out of memory error when using diag function in matlab - matlab

I have an array of valued double M where size(M)=15000
I need to convert this array to a diagonal matrix with command diag(M)
but i get the famous error out of memory
I run matlab with option -nojvm to gain memory space
and with the optin 3GB switch on windows
i tried also to convert my array to double precision
but the problem persist
any other idea?

There are much better ways to do whatever you're probably trying to do than generating the full diagonal matrix (which will be extremely sparse).
Multiplying that matrix, which has 225 million elements, by other matrices will also take a very long time.
I suggest you restructure your algorithm to take advantage of the fact that:
diag(M)(a, b) =
M(a) | a == b
0 | a != b
You'll save a huge amount of time and memory and whoever is paying you will be happier.
This is what a diagonal matrix looks like:
Every entry except those along the diagonal of the matrix (the ones where row index equals the column index) is zero. Relating this example to your provided values, diag(M) = A and M(n) = An

Use saprse matrix
M = spdiags( M, 0, numel(M), numel(M) );
For more info see matlab doc on spdiags and on sparse matrices in general.

If you have an n-by-n square matrix, M, you can directly extract the diagonal elements into a row vector via
n = size(M,1); % Or length(M), but this is more general
D = M(1:n+1:end); % 1-by-n vector containing diagonal elements of M
If you have an older version of Matlab, the above may even be faster than using diag (if I recall, diag wasn't always a compiled function). Then, if you need to save memory and only need the diagonal of M and can get rid of the rest, you can do this:
M(:) = 0; % Zero out M
M(1:n+1:end) = D; % Insert diagonal elements back into M
clear D; % Clear D from memory
This should not allocate much more than about (n^2+n)*8 = n*(n+1)*8 bytes at any one time for double precision values (some will needed for indexing operations). There are other ways to do the above that might save a bit more if you need a (full, non-sparse) n-by-n diagonal matrix, but there's no way to get around that you'll need n^2*8 bytes at a minimum just to store the matrix of doubles.
However, you're still likely to run into problems. I'd investigate sparse datatypes as #user2379182 suggests. Or rework you algorithms. Or better yet, look into obtaining 64-bit Matlab and/or a 64-bit OS!


Sparse diagonal matrix solver

I want to solve, in MatLab, a linear system (corresponding to a PDE system of two equations written in finite difference scheme). The action of the system matrix (corresponding to one of the diffusive terms of the PDE system) reads, symbolically (u is one of the unknown fields, n is the time step, j is the grid point):
and fully:
The above matrix has to be intended as A, where A*U^n+1 = B is the system. U contains the 'u' and the 'v' (second unknown field of the PDE system) alternatively: U = [u_1,v_1,u_2,v_2,...,u_J,v_J].
So far I have been filling this matrix using spdiags and diag in the following expensive way:
E(1:2:2*J) = 1;
E(2:2:2*J) = 0;
for i=3:2:2*J-3
for i=4:2:2*J-2
A = diag(Dvec)*spdiags([-E,-E,2*E,2*E,-E,-E],[-3,-2,-1,0,1,2],2*J,2*J)/(dx^2);`
and for the solution
y = L\B;
U(:) =U\y;
where B is the right hand side vector.
This is obviously unreasonably expensive because it needs to build a JxJ matrix, do a JxJ matrix multiplication, etc.
Then comes my question: is there a way to solve the system without passing MatLab a matrix, e.g., by passing the vector Dvec or alternatively directly D_11 and D_22?
This would spare me a lot of memory and processing time!
Matlab doesn't store sparse matrices as JxJ arrays but as lists of size O(J). See
Since you are using the spdiags function to construct A, Matlab should already recognize A as sparse and you should indeed see such a list if you display A in console view.
For a tridiagonal matrix like yours, the L and U matrices should already be sparse.
So you just need to ensure that the \ operator uses the appropriate sparse algorithm according to the rules in http://au.mathworks.com/help/matlab/ref/mldivide.html. It's not clear whether the vector B will already be considered sparse, but you could recast it as a diagonal matrix which should certainly be considered sparse.

MTIMES is not fully supported for integer classes. At least one input must be scalar

I'm trying to implement a 1 dimensional DFT without using Matlab built-in functions such as fft(). This is my code
function [Xk] = dft1(xn)
n = 0:1:N-1; % row vector for n
k = 0:1:N-1; % row vecor for k
WN = exp(-1j*2*pi/N); % Twiddle factor (w)
nk = n'*k; % creates a N by N matrix of nk values
WNnk = WN .^ nk; % DFT matrix
Xk = (WNnk*xn );
when i run the code after using the following commands:
I = imread('sample.jpg')
R = dft1(I)
I get this particular error:
Error using *
MTIMES is not fully supported for
integer classes. At least one input
must be scalar.
To compute elementwise TIMES, use
TIMES (.*) instead.
Can someone please help me to figure out how to solve this problem
Note: I am still in the very beginning level of learning Matlab
thank you very much
You just need to cast the data to double, then run your code again. Basically what the error is saying is that you are trying to mix classes of data together when applying a matrix multiplication between two variable. Specifically, the numerical vectors and matrices you define in dft1 are all of a double type, yet your image is probably of type uint8 when you read this in through imread. This is why you're getting that integer error because uint8 is an integer class and you are trying to perform matrix multiplication with this data type with those of a double data type. Bear in mind that you can mix data types, so long as one number is a single number / scalar. This is also what the error is alluding to. Matrix multiplication of varaibles that are not floating point (double, single) is not supported in MATLAB so you need to make sure that your image data and your DFT matrices are the same type before applying your algorithm.
As such, simply do:
I = imread('sample.jpg');
R = dft1(double(I));
Minor Note
This code is quite clever, and it (by default) applies the 1D DFT to all columns of your image. The output will be a matrix of the same size as I where each column is the 1D DFT result of each column from I.
This is something to think about, but should you want to apply this to all rows of your image, you would simply transpose I before it goes into dft1 so that the rows become columns and you can operate on these new "columns". Once you're done, you simply have to transpose the result back so that you'll get your output from dft1 shaped such that the results are applied on a per row basis. Therefore:
I = imread('sample.jpg');
R = dft1(double(I.')).';
Hope this helps! Good luck!

Sparse Matrix Assignment becomes very slow in Matlab

I am filling a sparse matrix P (230k,290k) with values coming from a text file which I read line by line, here is the (simplified) code
while ...
C = textscan(text_line,'%d','delimiter',',','EmptyValue', 0);
line_number = line_number+1;
the problem I have is that while at the beginning the
statement is fast, after a few thousands lines become exterely slow, I guess because Matlab need to find the memory space to allocate every time. Is there a way to pre-allocate memory with sparse matrixes? I don't think so but maybe I am missing something. Any other advise which can speed up the operation (e.g. having a lot of free RAM can make the difference?)
There's a sixth input argument to sparse that tells the number of nonzero elements in the matrix. That's used by Matlab to preallocate:
S = sparse(i,j,s,m,n,nzmax) uses vectors i, j, and s to generate an
m-by-n sparse matrix such that S(i(k),j(k)) = s(k), with space
allocated for nzmax nonzeros.
So you could initiallize with
P = sparse([],[],[],230e3,290e3,nzmax);
You can make a guess about the number of nonzeros (perhaps checking file size?) and use that as nzmax. If it turns you need more nonzero elements in the end, Matlab will preallocate on the fly (slowly).
By far the fastest way to generate a sparse matrix wihtin matlab is to load all the values in at once, then generate the sparse matrix in one call to sparse. You have to load the data and arrange it into vectors defining the row and column indices and values for each filled cell. You can then call sparse using the S = sparse(i,j,s,m,n) syntax.

Storing a sparse matrix in blocks in Matlab?

I have to perform this operation:
N = A'*P*A
The structure of the P matrix is block diagonal while the A matrix is largely sparse (also in a banded structure). The multiplication is performed in blocks. But the problem is storage.
The N matrix is too huge to store in full (out of memory when trying to allocate). So, I want to store in a sparse fashion. While the sparse command generates only the values in row,column format, can it be applied to store banded matrices with the row column as the index of the block?
I have tried spalloc given in the this question but it hasnt helped storing the row and index of the block.
Thank you.
Image for A P A' formation
The problem lies in the blocks. The blocks are themselves sparse. So is it possible to make blocks as sparse matrices themselves while saving.
So, if a block has a row = 1 and col = 1, then can this be done?
N(row,col) = sparse(A'*P*A)
There may be some additional tricks to play but the first thing to try is to make sure the full matrix N is never created in memory. The immediate problem is that if you call sparse(A'*P*A) then you multiple A'*P then (A'*P)*A and only then do you make it sparse and take out the zeros. Right before making it sparse, the entire non-sparse matrix representation of N is in memory. To force MATLAB to be smarter do the following:
SA = sparse(A);
N = SA'*sparse(P)*SA;
whos N
You should see that N is sparse but, more importantly, each multiplication result is sparse as well because you are multiplying a sparse matrix times a sparse matrix.

Matlab: a smart way to create a sparse matrix

I have to create a matlab matrix that is much bigger that my phisical memory, and i want to take advantage of the sparsity.
This matrix is really really sparse [say N elements in an NxN matrix], and my ram is enought for this. I create the matrix in this way:
but it goes out of memory.
Do you know the right way to create this matrix?
zeros(N) is creating an NxN matrix, which is not sparse, hence you are running out of memory. Your code is equivalent to
temp = zeros(N)
A = sparse(temp)
Just do sparse(N,N).
Creating an all zeros sparse matrix, and then modifying it is extremely inefficient in matlab.
Instead of doing something like:
A = sparse(N,N) % or even A = sparse([],[],[],N,N,N)
A(1:N,7) = 1:N
It is much more efficient to construct the matrix in triplet form. That is,
construct the column and row indices and the nonzero entries first, then
form the matrix. For example,
i = 1:N;
j = 7*ones(1,N);
x = 1:N;
A = sparse(i,j,x,N,N);
I'd actually recommend the full syntax of sparse([],[],[],N,N,N).
It's useful to preallocate if you know the maximum number of nonzero elements as otherwise you'll get reallocs when you insert new elements.