error in root\workspace\.metadata\.log - eclipse

I try to run eclipse, but I can not.
The software creates an error in the root\workspace\.metadata\.log folder. But I did not understand anything.
Here is the log file:
Log File
Also, I did not find a file named ".snap" at the address given. I deleted the workspace folder. I even deleted the software and installed it again. But none of them worked.

In the workspace folder there is a folder with the name ".metadata". and in this folder there is a file with the name ".log".
So the actual path will be:
In Linux you might need to use ls -la to see the folder ".metadata" and the file ".log".
Check also the file eclipse.ini in the root folder of the Eclipse installation. In this file you could specify the -vm parameter and point it to the JVM dll or "so" files directly.
For example:


Root file properties

I followed this help page to add folder to a features based product. In file I added:
'iwrepo' corresponds to a folder with sub-folders residing in a feature where the above mentioned properties file is. After the build, I get only folders under 'iwrepo' folder moved to Eclipse install directory (annogen,antlr, etc), not what I expected - 'iwrepo' folder with its sub-folders.
What am I doing wrong?
As per documentation
Similar to the "root" and "root." properties, except that instead of being copied into the root of the eclipse install, files and folders are instead copied into the given subfolder.
Instead of root=iwrepo, I need to use root.folder.iwrepo=iwrepo. This correctly subfolders folders under iwrepo.

Configure Eclipse IDE to move cache data out of eclipse installation direction

I believe this is normal user's behavior:
After downloading the eclipse IDE distribution, such as file, you unzip it to a folder, e.g. C:. The eclipse executable is at C:\eclipse\eclipse.exe. (Here I'll refer C:\eclipse directory as eclipse home directory.)
When running, eclipse will write some temp or customization file under eclipse home directory, so the eclipse home directory became dirty. I wonder if there is any parameter or configuration file setting so eclipse will write those cache/temp/customized data to somewhere else.
I'm not talking about '-clean' parameter. From the help file, I think I should try -configuration configURL. However I don't know the format of the configuration file.
Here is the best I've got so far after some trial and errors:
Take C:\eclipse as my eclipse home directory, which is extracted from eclipse distribution zip file. My goal is to keep this home directory clean.
I created the following directories:
Here is the command line I used to start eclipse, of course it's part of a script:
C:\eclipse\eclipse.exe -data C:\ -user C:\eclipse-work.home\user -configuration C:\eclipse-work.home\configuration
The trick is I need to make configuration directory to be a two level directory as eclipse will generate other cache or data under C:\eclipse-work.home dir.
This is the best I can get so far. All cache data, as well as plug-ins I installed, will be in the C:\eclipse-work.home directory. There is only one file generated under original eclipse home directory, that is a profile gz file under
directory. And this file won't be changed once it's created.
I'm using a ram disk. Using above approach I can setup the eclipse IDE in the ram disk image file. Now eclipse starts much faster.
For that -user directory, so far I didn't observe any file generated under it. Not sure if it can be omitted.

How can I create Eclipse-style folders from the Terminal?

Is it possible to create Eclipse-style folders (Project Folder, Package and so on) via the Terminal?
I once renamed an Eclipse package like this: mv oldname newname, and I noticed that after doing so, Eclipse no longer considered the folder a Package.
This possibly means that it is a matter of metadata, but I have so far been unsuccessful in locating the files containing the relevant information.
Eclipse does not provide anything to do this and it is not really possible manually.
For a project some information is stored in the .project file in the project folder. Depending on the type of project there may also be a .classpath file and there will also be data stored in the .metadata folder in the workspace and also in a .settings folder in the project.
All the file and folder names starting with . are considered to be hidden on Linux, Unix and Mac systems and are not shown by default. Use the -a flag of ls to see them.

How to fix the Eclipse executable launcher was unable to locate its companion shared library for windows 7?

I am getting the following error, while launching Eclipse:
The eclipse executable launcher was unable to locate its companion shared library.
Previously Eclipse was working fine when I had jre6 installed on my pc. After installing jre7 update 25, I am no longer able to launch Eclipse.
My Eclipse ini-file has these lines:
How do I fix this error? Any help would be great.
Had similar issue, which was a result of update. Please make sure that names of libraries mentioned in eclipse.ini and the actual names of these files on your disk match exactly.
Here is the post that I used to fix this issue on my system
It worked only after removing the eclipse folder and all related folders like .p2, .eclipse (in my case they are at different location where I have saved eclipse installer) etc. and after re-downloading the eclipse, it worked.
In my case, this error occurred because of windows 7 shortcuts. In windows we create shortcuts on desktop by using right click > send to > desktop. In my pc, there is no option for desktop, but there is one for "documents". I created the shortcuts there and then moved them to the desktop. Executing these shortcuts causes the error. Eclipse works fine when I run it directly from the folder where it is installed. I fixed it by using right click > create shortcut and then moving this shortcut to the desktop.
This is an issue with the 64 bit version of Kepler and windows7 in my case.
I downloaded the 32 bit and it worked immediately.
In my case I have moved plugins folder mistakenly to another folder while taking backup of my unnecessary projects.
Then while I was trying to run the eclipse.exe I was getting the error-
The Eclipse executable launcher was unable to locate its companion
shared library.
I have simply copied the plugins folder to eclipse root directory, and it was working fine for me.
If you have the folders backup in your computer then just copy and paste the folders on eclipse directory, you don't need to reinstall or change the ini file so far I realized.
This happened to me when deleting some Equinox package from my plugins directory, make sure this is not the case.
The reason to that might be the 2 lines in eclipse.ini
for my case the reason was admin privilages so I had to move the folder from the path specified in ini to my eclipse plugins and change path in ini to :
This worked for me
On the Zipped folder of the ADT you initially downloaded unzip and navigate to:
Copy all the executable jar files and paste them on the
directory (or wherever your adt is located).
Any executable jar files missing in the plugin folder will be added. You should be able to launch eclipse
I encountered the similar problem after installing new software. In my case, the problem was solved by: (1) restoring .p2 subdirectory under my home directory; and (2) editing eclipse.init file to have the updated java directory.
In my case, i had copied a plugins folder into workspace from a collegue. Becaouse it was an unzipped folder, the structure was like 'pluginsfolder inside a plugins folder2 . so make sure that all the plugins are directly located under the toppest plugins folder at the workspace.
In my case eclipse.ini entry for --launcher.library was :
and on my machine 'C:\Users\UserName\.p2\' folder was missing hence installed the eclipse again which created the .p2 folder structure at required location and now I am able to login successfully.
I followed the below steps and it worked for me.
Edit eclipse.ini by adding javaw.exe path and remove --launcher.appendVmargs line.
Below shows the original and edited file
Orginal eclipse.ini
After editing eclipse.ini:
Copied the org.eclipse.equinox.launcher_1.5.700.v20200207-2156.jar to eclipse installation folder .
You can find the .jar location in eclipse.ini
eg : C:\Users\Username.p2\pool\plugins

Move default config folder of eclipse

When Eclipse first start, it creates some config files and folders on my hard drive (contains information about work-space ...etc...). I don't like the position it creates config files because config files are all put in my C:\Users\Long folder and that's ugly. I want to put all those config files somewhere else (C:\Eclipse\ for example). This happens in Linux too.
Do you know how to put those files in somewhere else?
Just add the following to your eclipse.ini file (found at the root eclipse installation folder):
To change the default .eclipse folder location, go to ${eclipse.home}, open your eclipse.ini with a text editor and insert there one line more:
As someone already said, adding the property -Dosgi.configuration.area in the eclipse.ini file does the trick.
But in my opinion it would be better to rely on the user.home variable and set the destination like for the other variables.
Example with -Dosgi.instance.area.default:
In my case I just wanted another destination than the default #user.home/.eclipse which was still used by the Eclipse Mars that I keep for old projects and I just defined:
to have a specific destination for the Eclipse Oxygen 3 installation.
Note that syntax works for both Windows and Linux (I did not tested on OSX, but I guess it should).
Eclipse has some command line arguments you can use. One of those arguments is the flag -data which tells Eclipse where the workspace of Eclipse should be located.
So when I create a new workspace, I normally create a shortcut under Windows (or script file under Linux) with the following contents:
eclipse.exe -vm <JDK>\bin\javaw.exe" -data ws -nl en
This defines which JDK should be used, that the workspace is located under ws and that the english locale should be used.
IMHO parameter -configuration does the trick. It must point to a subdirectory named "config". Eclipse will fill this and the upper directory itself with files, e.g. for a JBoss server installation.
If you have more than one eclipse installation, then you should use a different directory for each eclipse installation.
Example how to keep everything in defined places:
"C:\Program Files (x86)\eclipse\eclipse48jee\eclipse.exe" -nl en_US -vm "C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jdk1.8.0_212\bin" -configuration C:\EclipseData\eclipse48jee\config -data C:\Workspaces\SomeProject