website in order to drive traffic to their LinkedIn. If you've got a website, why are you not hosting your articles/blog on your site, and then posting those articles on LinkedIn?
However, in general, if you wanted your website to grab your LinkedIn info, it would have nothing to do with your viewer. You would essentially be logging your app/site behind the scenes (essentially as you), grabbing whatever fields are available that you want to display, and then popping them on the screen as static content.

users cannot be redirected to website from facebook advertisement

We publish advertisement on facebook and we have a new domain. The problem is that advertisement click rate on facebook panel is 6193 but only 1682 person enter website accordşng to google analytic.
There are about 4500 hit which is lost. AS you know, users are redirected to our website after click on facebook advertisement but they cannot access to our website. we are waiting your kindly response.
our website:
Try using Google's URL builder to properly code the landing page URL in such a way that GA will recognize the traffic as having come from your FB advertising campaign. Here's a blog describing how it is done.
For reasons that I do not yet completely understand - but apparently have to do with the internal FB redirect process for ads, much of my traffic from Facebook shows up in Google Analytics as (direct)/(none). I've found that setting the GA UTM codes on the landing page URL will help by using Google's URL builder helps with this issue.
More generally, in my experience, advertiser reported clicks are often different from what you see in GA. In fact, I'm working on trying to resolve this issue now with another advertising platform (not FB) who is billing us for 2.5x the number of clicks we are seeing in Google Analytics.
There are many possible causes for this, and you can find relevant discussions on
webmasters, moz.
One thing you should try is segmenting the referrals by device (mobile, tablet, desktop) or operating system, etc. See if the percentage of traffic is much lower from your ad on one particular device or operating system. This may indicate that the GA tracking is not working correctly on that device or OS.

PayPal ExpressCheckout integration problems

I'm trying to integrate Paypal's ExpressCheckout API into my website.
I'm incurring into very frustrating problems with the system and with the support assistance, too.
Every time we have a problem the support assistance invites us to change the implementation technology, from SOAP, to SDK, to NVP, etc..
After 3 days of working (from coding with SOAP (PHP) up to the attempt to start the SDK's examples) no solution has yet been found.
I'd like to know if someone has ever had similar problems.
Thank you in advance.
I completely understand and share your frustrations.
The current issue I am having is after a call to SetExpressCheckout() using the .NET SDK I redirect to the PayPal sandbox URL with the appropriate command and token specified on the querystring and when the browser gets to the PayPal site it says "Please log in to use the PayPal sandbox features" which is linked to the site.
If I log in first on another tab and then redirect to PayPal it still doesn't work, aarrggh!
Stefano - What type of issue are you currently having?
Peter - What particular browser are you using? There have been a few issues in the past with IE. If you are using IE, you might try using Chrome or Firefox to see if you get different results. I just tested all 3 and they were working for me. You also might try clearing all cookies and cache prior to opening up a browser and navigating to Once you have cleared cookies and cache, open up the browser and go to and log in. Then once logged in, on a second tab pull up your website and try testing.
Clearing the cache and cookies prior going to has worked for some merchants in the past that were having these same issues.

Cannot access paypal sandbox

I have been trying to access my Paypal Sandbox but no luck. I can login fine to my PayPal account but when I try to access or I keep getting a page cannot be displayed error. I have flushed my cache and have tried IE, Firefox and Chrome but none seem to work.
None of the links from within PayPal to the sandbox work either.
Perhaps behind some type of firewall or security setting that is blocking access. What pages on the sandbox are you specifically trying to access. Make sure you are signing into PayPal's Developer Site first at (, and then try accessing one of your accounts you have set up by clicking the link under you test account that says access sandbox site. Otherwise after signing into the developer account, you can open up another tab and go to the sandbox site at and see if that page comes up for you. You should be able to sign in there.
I was facing the same problem but I could find a workaround.
If you pay attention in the links of the left menu (My business info, my money..), they are leading to pages in the domain "beta-sandbox" and that's the problem.
Copy the link and change the domain for "sandbox"
For instance, the correct link for