Graphical output in Perl - perl

A very simple question but just not some thing I have done before and that I have been playing with on and off for a while now.
The basic outline is that I have been playing with different ways of generating procedural based star scapes with the idea that it can generate displays that contain “constellations” that orbit with in a much large field.
The eventual idea is to hook up a laser projector (or two), but you run these using DACs and Galvos. in the mean time I want to simple output to a standard monitor and while I can do this with C# and Visual Basic .NET, graphical output from Perl is not something I have ever done.
Can any one point me in the right direction of what I should be looking at? I just want to create an X by Y window that I can map the starscape array to.

You can use Gtk, Qt or other toolkit to create GUI for Perl applications. I tried Gtk. The installation was not so smooth on Windows, but when I got it running, it was pretty much easy to use. The Gtk bindings for Perl can be installed from CPAN.


Can we check unreal blue script code in code editor?

I just start to learn things about Unreal4, and when I check "Blue print tutorials" I realize that blue print is a kind of combination of unreal script and kismet, only it's visualized. But all the logic and behavior seem to be as same as unreal script, so I'm wondering is there anyway we can use code editor like VS or sublime text to open the blue print source file to code it in a traditional way because as a programmer it's much more faster if we code it directly rather than drag it all over the screen. I bet epic have sort of mid-language behind blue print and translated to visual graphics in the run-time.
If we can't, I can understand all the mid-language codes are generated and followed a strict coding convention. It will be a chaos, if it's open for every one to code it directly.
As I have been learning Unreal4 recently (since March 2016), I have found that I am going to code my logic in C++ and then use the Blueprints for the visual interactions.
Epic does not intend for you to step in between the engine and the Blueprints. I imagine you can if you step in the engine source code yourself, but you are not getting any assistance from Epic to do this and in all my digging to learn how to use this engine, I have not come across efforts to make this possible. The purpose of the Blueprints is for folks without a traditional programming background to help them get started.
I agree with you, programming in Blueprints is a mess to me. Assigning variables and if-then statements are way too much of a mess in Blueprints.

What is a good resource/method for me to learn making Qt GUIs for Perl?

I am decent with Perl, and I've chosen to start learning making GUI interfaces for my Perl programs. That said, I've found it hard to learning how to make a GUI with Qt. I have the bindings from which seem to be the most recent, but as to how to use them I'm still a bit stumped. All the books and tutorials on the net that I can find are either geared towards using Qt with C++ or with Python.
I'm an absolute Qt beginner and would like to learn how to use it with Perl, but unfortunately the net seems scarce on material for me to use. I can make a GUI design with QtDesigner but don't know how I can fit the code that it generates together with Perl. I can copy the examples from , but those are simple programs withe no accompanying documentation that would allow me to know what is going on or why the code was written that way.
I don't know how Qt or the bindings work but I'd like to learn. Everything that I can find is either obsolete or written for bindings for other languages which I don't understand. I was hoping that some people who've already done this would give me some solid advice or point to some good resources so that I could start learning.
If making a GUI is what you want to do, please consider CitrusPerl that builds on top of wxPerl which is nothing more than a wrapper around wxWidgets. It also makes it very easy to create installers or packagers with the use of Cava Deployment Tools.
After struggling a further day with the stuff qt4 + perl works in that (stackexchange) way. I use a standard debian wheezy distribution with the packages libqtcore4-perl and libqtgui4-qt etc. Sources from Chris Burel can be found under CPAN or GIT. Regards

Matlab Vs. Maple for curve fitting to data, finding eq'n of curve then integrating through code

Im sure there are a thousand different posts on Maple vs Matlab, but i have a bit of a unique set of requirements and before i go off to learn one of the two i would like to know which one will do it best.
I have a set of data from an accelerometer recording an impact. I need to do the following:
fit a curve to the data
Find the equation for that curve
solve the equation listed at the link
which solves for a family of curves,i.e the MAX under the interval.
I would like to do this as seamlessly with visual studio as possible. The GUI and all the other elements of the app are built in VB and I would like to keep it there. I know maple has a code generating part to it that will convert to VB, would it be able to handle something like this? Does Matlab integrate with Visual Studio well? I would be thrilled if there was an object i could place on the VB form which would facilitate the communication to and from the matlab or maple framework. Currently i have it working with R, however to do so i need to write the data to a file, launch the R script, wait for it to finish, return control to my VB app and take it from there. This process takes too long and since i do not have experience with multi threaded programming the GUI freezes up when control is passed to the script.
Any help or suggestions would be very much appreciated!
In your case I would choose neither of the two. You may have a look at Python Tools for Visual Studio. The blog post mentions support for NumPy & SciPy for .Net which gives you all the math power you need at hand well integrated in the .Net world.
By looking at matplotlib's gallery I'm tempted to say that matplotlib is on par with MATLAB.
MATLAB doesn't auto-generate VB code, but it can easily be called from a VB application without the indirection of writing a file. It has COM interface that can be called directly from within VB code. See this example from the MATLAB documentation to find out more.
To carry out the technical analysis you've mentioned, you would probably save time by using Curve Fitting Toolbox in addition to base MATLAB.
Note that the above method of connecting to MATLAB via its COM interface relies on there being a live copy of MATLAB present when the VB application is executed. If you need to share your application with people who don't have a copy of MATLAB, you can also create standalone COM components and .NET assemblies from MATLAB code that can be called in the same way by your VB code, but can be deployed freely to people without a MATLAB license - however, this requires an extra product, MATLAB Builder for .NET.

What is a good visualization library for creating state diagrams and animations?

I'd like to post-process log files and extract node data and transitions, and then graph them in a gui of some kind. So, I'd like to programmaticly draw bubble diagrams, maybe with animations showing packets going from node to node.
Ideally, perl or java would be the language of choice, but anything that runs on a linux platform would be fine.
What is the best library for this kind of thing?
Java Solutions
Two possibilities in Java include Prefuse and Visual Library. They both have the ability to display graphs with some animation ability. Prefuse has better graph layouts. Visual Library is more Swing-like if you are used to Swing development.
Adobe Flash
If you are willing to work with Adobe Flash, Flare is probably a little more suited to your task as it has better animation capabilities and has good graph layouts.
Animation Libraries
If your diagrams are fairly simple, you could create your own diagrams and use the Timing Framework or Trident for animation.
Some other possibilities include Processing and JavaFX. Javascript libraries include ProcessingJS and Protovis.
Graphviz will draw you static diagrams. It can't do animations as far as I know.
If you can convert the output into graphviz dot format (graphviz) than you can use idot incremental viewer (iDot_incremental_viewer) which uses prefuse behind the scenes and it's completely free. The only thing you need to do here is to convert the output in simple dot file. Rest will be taken care of incremental viewer.

How can I enhance the look of the Perl/TK GUI under Perl 5.004?

I have an application that is built to work on Windows, Linux, and Solaris that uses the Perl/TK GUI. Due to constraints, we are limited to Perl/TK only. Moreover, we are limited to an old Perl/Tk version, 5.00404.
I'd like to work within these limitations to make the GUI look as nice and modern as possible.
Are there any web-resources that have TK design schemes (for buttons, frames, colors, etc) that could assist me in this endeavor?
I am also looking for modernization advices like the one that I found here:
If you're finding that your Tk apps look a little ugly on X-based systems, try adding the following lines to the top of your script:
$mw->optionAdd("*font", "-*-arial-normal-r-*-*-*-120-*-*-*-*-*-*");
$mw->optionAdd("*borderWidth", 1);
Try using images instead of button elements, then you can have whatever style you like and the fonts can be baked in. This will work for pretty much any element where the contents are not dynamic - including backgrounds on panes and such. Granted it's more work but it does solve your problem, especially if you have a competent artist in your project group.
You could use the Tk theme engine to give your app better looks.
Using optionAdd to tweak defaults through the option database
is a reasonable start. A thread about this can be found at:
Download griffin.kit from there, use the sdx tool to unwrap it and locate
griffin.tcl to get a good set of option settings. for the sdx tool.
Since in Linux the background of Tk::Entry and Tk::Text is grey i would also use the following two lines.
$mw->optionAdd( '*Entry.background', 'snow1' );
$mw->optionAdd( '*Text.background', 'snow1' );
Replace 'snow1' with a color of your choice. You can also use the hex representation(RGB) of the colors like '#ff9696'.
The Tile themeable engine for Tk makes it look much prettier. However, Perl/Tk has lagged far behind Tk's development, and can't take advantage of Tile and other advancements.
You should investigate whether Tkx is an option for you. It's not completely compatible with Perl/Tk, but the API is pretty close. It's a bridge between Perl and Tcl/Tk, so it can use all of the modern Tcl/Tk features (like Tile) while still having application logic coded in Perl. Quite a few of ActiveState's own graphical utilities use Tkx, with fairly good-looking results.
Perl 5.00404 is incredibly ancient, though. The Tkx dist claims to depend on Perl≥5.008... I don't have an old enough Perl to see how accurate that is.