Facebook notification from my app appears and disappears - facebook

I have a problem since a several days now. Facebook notifications from my app (the red number one) appears and disappears. This functioning properly at first, but then but then stopped working.
I tried by entering in the Website url -> http://mipagina.com, in the canvas url -> http://mipagina.com/ and the secure url https.... I tried many other ways but nothing. I realized that the app request don't send a notification to the user for his acceptance. But I can add the app from the app page. If the user add the app the red number one appears and then disappears but the notification from my app shows in the facebook notifications page. But if the user doesn't add the app, the red number one appears and then disappears and then the notification doesn't appear in the facebook notifications page.
Hope you can help me...Please sorry for my english.

Since "user-to-user requests are only available in canvas apps" (see here), you must make sure your canvas app is properly set up.
Review that you have done ALL of the following steps:
Set Sandbox Mode to off
Selected a Namespace for your app
Enabled App on Facebook (which is the canvas app settings)
Filled out Canvas URL and Secure Canvas URL
Facebook will not notify you in its Javascript API about these issues: there it will seem like the app request notification has indeed successfully been delivered.


Facebook app POST displays blank page

I'm programming a Facebook app on localhost. When some event triggers, the user gets a notification on Facebook. The notification works great, but however when he opens it, it sends a POST request to:
and displays like this in the browser:
If the user is located outside the app on Facebook (but on Facebook), the app loads correctly. If the user refreshes the page while in the app, it displays correctly. However when the user is located INSIDE the app and clicks the notification, it displays a white blank page.
What could be causing this?
I'm using ASP.NET MVC 4 .NET framework 4.5 and yes, my Messages controller function is POST.
I got this fixed by changing the apps Namespace to something other than blank. Now it works.

Facebook canvas app - blank page

I am having a weird issue with facebook canvas application and clicking on app request notifications.
Basically if you are in the app, and someone else sends you an app request for the same app, then the notification globe will show the request. If you click on it then it just shows the message loading 'app name' and goes blank.
Works perfectly if you click on the app request while not using the app (e.g on facebook homepage).
I tried using js developer tools and it looks facebook is performing an ajax request which is not returning anything (hence blank page I suppose). The url for the ajax request is
Anyone got any ideas??
Well the issue seems to have disappeared after I supplied an app namespace. Seems like it only occurs if you use the default app id as the namespace.

Facebook app invite immediately deleted from notifications

I have a website where we use the request dialog to allow users to invite their friends to check us out. From the inviters side everything works as expected. The person being invited does get the notification, but it is immediately deleted. So they would see the red 1 over the globe for only a half a second, but it immediately dissapears and the message does not stay in their list of notifications. They do get the invite in the apps and games section. This used to work, but for some reason it has stopped. Is this possibly a config thing with the app settings within facebook? Any insight would be appreciated.
A little more detail on this. I created this as a web app in facebook apps. It looks like it also needs to have the App on Facebook setting checked with values added for the canvas url. It works as expected now. Heres a link to what pointed me in the right direction
Notification for facebook app requests not showing up

invite friends function of hackbook for iphone doen't work on my iphone4s

i downloaded hackbook from https://github.com/facebook/facebook-ios-sdk/tree/master/sample/Hackbook (* i am not sure this is the right place to download it), because i wanted to know how to send an invitation to a friend from a iphone native application.
i clicked "send invite", then on the pop-up page, I selected a friend(another facebook account of mine) and pushed "send" button.
"Sent request successfully." is displayed on the bottom of the screen.
but I don't get any request.
who can tell me how to send an invitation, better if there is a sample.
thanks in advance.
Check if your application is in sandbox mode. Users who are not listed as developers/testers will not receive invites to applications that they do not have the permissions to view.
As the OP has discovered (see comments below) - the problem was to do with not having a Canvas URL set up in the application settings.
Im not 100% sure why this is ( being an iPhone native application ). Reading through the documentation ( once again :S ) revealed no stated requirement of the Canvas URL. My best guess is that the request needs to be able to be redirected somewhere after it is accepted, if you dont specify the canvas URL maybe somehow you invalidate the request.
Did all the requests that did not go out appear once you specified the Canvas URL?

Facebook PHP SDK - How to Handle The Situation When A Non-User of Your App clicks on an App Notification They Have Been Sent By A Friend?

I have a facebook app that a user can send an app request to friends. The notification doesn't do anything special, it is simply a notification to say their friend has used the app and they should try it too etc.
What happens is, the app user's friend receives a notification, it appears on their screen, but when they click the notification they are taken to a screen containing the canvas with the facebook header at the top.
The problem is, my app tab is fan-gated so all they see is an image prompting them to click the like button.... and there is no like button. Only an image and the facebook header.
So, to summarise, how to direct users who receive app notifications from friends to the actual app tab and not the canvas page?
I can provide code but I don't think it's necessary for this question.
I've read this documentation on Facebook but it hasn't made me any wiser :/
Any help and pointers are much appreciated.
You can do this check in Javascript:
// Check if address was from a apprequest
if(window.top.location.search.indexOf('request_ids')) {
// Redirect to your tab
window.top.location = 'http://www.facebook.com/BMW?sk=app_167533506634184';