Facebook - Confusion between facebook page and facebook app - facebook

I want to create an app in facebook. But I have little confusion about facebook pages and app.
I created canvas app in facbook using localhost setup and it works fine for me.
Question 1:
My question is top bar with like button comes in facebook app or facebook page.(Image included of some random app)
I'm also curious to know whether http://www.facebook.com/americaneagle/app_153839431317646 is facebook app or page.Because it is not in domain "app.facebook.com" and works like app (Not only this there are some other app/page which looks like webpage inside iframe )
If this is an app how to setup topbar with like in myapp
Question 2:
I was referring Sephora (Just random app,nothing to do with this app) which allow user to see content only after we like that app which also not in "app.facebook.com" domain.
Can we implement same thing in app (app.facebook.com/app_name).
I got one solution. Is there any other way?

You clearly got confused between an app and a page tab.
A Facebook app is simply the app that you see with the domain apps.facebook.com, whereas a page tab is an app which is used in the context of the page and comes as www.facebook.com/page/appnumber.
You can find out more about page tabs here and implement it easily. Also here's a link about Facebook apps.


Why cannot others see my app/use my app

I have created a facebook canvas app. It embeds a web site (which is fully functioning for several months).
If I paste the app url in browser, only I can see the app. But when any of my friends type https://apps.facebook.com/XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX, they are not able to/allowed to see the page. Even when they are logged in as facebook user, they are not allowed to see the app page.
(I have implemented facebook login using javascript in my home page)
Can anyone give any hints.
Go to "Settings & Review" in the App Settings, there is a checkbox to put the App live. Else, only users with a role in the App can use it.

Misconfigured: App Sorry, That Helps hasn't been approved for display in App Center

I have a simple Facebook App that I use to allow users of my website to login with Facebook. Recently I added a basic custom story via the open graph API, e.g.
Nick plays a mixtape via anexample.com
The custom story appears in my stream as expected, however when I click the anexample.com link on the story I get the following error and cannot access the actual Facebook App page:
Sorry, the details for anexample.com cannot be displayed because the app is
What is strange, is that the application redirects at
despite the fact that the app is not registered as a game.
Has anyone else faced this behaviour?
On tapping on the App link, you could navigate it in one of the two possible ways
Any FB page: Add the page in Advanced settings of your App.
A website: Add a web platform

On Facebook is it possible to force an app to display as a page tab?

I have a Facebook app the currently consists of 3 elements - an App on Facebook, Mobile Web, and a Page Tab.
Currently if I use the app URL it detects whether I am on a mobile or not and directs me to either the app on Facebook or the mobile web site.
What I'd like it to do is always show the app in the context of the page tab. Is there anyway to force this?
I tried looking at whether I could use the page tab URL directly and have that redirect to the mobile but depending on how I've linked it either returns a 404 or just takes you to the Facebook page. I appreciate I could do my own mobile detection but I thought I'd check if I'm missing something in Facebook first.
I wrote an explanation of how to do this here: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/14434072/create-facebook-page-tab-and-publish-template-on-it/14455665#14455665
Hope this is what you are after!

Tab App (FB) wont show on Facebook iPhone App

I created a facebook and placed it on my facebook brand page, I also created a post on the wall of that page with the link to the app.
all works well until people started calling me saying that when accessing using FB iPhone app it will redirect to an error page "the page your requested was not found"
I tried adding a link (same page) to the "Mobile Web" link of my app in the FB Developer App.
it still doesn't work..
I need people accessing the app page to get some content.. I know it is possible but cant find how..
thanks for your help
Tabs aren't supported via the app or mobile site. Best you could do is add the query parameter "ref=ts" to prevent the page from going switching to mobile. It helps in the browser but not the app itself.
So add ?ref=ts to the end of your app url and at least mobile users can see it in their browser.

App profile page versus m.facebook.com

Can this be true, or am I missing something, big time? It seems there's no way to access a Facebook app's profile page on the Facebook mobile site (m.facebook.com)?
I thought I wouldn't need to create a separate fan page for my app now that the app's profile page kind of looks and feels like a regular fan page. But if it's not accessible in Facebook mobile, then it's no use to me whatsoever - the thing is, I'm developing a native iPhone app, and the Facebook app is just for sharing the results, promoting and building fanbase - in other words I need a "Visit app's Facebook page" button in my iPhone app, and obviously the link should open in m.facebook.com, not the full www.facebook.com site.
I have no problem opening regular fan pages in Facebook mobile on my iPhone, or opening app's profile pages in the regular Facebook site. But I can't seem to be able to access any app's profile page in Facebook mobile. Please tell me I'm just dumb and there's of course a way to do this.
Here's a few ways that I was able to make it work.
Named pages
Does that solve it for you?
I was unable to get the m.facebook.com/{id} to work for anything.