How to confirm a sandbox paypal account [duplicate] - paypal

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Confirm PayPal sandbox account email
(3 answers)
Closed 2 years ago.
I'm trying paypal adaptative payments, I create 2 business accounts on paypal sandbox to make a chained payment here:
I set up a ficticious card number, now I have $20 MXN there, everything is ok, I just get the error:
Account isn't confirmed by PayPal
I'm not receiving any message from paypal to verify account.

Ok.. so this is how PayPal sandbox works:-
You need to have a valid PayPal account to login to PayPal developer sandbox. If you don't have one, then you'd be asked to create a new account.
Once you login to sandbox, you can create several fictitious users - email addresses of these users will usually have _api1 suffixed to the email address - example
I believe, PayPal might be asking you to confirm the account created in step 1 - you might have created a new PayPal account to login to sandbox which might verification in pending state. Double check that and I think your issue will be resolved.


PayPal Sandbox Business Account - Confirm Email for API Access

I have created an HK business sandbox account and it said we need to confirm the email in order to use PayPal API. But I cannot find the confirmation email in Sandbox Test Accounts > Notifications. I waited for a few days but still no email received. Is there anyone know how to confirm the email?
Add the guide here for your reference on creating sandbox account. The email for this new created account will be confirmed by default. You don't need to do it in sandbox as the email is fake.

PayPal payments made to sandbox account instead of live account

We had a page set up to receive PayPal payments - it was still on testing/development, so we used a sandbox business account to receive payments.
Unfortunately, some users gained access to the page and successfully made payments. I logged into sandbox and found out that it successfully received the payments from non-sandbox accounts of real users.
I thought this would not be possible. So I tried it for myself - made a payment using my real PayPal account, and I was right - it did not work.
My question is: How was it possible that they were able to pay using their real account, but I couldn't? Second, since they paid to a sandbox account, was actual money deducted from their account? If yes, would refunding it from inside our sandbox business account work?
The only way I can think anybody could have completed the transaction using a "real" account is if they paid using a credit card through a Payments Pro integration. Are you using Payments Pro?
Any money paid to a sandbox account is fake, and no money would actually be transferred.

PayPal recurrent payment. How to claim them?

I've been working (or should I say struggling) with the PayPal SDK to get recurring billing running for my website. I managed to get it to work, however I do not see how to automatically "claim" the money?
Basically what happens is:
The profile is created, after 24 hours the payment is done and I see the following in my merchant sandbox account:
It seems I need to manually accept the payment for the amount to be added to my PayPal balance.
Is there a way of doing this automatically?
This is usually caused by an issue with the recipient's account. Most commonly, The recipient hasn’t confirmed the email address on their PayPal account. Once the email address is confirmed the amount would automatically post to the balance on future payments.

Why PayPal Request can’t be processed?

I’m trying to test recurring payment in my paypal sandbox account. I followed this link
I have summarized the steps what I follow
Step 1: Get PayPal Token – Completed
Step 2: Redirect customer to PayPal with Token
After I send the request, paypal show the following page
After I entered the sandbox buyer account details, paypal display error message like “Currently, we unfortunately can not process your request. Return to Logical IT Solution GmbH and select another option.”
I have tried So many times, PayPal show this message only.
How can I implement recurring payment for my sandbox account without error?
You test German paypal account? If yes than Paypal recurring payments does not work with German accounts or at least not with all of them. This is some legal problem and that's why they disabled it.
Probably German law refuse to store recurring payments data on foreign servers.

PayPal Sandbox Accounts Blank

Accounts I create through the PayPal sandbox (created on are created with zero balance and no credit card regardless of what I set when creating the account.
This results in:
On payment page, a request for me to enter a credit card for the account
No paypal balance (tested by logging into the paypal sandbox).
I have tried creating multiple accounts, several with balances of $3,000 USD, one with a credit card set, another with paypal set, and always with credit card type of Visa. Always they are created blank.
Is this a PayPal related problem, or am I not creating sandbox accounts correctly?
We were able to reproduce this issue and PayPal is working to resolve it right now. I will reply back as soon as this is fixed. Sorry for the inconvenience.