What is a good resource/method for me to learn making Qt GUIs for Perl? - perl

I am decent with Perl, and I've chosen to start learning making GUI interfaces for my Perl programs. That said, I've found it hard to learning how to make a GUI with Qt. I have the bindings from http://code.google.com/p/perlqt4 which seem to be the most recent, but as to how to use them I'm still a bit stumped. All the books and tutorials on the net that I can find are either geared towards using Qt with C++ or with Python.
I'm an absolute Qt beginner and would like to learn how to use it with Perl, but unfortunately the net seems scarce on material for me to use. I can make a GUI design with QtDesigner but don't know how I can fit the code that it generates together with Perl. I can copy the examples from http://code.google.com/p/perlqt4/source/browse/qtgui/examples/tutorial , but those are simple programs withe no accompanying documentation that would allow me to know what is going on or why the code was written that way.
I don't know how Qt or the bindings work but I'd like to learn. Everything that I can find is either obsolete or written for bindings for other languages which I don't understand. I was hoping that some people who've already done this would give me some solid advice or point to some good resources so that I could start learning.

If making a GUI is what you want to do, please consider CitrusPerl that builds on top of wxPerl which is nothing more than a wrapper around wxWidgets. It also makes it very easy to create installers or packagers with the use of Cava Deployment Tools.

After struggling a further day with the stuff qt4 + perl ..it works in that (stackexchange) way. I use a standard debian wheezy distribution with the packages libqtcore4-perl and libqtgui4-qt etc. Sources from Chris Burel can be found under CPAN or GIT. Regards


What module to use for perl GUI on linux? [duplicate]

I'd like to write some interactive GUIs in Perl. I've used TclTk but it looks dated. I've written QT code for C++, but the PerlTk module hasn't had a release in several years. Googling around I see other possible options.
What are good packages for this, including basic windowing, menus, drawing canvas, scrollbars, and so on.
Gtk2 has glade2 which can write out an XML file usable by Gtk2::GladeXML. Here is an example of how to bundle the XML with the app in the same file.
I misread the question at first. I thought you wanted a GUI editor for making GUIs (which is what glade2 is). You can also create GUIs using Gtk2 without glade2:
use strict;
use warnings;
use Gtk2;
my $window = Gtk2::Window->new;
my $vbox = Gtk2::VBox->new;
my $label = Gtk2::Label->new("Hello World");
my $button = Gtk2::Button->new("Press me");
$window->set_default_size(200, 200);
destroy => sub {
my $i = 0;
clicked => sub {
$label->set_text("button pressed " . ++$i . " times");
Try wxPerl!
From the web site:
wxPerl is an extension module allowing
the creation of GUI (Graphical User
Interface) from Perl; it is built as a
wrapper for the awesome wxWidgets C++
GUI toolkit.
Echoing Chas Owens, glade is quite usable with Gtk2 in Perl. In addition, Gtk2 also supports GtkBuilder files (which you can create the latest glade too).
The main problem with wxPerl (and wxWidgets itself) is that it doesn't let you install file event watchers into its main loop (it only has GUI, Socket and Timer events), unlike Tk and Gtk.
The Qt, Tk and Gtk2 event loops can be used in Perl with AnyEvent, and Gtk2 can be hooked into applications running the Event or Ev mainloop with Glib::Event and Glib::EV modules.
A GUI builder for WxPerl would be wxGlade or wxFormBuilder, both open-source.
I would probably use Gtk2, but Tk is definitely not dead. The lack of releases is due to the bugs being ironed out over the years. A lot of people still use it, and it generally works fine. (Tk's event loop is somewhat silly, but that is a detail that probably shouldn't concern you.) The only disadvantage is that your GUI looks like it is from 1996, but who cares?
(The gitk tool included with git showed that Tk GUIs look fine as long as they're useful.)
Recently I was made aware of another GUI toolkit for Perl called Prima. Its claim to fame is that it was written in C especially for Perl, not a port from TCL or bindings to something else. Assuming you have some rather standard libraries on your system, it will install directly from CPAN and its cross-platform!
David Mertens has been writing a new plotting library for PDL using it, and a REPL too!
Regarding quality of widgets, all three gtk2, wx and qt4 are equally good -- gtk2 is fastest, qt4 has best resolution, whereas wx is somewhere between the two in terms of both the parameters.
But tk is behind all the three both in terms of speed and resolution, but remains firstly because it is the original widget for all unix based interpreted languages, and secondly because it is native-widget of freebsd.
As on today in case of perl, documentation of perl-gtk2 is slightly more developed than both perl-qt4 which is in turn is more developed than wxperl. In fact, if you browse the web, you will find that tutorials for perl-gtk2 is more extensively available than even pygtk (which is also very well established) and ruby-gtk2. In case of python, wxpython documentation leads over PyQt and pygtk, whereas in case of ruby, ruby-qt4 leads over ruby-gtk2 and wxruby. However, others are developing very fast (e.g. ruby-gtk2) and after some time all nine will be equal in all aspects.
The perl-qt4 specific problem is: In case of non-kde desktops, perl-qt4 may not run. I tried running all in ubuntu and sabayon and found that perl-gtk2 and even wxperl (and wxruby also) runs fine whereas I'm not able to run even a single perl-qt4 programs in gnome-desktop where I have installed complete qt4 support without kde.
perl-qt4 asks for installation of not just qt4-libraries, but also kde-desktop libraries. This problem is uniquely perl-qt4-specific, does not exist in case of PyQt and rubyqt4 since they both run fine with qt4 runtime under gnome.
Hence, in this way eight (plus three tk) out of nine options did well (I havent tested PySide yet).
In case of perl-tk, widget is well developed and established and unlike tkinter, pmw and rubytk, its documentation is the best among all of these mentioned above.
But maybe after some time all the documentations become developed and any would become equally good.
After taking a balance between speed, clarity and cross-platform into consideration choose either perl-gtk2, or perl-qt4 or wxperl.
perl-tk, perl-gtk2 and perl-qt4 syntaxes nicely go well with perl programming language syntax, whereas wxperl syntax look more like proper c++ blended into perl which is different from the respective language syntax (just like in case of wxpython and wxruby).
But if you are already keeping in mind that wx code is uniquely different then you can straightaway begin with wxperl.
Otherwise, best way out is: begin with perl-tk, then switch over to perl-gtk2 then perl-qt4 or wxperl alike but make sure that you learn all four instead of only one (the same sequence should also apply to python and ruby too despite the fact that documentation support is reverse, but in case of perl even for this aspect it is same).
I don't have a real answer for you, but often you have to consider your deployment targets. Some of the GUI libraries are very nice, but only if you can get them to work on your operating system. I don't necessarily think that all frameworks need to be cross-platform compatible, a very laudable goal to work toward in a perfect world, as long as the one you choose doesn't lock out a significant portion of your users because the foundation GUIs libraries are hard to install or support on a particular platform.
I just want to let everyone know PerlQt is great and this site has a lot of tutorials on how to use it and lots of examples to download.
PerlQt Wiki tutorial
PerlQt is a very fast and easy way to create great looking GUI programs using the Qt drag and drop form designer and Perl. PerlQt is powerful enough for advanced developers and easy for beginners as well.
The solution I'm going with is Gtk-Perl. At first I had difficulty installing it, but in the end I found Camelbox Perl+Gtk2 in one package.
I have used Tk, but in the last few days I have been playing around with Continuity (CPAN entry), a stateful (persistent state per user) web application/server, and it could easily be a way to add "GUI" features into an application, while making it multi-user and portable at the same time.
Edit: At the time I wrote this, I was most interested in the fact that Continuity had its own built-in webserver. This is now true of other webframeworks for Perl as well. I have been using Mojolicious though I hear good things about Dancer too.

Compiled Perl GUI Application

I'm searching for options to make a GUI based application.
Application needs to intact with http servers, database and GUI.
so best option that I know is to have perl.
I'm searching for a way to Compile the code to ensure the security
also easy development of GUI.
I have started the same with Perl/TK but writing each and every lines of GUI is taking lot of time also its really hard to debug.
Is there any option to that the GUI building can be like QT or .NEt so that the GUI controls can be easily dragged and drop.
If I'm using PerlQT, is drag and drop possible?
Is it possible to compile the code in PerlQT?
Whether this will work in both linux and windows?
Is there any other option like PerlGTK or something else?
If you think “compiling” a Perl script will solve any problems, you are likely to face a disappointment.
Usually, the perl interpreter is just bundled with the plain source code and any used modules into one gargantuan executable. The script isn't really compiled. This makes nothing easier. Also, compilation has nothing to do with security, and can provide a bit of obscurity at best.
Otherwise, you could tread the crazy route and use something that serializes the Perl opcodes into C code, and compile that. Do note that while perl compiles the source into opcodes, it already executes parts of it, so that running the opcode serialization is not the same as running the actual program.
On *nix systems, compiling a Perl script is silly, as the interpreter is readily available.
If you want to fuse Perl and foreign code into one program (!= one executable), take a look at the XS language (binds C to Perl), or at the Inline family of modules.
(Perl-)Qt is pretty awesome, but the last time I looked at the recent bindings, that stuff looked undermaintained and experimental. I am sure that you could leverage the QtDesigner somehow for the designing part, and hook up Perl code with that. This should be pretty portable if you have a compiler on every target system. har har.
Other GUI Toolkits you should seriously consider are GTK and Wx. .Net is right out.
Please realize that Perl is a very dynamic language. While compilation isn't likely to be useful, you can use functional programming techniques like anonymous subroutines and metaprogramming techniques like compile time code generation to simplify your GUI coding. If you write Perl like you would write Java, or other fairly static (& compiled) languages, I wouldn't be suprised if Perl seems painful.

perl editor/IDE similar to source insight for C

I have recently started working with Perl. Googling reveals a number of editors but I am unable to find an editor that will help me navigate a large body of Perl source code. One of the features that I am looking for is the ability of the IDE to integrate with different modules and allow me to jump from one to another. If possible, it will also help if one can see the which function calls what.
I used source insight for C programming and it provides these very useful features. Am looking for similar features in perl.
Help appreciated
Have you looked at Padre? It is a Perl IDE developed by the Perl community.
I'm just giving EPIC a chance.
Its an Eclipse plugin utilizing a mighty IDE. The advantage I see in using EPIC over Padre is the fact that eclipse can do all sorts of languages and I don't have to get used to multiple different editors every time.
Another great aproach for Perl programming is using emacs. Yes ... its old but I had quite some joy while getting into Perl.
Komodo IDE, from Active State is also quite good. I haven't used any other Perl IDEs so cannot make comparisons. Most of the features that you are looking for I believe are available in Komodo.
On a side note: The feature that I most appreciated in Komodo was visual debugging.
I mainly use jEdit for Perl programming.
The PerlSideKick plugin, allows you to navigate huge Perl modules (mainly just a plugin for the SideKick plugin).
But there's not much to give you that easy Shift+click navigation you get from Eclipse. jEdit is 100% programmable through Beanshell macros (and JavaScript and Python and JRuby...). So, you can do some of this yourself. So there would be work involved.
For example, it been close enough for me to create "Selection macros" that will allow certain actions on the package or name either highlighted or at the caret. For example, open up the module indicated by the package name.
The Navigator plugin will at least remember where you were last across files.
You might be able to do cross-module navigation through one of the tags plugins
So this won't get you all the way you'd want to go, but it will get you some of the way, and for $0.
It has the most configurable source highlighting this side of writing Emacs-LISP.
It does FTP and remote editing cleaner than most editors I've used.
You can build up a library of Beanshell (shorthand Java) scripts that really help you get what you want done.
Just remember that this recommendation comes with caveats. I have found EPIC quite sub-standard for my use.

How do I use a 3rd party C library in Xcode for my iphone project?

love this site and all helpful people! I'm newbie to Xcode and iPhone programming but I've pretty much got the hang of using the SDK to make programs in Obj-C (simple programs right now but make me happy). My experience is web programming (such as PHP and Perl) and I'm not really used to a lot of the new Xcode/desktopy-app stuff like static libraries and linking and such. I be honest, I am not total awesome programmer yet!
I have a problem right now, my (card game) program I am writing needs to use this C library. I don't really understand how I get the proper C files and integrate them into my project so I can start using the commands in that tutorial to evaluate hand values.
I hope I have been clear, please let me know if there is anything I am leaving out. Unfortunately, my newbieness may prevent from me making everything so clear and sometimes I can't english perfectly what I am thinking!
Happy thanks in advance, looking forward to any help!
Couple things:
The library you linked to is quite large. Pokersource appears to be a large C project containing all sorts of things like language bindings and some GUI tools as well. A project that large certainly has an IRC channel. I would recommend going there.
The library you linked to appears to be (I may be wrong about this), licensed under the GPLv3. This means that any program that you distribute to others that uses a GPLv3 library or piece of code must also be licensed under the GPLv3. The upshot is that if you use that library, you'll have to release the source for your game.
The site you linked to does seem to have a long list of other poker hand evaluators, so its possible one of them is suitable for your needs.
Good luck!
it's totally possible to use third party static libraries with your iPhone and using Xcode. This webpage illustrates the process of doing it.

What are good interactive GUI builder packages for Perl?

I'd like to write some interactive GUIs in Perl. I've used TclTk but it looks dated. I've written QT code for C++, but the PerlTk module hasn't had a release in several years. Googling around I see other possible options.
What are good packages for this, including basic windowing, menus, drawing canvas, scrollbars, and so on.
Gtk2 has glade2 which can write out an XML file usable by Gtk2::GladeXML. Here is an example of how to bundle the XML with the app in the same file.
I misread the question at first. I thought you wanted a GUI editor for making GUIs (which is what glade2 is). You can also create GUIs using Gtk2 without glade2:
use strict;
use warnings;
use Gtk2;
my $window = Gtk2::Window->new;
my $vbox = Gtk2::VBox->new;
my $label = Gtk2::Label->new("Hello World");
my $button = Gtk2::Button->new("Press me");
$window->set_default_size(200, 200);
destroy => sub {
my $i = 0;
clicked => sub {
$label->set_text("button pressed " . ++$i . " times");
Try wxPerl!
From the web site:
wxPerl is an extension module allowing
the creation of GUI (Graphical User
Interface) from Perl; it is built as a
wrapper for the awesome wxWidgets C++
GUI toolkit.
Echoing Chas Owens, glade is quite usable with Gtk2 in Perl. In addition, Gtk2 also supports GtkBuilder files (which you can create the latest glade too).
The main problem with wxPerl (and wxWidgets itself) is that it doesn't let you install file event watchers into its main loop (it only has GUI, Socket and Timer events), unlike Tk and Gtk.
The Qt, Tk and Gtk2 event loops can be used in Perl with AnyEvent, and Gtk2 can be hooked into applications running the Event or Ev mainloop with Glib::Event and Glib::EV modules.
A GUI builder for WxPerl would be wxGlade or wxFormBuilder, both open-source.
I would probably use Gtk2, but Tk is definitely not dead. The lack of releases is due to the bugs being ironed out over the years. A lot of people still use it, and it generally works fine. (Tk's event loop is somewhat silly, but that is a detail that probably shouldn't concern you.) The only disadvantage is that your GUI looks like it is from 1996, but who cares?
(The gitk tool included with git showed that Tk GUIs look fine as long as they're useful.)
Recently I was made aware of another GUI toolkit for Perl called Prima. Its claim to fame is that it was written in C especially for Perl, not a port from TCL or bindings to something else. Assuming you have some rather standard libraries on your system, it will install directly from CPAN and its cross-platform!
David Mertens has been writing a new plotting library for PDL using it, and a REPL too!
Regarding quality of widgets, all three gtk2, wx and qt4 are equally good -- gtk2 is fastest, qt4 has best resolution, whereas wx is somewhere between the two in terms of both the parameters.
But tk is behind all the three both in terms of speed and resolution, but remains firstly because it is the original widget for all unix based interpreted languages, and secondly because it is native-widget of freebsd.
As on today in case of perl, documentation of perl-gtk2 is slightly more developed than both perl-qt4 which is in turn is more developed than wxperl. In fact, if you browse the web, you will find that tutorials for perl-gtk2 is more extensively available than even pygtk (which is also very well established) and ruby-gtk2. In case of python, wxpython documentation leads over PyQt and pygtk, whereas in case of ruby, ruby-qt4 leads over ruby-gtk2 and wxruby. However, others are developing very fast (e.g. ruby-gtk2) and after some time all nine will be equal in all aspects.
The perl-qt4 specific problem is: In case of non-kde desktops, perl-qt4 may not run. I tried running all in ubuntu and sabayon and found that perl-gtk2 and even wxperl (and wxruby also) runs fine whereas I'm not able to run even a single perl-qt4 programs in gnome-desktop where I have installed complete qt4 support without kde.
perl-qt4 asks for installation of not just qt4-libraries, but also kde-desktop libraries. This problem is uniquely perl-qt4-specific, does not exist in case of PyQt and rubyqt4 since they both run fine with qt4 runtime under gnome.
Hence, in this way eight (plus three tk) out of nine options did well (I havent tested PySide yet).
In case of perl-tk, widget is well developed and established and unlike tkinter, pmw and rubytk, its documentation is the best among all of these mentioned above.
But maybe after some time all the documentations become developed and any would become equally good.
After taking a balance between speed, clarity and cross-platform into consideration choose either perl-gtk2, or perl-qt4 or wxperl.
perl-tk, perl-gtk2 and perl-qt4 syntaxes nicely go well with perl programming language syntax, whereas wxperl syntax look more like proper c++ blended into perl which is different from the respective language syntax (just like in case of wxpython and wxruby).
But if you are already keeping in mind that wx code is uniquely different then you can straightaway begin with wxperl.
Otherwise, best way out is: begin with perl-tk, then switch over to perl-gtk2 then perl-qt4 or wxperl alike but make sure that you learn all four instead of only one (the same sequence should also apply to python and ruby too despite the fact that documentation support is reverse, but in case of perl even for this aspect it is same).
I don't have a real answer for you, but often you have to consider your deployment targets. Some of the GUI libraries are very nice, but only if you can get them to work on your operating system. I don't necessarily think that all frameworks need to be cross-platform compatible, a very laudable goal to work toward in a perfect world, as long as the one you choose doesn't lock out a significant portion of your users because the foundation GUIs libraries are hard to install or support on a particular platform.
I just want to let everyone know PerlQt is great and this site has a lot of tutorials on how to use it and lots of examples to download.
PerlQt Wiki tutorial
PerlQt is a very fast and easy way to create great looking GUI programs using the Qt drag and drop form designer and Perl. PerlQt is powerful enough for advanced developers and easy for beginners as well.
The solution I'm going with is Gtk-Perl. At first I had difficulty installing it, but in the end I found Camelbox Perl+Gtk2 in one package.
I have used Tk, but in the last few days I have been playing around with Continuity (CPAN entry), a stateful (persistent state per user) web application/server, and it could easily be a way to add "GUI" features into an application, while making it multi-user and portable at the same time.
Edit: At the time I wrote this, I was most interested in the fact that Continuity had its own built-in webserver. This is now true of other webframeworks for Perl as well. I have been using Mojolicious though I hear good things about Dancer too.