Facebook app POST displays blank page - facebook

I'm programming a Facebook app on localhost. When some event triggers, the user gets a notification on Facebook. The notification works great, but however when he opens it, it sends a POST request to:
and displays like this in the browser:
If the user is located outside the app on Facebook (but on Facebook), the app loads correctly. If the user refreshes the page while in the app, it displays correctly. However when the user is located INSIDE the app and clicks the notification, it displays a white blank page.
What could be causing this?
I'm using ASP.NET MVC 4 .NET framework 4.5 and yes, my Messages controller function is POST.

I got this fixed by changing the apps Namespace to something other than blank. Now it works.


Facebook - Confusion between facebook page and facebook app

I want to create an app in facebook. But I have little confusion about facebook pages and app.
I created canvas app in facbook using localhost setup and it works fine for me.
Question 1:
My question is top bar with like button comes in facebook app or facebook page.(Image included of some random app)
I'm also curious to know whether http://www.facebook.com/americaneagle/app_153839431317646 is facebook app or page.Because it is not in domain "app.facebook.com" and works like app (Not only this there are some other app/page which looks like webpage inside iframe )
If this is an app how to setup topbar with like in myapp
Question 2:
I was referring Sephora (Just random app,nothing to do with this app) which allow user to see content only after we like that app which also not in "app.facebook.com" domain.
Can we implement same thing in app (app.facebook.com/app_name).
I got one solution. Is there any other way?
You clearly got confused between an app and a page tab.
A Facebook app is simply the app that you see with the domain apps.facebook.com, whereas a page tab is an app which is used in the context of the page and comes as www.facebook.com/page/appnumber.
You can find out more about page tabs here and implement it easily. Also here's a link about Facebook apps.

Facebook canvas app - blank page

I am having a weird issue with facebook canvas application and clicking on app request notifications.
Basically if you are in the app, and someone else sends you an app request for the same app, then the notification globe will show the request. If you click on it then it just shows the message loading 'app name' and goes blank.
Works perfectly if you click on the app request while not using the app (e.g on facebook homepage).
I tried using js developer tools and it looks facebook is performing an ajax request which is not returning anything (hence blank page I suppose). The url for the ajax request is
Anyone got any ideas??
Well the issue seems to have disappeared after I supplied an app namespace. Seems like it only occurs if you use the default app id as the namespace.

Facebook notification from my app appears and disappears

I have a problem since a several days now. Facebook notifications from my app (the red number one) appears and disappears. This functioning properly at first, but then but then stopped working.
I tried by entering in the Website url -> http://mipagina.com, in the canvas url -> http://mipagina.com/ and the secure url https.... I tried many other ways but nothing. I realized that the app request don't send a notification to the user for his acceptance. But I can add the app from the app page. If the user add the app the red number one appears and then disappears but the notification from my app shows in the facebook notifications page. But if the user doesn't add the app, the red number one appears and then disappears and then the notification doesn't appear in the facebook notifications page.
Hope you can help me...Please sorry for my english.
Since "user-to-user requests are only available in canvas apps" (see here), you must make sure your canvas app is properly set up.
Review that you have done ALL of the following steps:
Set Sandbox Mode to off
Selected a Namespace for your app
Enabled App on Facebook (which is the canvas app settings)
Filled out Canvas URL and Secure Canvas URL
Facebook will not notify you in its Javascript API about these issues: there it will seem like the app request notification has indeed successfully been delivered.

How to call back to the application from Safari browser when successfully logged in?

I am using webservice in my app. I have set one button login with facebook button, that drag user to safari browser and open facebook login page. Here I have not used Facebook API, all things are coming from PHP side,
now I need the user back to application which is in background when he successfully Logs in..
I have set my URL schemes as "myapp" and when user logs in successfully in PHP side I have set url to open is "myapp://" so I can get back to my app.
But here problem is when ever url "myapp://" gets called it automatically converted to "http://domainname.myapp://" so safari is not letting the user to go back to application and it stays on the bowser.
where I am getting wrong?

Just-in-time invocation of Facebook login window from UIWebView

I have an app that presents a UIWebView pointing to my own server. I have a Facebook Like button on some pages inside the UIWebView.
I have it working now, but the login screen is way too big for the phone screen. I would like to present a nicer login dialog such as the one in the Facebook iPhone API, and then continue back to the web view.
The Facebook iPhone SDK has support for a login button and iPhone-friendly login screen, but it assumes that a user will click a login button before doing anything Facebook related. I would like the Like button to just appear, and to bring up the iPhone login screen only when necessary.
I have monitored HTTP requests from my web view, and it looks like I could intercept the login request there, and present the login dialog. However, it seems that this would be fragile, because if Facebook changes those calls then my app will no longer work. Is there a more elegant way to do this?