Dropzonejs issue with resolution of an image - drag-and-drop

I have an issue with dropezonejs.
Apparently, when an image has a resolution more than 72dpi, the thumbnail is not generated and everything stop here.
You can try by yourself in the dropzonejs website by uploading different kinds of images. (images <72dpi won't be displayed as thumbnails)
Any ideas to solve this problem?

Probably you're backend doesn't accept CMYK files. I've had the same issue with JAVA ImageIO, we are making an change in the backend to support the upload of a CMYK file


jquery file upload blueimp dimensions

Using the Jquery File Upload script found here, https://blueimp.github.io/jQuery-File-Upload/ is it possible to check the image dimensions before it gets uploaded on the server?
Yes, it is possible by enabling the image resizing.
You can read the wiki here:
jQuery-File-Upload Client-side-Image-Resizing

TinyMCE 4.3 - how to get Image Tools to save edited images as files

I don't manage to get the Image Tools plugin to actually upload the images to the server. I upload images with the jbimages plugin with no problem. But when a picture is edited with the Image Tools, although there's the uploading bar, which gets to 100%, it seems that it's only uploaded as a blob. The page calls the tinymce.activeEditor.uploadImages() function when submitting the form data, but it doesn't work.
I use the 'postacceptor.php' file from the example (defined in 'images_upload_url') and the 'images_upload_base_path' is defined as well.
The files are not uploaded to the server, and the img src remains a blob.
What could the problem be?
What debugging have you done in your PHP code? Is the code being triggered? Does the file appear in the posted content? You need to narrow down where in the process things are failing.
Is the issue that TinyMCE is not posting the edited image or is the issue that the image is posted and the PHP code is not properly saving the image and returning valid JSON?
How did you configure TinyMCE?
Does an edited image get posted to your server code?
What is in that form post?
If you disable the jbImages plugin does that change anything?
Without more details it will be very difficult to help you figure this out.

png shows up in browser but not email clients

This is a strange problem, one that I haven't encountered before. I've created a header img for an email template in AI and exported it as a RGB png-8. When I view the template in a browser, it and all other images in the email show up fine. But when I send the email to my outlook, the header that I created doesn't show up, even though all other images (also png-8s) do. I've checked the color profiles for the new image against the other images, and they are the same.
Has anyone else ever encountered this problem? Any experts on saving ping files for web from AI out there?
Problem resolved. Strange cache issue - images residing on different servers.
Make sure your image is in RGB not in CMYK.

Has facebook changed its image rendering logic recently?

Since the past few months, I've been noticing that they tend to some kind of pixelated image first which then gets replaced by a much better image.
Is this some kind of trick to reduce perceived latency by facebook?
Or is it Chrome doing it?
i think it's progressive image rendering. Quote from the linked blog
Images already render progressively in a web browser -- but you can do even better. Simply save your GIF or PNG images with the "interlaced" option, or your JPEG images with the "progressive" option.
This blog might answer your query - checkout following links -
Image Optimization Part 3: Four Steps to File Size Reduction
Image Optimization Part 4: Progressive JPEG…Hot or Not?

FB Profile Pic always returned as ".jpg"?

Trying to pull user images via the Facebook Social Graph.
Finding it odd that no matter what I upload the image as (gif, bmp, tiff, or jpg), my call to https://graph.facebook.com/507988137/picture?type=large (my pic) always returns a jpg.
Does anyone know if I'm OK assuming that his image is always a "jpg"? I'm using php get_file_contents to pull the images & would prefer not having to sniff test them for various formats.
Facebook doesn't save the original image that you upload. Instead it converts all uploaded images to jpgs of 4 different sizes to support all the different places where the image may be displayed.
In case you are interested, Facebook basically has this down to a science, in fact, I've read several times that they are the largest image hosting service in the world. More details within this Facebook blog post, Facebook Photos Infrastructure
That's because FaceBook stores it as a jpg, because that is in general the most efficient image format for pictures.
It's always a good idea to check if the data is what you expect. Checking image type is quite easy. It will always be a web format, which basically comes down to jpg, png and gif, with gif being very unlikely because of its limitations (GIF can contain 256 colors at most, and is generally larger than png. Has license limitations too).
BMP is not a web format and cannot be displayed in most browsers. You will not get a BMP from that url.
make sure you also handle the case where a gif is returned to you.
This is the default profile pic for users that doesn't update their profile pic