Windows Phone programmatically connecting two devices and mirroring the screen - iphone

We can connect two or more iOS devices(iPhone and iPad both) programmatically via bluetooth and replicate the app's screen on multiple devices using GameKit in iOS. I searched on net if any API supports this kind of feature in Windows Phone 7/8, but I didnt find any luck. Please tell me if it is possible, if yes which API does that.

You can accomplish such functionality only with Windows Phone 8 API. Take a look on Bluetooth API description here StreamSocket can be useful to replicate the app's screen.


Access connected devices camera using swift

I'm currently planning on making a desktop application that requires access to a connected phones camera. For example, if I plug in a phone using a usb cable I want to be able to see what the phone's camera is seeing on the desktop application. The program must also support android phones because that is what I'm currently using.
I was planning on creating the application in swift due to me working on a mac. Unfortunately I've never worked with swift before, so I was wondering if this sort of thing is possible in the language? If not, are there any other languages that might be able to achieve this?

Ibeacon app developing

Just started reading about this ibeacon that apple is selling out to retailers. If I wanted to created an app that connects to these beacons.. how can I do so? Cant seem to find any apis or any help for doing this, it is a relatively new technology. Also, can Android devices also utilize this technology?
Apple has an app called AirLocate that they released at WWDC this year. If you search on "AirLocate" you can find it online.
It is an app that lets you turn your BLE-capable iOS device (iPhone 4S or later, iPad mini/ iPad 3 or later, or 4" iPod) into either a beacon or a beacon detector.
With that source it's quite easy to figure out the basics of iBeacon programming.
As the other poster said, the newest Androids are able to detect beacons, but so far the firmware does not support sending as a beacon.
Yes, Android devices can interact with iBeacons using Radius Networks' Android iBeacon Library.
You can find a table that compares the APIs for both Android and iOS on this page. You may also want to Google for a tutorial.

Any iPhone SIP/VOIP Application that can be called from other iPhone App?

Is there any VOIP app for iPhone/iPad that can accept call request from another custom iPhone application?
I have a custom iPhone application written with C# and MonoTouch. I need to make VOIP calls (and conference call with multiple phones) from my iphone application. But developing a VOIP app from ground up is not worth the time (and I dont know Obective-C either). So I was looking for an SDK or App that can accept call request from other apps. For example my app could construct and call a URL like (app-protocol:call?18002221111&18003331112&18001322244)... an installed VOIP in iPhone will listen to the protocol and place conference call to all three numbers. (Something like this is possible with skype but skype does not support conferencing in IOS... although works fine in Mac or Windows).
Thanks for your answer Paul. Do you know if gvconnect url scheme will support bulk call (multiple numbers at the same time? For single number I can have skype installed (Free), I tested the skype: url scheme and that works fine. The problem is it does not work with semicolon delimited phone numbers in iOS ... which works fine in skype for Windows Desktop version.
I think GV Connect - Google Voice Connect can do this for you. It supports gvconnect:// url handler scheme. You can find a list of apps which use custom URL handlers here
I haven't tested this one but it could be also helpful:
Siphon, an open source iPhone app.

Add media from iphone (outside of iPod library) into iTunes

Is there a way for my iPhone app to add media (mp3s) not in its iPod library to iTunes once the user plugs/syncs to a desktop such that the media will get sync'd back into the iPhone's iPod library?
I know the question is rather general, but if it is indeed possible, can anyone nudge me in the right direction?
Who wants to write a sync app for mac and windows? Try serving a bonjour discoverable upload page from the iPhone. I got cocoahttpserver up and running in a few minutes.
No, it's not possible to do this using anything provided by the iPhone SDK. The only way to do something similar would be to store the media in your iPhone application's local storage, write an OS X application that discovered your iPhone via Bonjour, synced the content via WIFI, and then added it to iTunes.
Take a look at "Things" (an iPhone todo list application) if you'd like to see an example with sync-to-desktop functionality.
there is a way, i've done it through an app and it wasn't complicated. sadly I forgot and am currently looking for where I found the answer and thats how I stumbled upon this.

Does the iPhone SDK allow hardware access to the dock connector?

I haven't been able to find any documentation on hardware access via the iPhone SDK so far. I'd like to be able to send signals via the dock connector to an external hardware device but haven't seen any evidence that this is accessible via the SDK (not interested in possibilities on jailbroken iPhones).
Anyone have any pointers to docs for this or some idea of what deep dark corner i should look?
It will with the new SDK (3.0):
iPhone OS Accessories
Using iPhone SDK 3.0 your application can communicate with accessories attached to iPhone or iPod touch through either the 30-pin dock connector or wirelessly using Bluetooth.
Available in iPhone SDK 3.0 as External Accessory framework
To get the Hardware specs for the Doc connector you need to be part of the made for ipod/iphone program. But if you just want to talk to an already existing piece of hardware that supports it, the 3.0 SDK will let you access it.
I have tried applying to the made for ipod/iphone program as a individual/hobbyist, but have so far not heard anything past the "fill out the company information" stage.
This falls into the range of capabilities that requires working with Apple to get a special license. At, I presume, a special price.
This has changed to some extent with the 3.0 version of the iPhone firmware. If PyjamaSam is correct there is still some special activity required to get the connector specifications.