jquery file upload blueimp dimensions - jquery-file-upload

Using the Jquery File Upload script found here, https://blueimp.github.io/jQuery-File-Upload/ is it possible to check the image dimensions before it gets uploaded on the server?

Yes, it is possible by enabling the image resizing.
You can read the wiki here:
jQuery-File-Upload Client-side-Image-Resizing


Save image with Tinymce

I implemented Tinymce on a website and it's being used as a content editor by the owner of the website (the content is saved in a .txt file). I would like to know if it is possible to save an image uploaded in the tinymce editor into a specific folder on the server.
You'll be able to choose a specific location for image uploading using the images_upload_url property. You can read more on that and our Image Uploading API here: https://www.tinymce.com/docs/configure/file-image-upload/

TinyMCE 4.3 - how to get Image Tools to save edited images as files

I don't manage to get the Image Tools plugin to actually upload the images to the server. I upload images with the jbimages plugin with no problem. But when a picture is edited with the Image Tools, although there's the uploading bar, which gets to 100%, it seems that it's only uploaded as a blob. The page calls the tinymce.activeEditor.uploadImages() function when submitting the form data, but it doesn't work.
I use the 'postacceptor.php' file from the example (defined in 'images_upload_url') and the 'images_upload_base_path' is defined as well.
The files are not uploaded to the server, and the img src remains a blob.
What could the problem be?
What debugging have you done in your PHP code? Is the code being triggered? Does the file appear in the posted content? You need to narrow down where in the process things are failing.
Is the issue that TinyMCE is not posting the edited image or is the issue that the image is posted and the PHP code is not properly saving the image and returning valid JSON?
How did you configure TinyMCE?
Does an edited image get posted to your server code?
What is in that form post?
If you disable the jbImages plugin does that change anything?
Without more details it will be very difficult to help you figure this out.

How to resize image before to upload to blostore (resizing from client, but if not possible, doing it from server)

I am using GWT and the blobstore (GAE). The client uploads an image but I would like to resize this image (w:77px, h:110px) before to store it in the blobstore. I have followed this tutorial :
but it does not do what I want...(moreover, the scaling is done after obtaining the blob key, and I would like to store the image with the good dimentions...).
I will use anything usefull (html 5 file api, gwt upload wrapper, or server side resizing)... but I have no idea how to resize the image coming from a uploader (any code, explication or link to help please).
Thanks you,

Uploading to specified target with jQuery fileupload?

I'm using jQuery fileupload on a site to upload a single file for processing. I've got a simple upload working based on the Basic Plus demo, but would like to upload files to a given path and filename on the server (independent of the filename on the client machine). It seems like this should be straightforward, but I'm having problems figuring it out or finding resources. Is this possible in jQuery fileupload? If so, can anybody point me in the right direction for how?
Thanks for your time!
Answered? Found some helpful information here on changing the filename of uploads.

Dropzonejs issue with resolution of an image

I have an issue with dropezonejs.
Apparently, when an image has a resolution more than 72dpi, the thumbnail is not generated and everything stop here.
You can try by yourself in the dropzonejs website by uploading different kinds of images. (images <72dpi won't be displayed as thumbnails)
Any ideas to solve this problem?
Probably you're backend doesn't accept CMYK files. I've had the same issue with JAVA ImageIO, we are making an change in the backend to support the upload of a CMYK file