cant login into paypal sandbox site (paypal hell) - paypal

I am trying to login to my sandbox account (using chrome) but since the new change in paypal i cant.
PayPal now ask me to log in to the developer site. i do.
and then i go to the applications->sandbox accounts and there press the 'sanbox site' link.
if am lucky then i then get the login screen to the sandbox.
i enter my credentials and click on the login button.
i then get this screen:
I press the "paypal sandbox" link and i return again to the site.
ofcurse i use the email address that is listed in my sandbox account.
if i try and use firefox and go to i get a very long json response
that start like this
ok i am not giving up i go and delete all my cookies that belong to paypal i then go to now i enter my credentials again now i get this screen:
i click the "paypal sandbox" link and i get the long json again :(
another wonderful work by paypal.
btw i contacted paypal on the 8/5/13 but did not get an answer yet.
does anyone know of way to end this hell and be able to use my sandbox again ?

Try clearing all of your cookies and cache prior to opening up your browser window. The once you have done this, open up a browser. Pull up a tab, and navigate to and log in. Once you have successfully logged in, you should be able to test your site, or the sandbox site. Open up your site or the sandbox site in a different tab while leaving the site up.


Google Actions Account Linking Flow

I've written an authorization flow for my action, to do account linking with the "Implicit flow". I have been testing it using the web simulator. When I try to run the action in the web simulator it tells me to link my account, and provides a URL:
I run that URL and this is what happens:
My Java servlet receives the auth request from google. It contains what is documented, a GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID, a REDIRECT_URI, a STATE and "response_type=token"
I create an access-token from the Google ID that is logged in by using UserServiceFactory.getUserService().getCurrentUser().getUserId()
I craft a URL to the redirect-uri that contains my ACCESS_TOKEN, token_type=bearer, and state= the state string I originally received
I create a web page for the user that contains that link so they can click it and it executes the link and my account is linked.
That works great and the response is a blank page with a URL that says: ""
However, I wanted a flow that allowed the user to ensure they are logged in, and logged into the Google Account they wanted to link
So, I also present a link that logs them out if they'd like. The link is created by using userService.createLogoutURL(thisUrl)
If they do that, I then present them a link to log in, created using userService.createLoginURL(thisUrl)
Once they have logged in, with a different Google ID, they are back on the original page which allows them to log out again or click the "link account" link.
The situation is, that if they click the "link account" link now, the EXACT same link that would have worked successfully before they logged out (except a different ACCESS_TOKEN value) and logged back in with a different account, the response is a blank page with a URL that says: ""
Two things of note:
If they log out and log back in with the same account, then the "link account" URL works fine
If they are not logged in at all when beginning the process, and then log in and then use the "link account" link it works fine
So, the only time it fails is when they are logged in, log out, log in with a different account, and click to link accounts. That's when it fails.
The account doesn't matter, multiple different accounts work, as long as the browser is logged into the first account and doesn't change during the flow.
I honestly cannot imagine how this is happening.
This gets even worse if I do it in the Google Home app, as it then returns some "malformed request error" page and basically stops working, PERMANENTLY. Stopping/Starting the action didn't help. Stopping/Starting the Web service didn't help. Rebooting the Android device didn't help. Link Account from the Google Home app was permanently broken. The only way I was able to get it working again was to use the Account Link URL (gotten from the web simulator) in the Chrome Browser on my Android device, which seemed to "reset" everything.
At this time, we require that the Google user who initiates the account linking process, both via the simulator and Google Home application, be the same Google user that logs in via a Google Sign-in option, if it is offered as part of your auth flow. This is a hard requirement.
For this reason, we'd suggest not offering a Google logout option as part of your account linking process.

Cannot access paypal sandbox

I have been trying to access my Paypal Sandbox but no luck. I can login fine to my PayPal account but when I try to access or I keep getting a page cannot be displayed error. I have flushed my cache and have tried IE, Firefox and Chrome but none seem to work.
None of the links from within PayPal to the sandbox work either.
Perhaps behind some type of firewall or security setting that is blocking access. What pages on the sandbox are you specifically trying to access. Make sure you are signing into PayPal's Developer Site first at (, and then try accessing one of your accounts you have set up by clicking the link under you test account that says access sandbox site. Otherwise after signing into the developer account, you can open up another tab and go to the sandbox site at and see if that page comes up for you. You should be able to sign in there.
I was facing the same problem but I could find a workaround.
If you pay attention in the links of the left menu (My business info, my money..), they are leading to pages in the domain "beta-sandbox" and that's the problem.
Copy the link and change the domain for "sandbox"
For instance, the correct link for

Can I use the Sandbox and Add to Cart buttons for testing?

Basically, what I want know is whether or not one can test Add to Cart buttons via the sandbox.
I have an Add to Cart button. I click on on it. I am directed to and asked to click on a link to log me into Paypal. I do that and then I am directed to where I click on "See our New Sandbox." I then am told to log in again, which I do. the page refreshes and I am logged in. I click on the See Our New Sandbox link again and I see two sandbox accounts, a Business and a Personal. I expand the personal and click on the sandbox link and I am directed to, where I am asked to log in. I log in ( with my Paypal account ) and then I am asked to click a link to log in to the sandbox, which I do, and once more I am at, with a "See our New Sandbox" link. Click on that link and the circular logging in starts again.
I've tried this on IE, Firefox, Chrome, a separate computer, clearing cache and cookies, and even using an Incognito window, but still the same loop.
Click Add to Cart
Go to Sandbox
Click link to log me in to PayPal
Click on See Our New Sandbox
Login again.
Click on See Our New Sandbox.
Go to one of my sandbox accounts and click on sandbox site link.
Directed to, log in.
Asked to click link to login.
Directed to, click on See Our New Sandbox.
Go to 6
Months ago, the Sandbox worked great, but now? Loop after loop. Is this being addressed? Can one actually use the Sandbox for Add to Cart buttons? T
As far as i'm aware, the answer to your question is yes. Regarding your problem, I recommend you to open the "Log in into the sandbox" link in a new tab/window, then once you log in, refresh the page that gave you the link, it should work as expected. Another way will be to log in and then go back to your page and click in your Add to Cart button again.

Can not access imported accounts in paypal development environment

just found that PayPal changed their Sanbox, now I need real PayPal account to develop.
Ok, I went to my real one, imported my test sandbox accounts into it. Then, I go to one of these accounts on, and click "sandbox site" link. I expect that it will go to sandbox site where I can log in with this test account. But instead after clicking the link I'm getting "please login to use PayPal sandbox features" message on, that has a link to, where I'm logged in already. So, I don't know any way to log in with my test accounts now. Please help.
This is a known issue due to transition from old sandbox to the new site. You need to delete your cookies and re-login to access the sandbox site. Please note that IE has permanent cookies stored on file system that need to be deleted. Firefox or Chrome would work better than IE8.

Sandbox testing & Redirection Issue

For testing my adaptive api payments with new sandbox ( i have imported my sandbox accounts into the live paypal account. But on testing the payment i am not getting redirect to the PayPal Store page. Instead it asks me to login into on which i am already login. Even when i does login it do not show me the store page for the payment but instead just show me the homepage for the developer site.
Above is the URL which i got as result of testing for payment from my site along with the approval key. But i am just moving in the circles of this new paypal transition. As i have also tried deleting my cookies on the Mozila. I am using iMac.
Same happens when i try to go to sandbox site from inside the live account, it sends me to the sandbox site where i get message to login into the developer.paypal site
Please advise how to get rid of these PayPal bugs for testing the Workflow which earlier was working smoothly untill PayPal decided to roll out new changes (Required Live account for testing).
Looking for guidance on this issue.