Get the root folder of the installation drive in install4j - install4j

For specific needs I would like to install some files in the root directory of the installation, for example if the installation is under C:/Program Files, so I need to set some files in C:/.

There may be an easier way, but I would create a "run a script" action and parse ${installer:sys.installationDir} to get the root of that...


error in root\workspace\.metadata\.log

I try to run eclipse, but I can not.
The software creates an error in the root\workspace\.metadata\.log folder. But I did not understand anything.
Here is the log file:
Log File
Also, I did not find a file named ".snap" at the address given. I deleted the workspace folder. I even deleted the software and installed it again. But none of them worked.
In the workspace folder there is a folder with the name ".metadata". and in this folder there is a file with the name ".log".
So the actual path will be:
In Linux you might need to use ls -la to see the folder ".metadata" and the file ".log".
Check also the file eclipse.ini in the root folder of the Eclipse installation. In this file you could specify the -vm parameter and point it to the JVM dll or "so" files directly.
For example:

Avoid creating installation directory for patch installation

Today I need a solution to avoid creating a installation directory by install4j version 6.1.3 in a context of a patch installation. I wrote an installer which contains some files to install them to an existing application installation. The files should be bundled together with the patch installer. At the install files action i deactivated the install runtime selection point but the installer still created the installation directory containing a folder called .install4j. In this folder there are only some install4j files. When I deactivate the whole install files action the folder will not be created but the bundles files will also be not extracted to the temp-dircetory, right? I also marked the installation directory as an excluded file at the media-wizard. Do I missed something?
Thanks in advance
I would recommend to use the "Add-on installer" installer type on the "Installer->Update options" step.
If you need to update the version number, an alternative solution would be to remove the "Install files" action and add a ZIP file on the "Installer->Custom Code & resources" step that contains the new files. In the "Installation" screen, add an "Install content of a ZIP file" action with the "Zip file" property set to ${installer:sys.resourceDir}/

Configure Eclipse IDE to move cache data out of eclipse installation direction

I believe this is normal user's behavior:
After downloading the eclipse IDE distribution, such as file, you unzip it to a folder, e.g. C:. The eclipse executable is at C:\eclipse\eclipse.exe. (Here I'll refer C:\eclipse directory as eclipse home directory.)
When running, eclipse will write some temp or customization file under eclipse home directory, so the eclipse home directory became dirty. I wonder if there is any parameter or configuration file setting so eclipse will write those cache/temp/customized data to somewhere else.
I'm not talking about '-clean' parameter. From the help file, I think I should try -configuration configURL. However I don't know the format of the configuration file.
Here is the best I've got so far after some trial and errors:
Take C:\eclipse as my eclipse home directory, which is extracted from eclipse distribution zip file. My goal is to keep this home directory clean.
I created the following directories:
Here is the command line I used to start eclipse, of course it's part of a script:
C:\eclipse\eclipse.exe -data C:\ -user C:\eclipse-work.home\user -configuration C:\eclipse-work.home\configuration
The trick is I need to make configuration directory to be a two level directory as eclipse will generate other cache or data under C:\eclipse-work.home dir.
This is the best I can get so far. All cache data, as well as plug-ins I installed, will be in the C:\eclipse-work.home directory. There is only one file generated under original eclipse home directory, that is a profile gz file under
directory. And this file won't be changed once it's created.
I'm using a ram disk. Using above approach I can setup the eclipse IDE in the ram disk image file. Now eclipse starts much faster.
For that -user directory, so far I didn't observe any file generated under it. Not sure if it can be omitted.

Change the location of the .install4j folder

In the files step, I created a root folder where I would install the distributed files, however the .install4j folder still gets generated inside C:\Program Files.I want to know, how I could change its location for example to the custom root folder I created.
The .install4j folder is always created in the installation directory. You cannot move it to a different installation root.

Install4j create user data directory

Install4j has the system variable sys.docsdir that will create a data directory in the proper place. But I can not find an action to add to the installation that will create an empty directory. What is the action? If I need to create custom script, a sample would be awesome.
The installer variable sys.docsdir contains the path to the user-specific "Documents" folder on Windows, it does not create a directory.
To install files into a subfolder of the sys.docsdir directory, add a new root under Files->Define distribution tree with the name ${installer:sys.docsdir}/myfolder and add the files below that folder.
To install to a folder that is resolved at runtime, the name of the installation root can contain your own installer variable, like ${installer:myDataDir}. In that case, you have to define that variable (for example with a "Set a variable" action) before the "Install files" action runs.
You may find your answer here, in the following link:
Hope it helps you.