PayPal payments made to sandbox account instead of live account - paypal

We had a page set up to receive PayPal payments - it was still on testing/development, so we used a sandbox business account to receive payments.
Unfortunately, some users gained access to the page and successfully made payments. I logged into sandbox and found out that it successfully received the payments from non-sandbox accounts of real users.
I thought this would not be possible. So I tried it for myself - made a payment using my real PayPal account, and I was right - it did not work.
My question is: How was it possible that they were able to pay using their real account, but I couldn't? Second, since they paid to a sandbox account, was actual money deducted from their account? If yes, would refunding it from inside our sandbox business account work?

The only way I can think anybody could have completed the transaction using a "real" account is if they paid using a credit card through a Payments Pro integration. Are you using Payments Pro?
Any money paid to a sandbox account is fake, and no money would actually be transferred.


paypal sandbox - verify identity

I am testing my payment integration using PayPal Sandbox
When I go to make payment using a sandbox account, the following message displays on the payment page
To use your balance next time, go to your PayPal account for an
identity check.
If I log into the sandbox account, I am not seeing any way to do this.
How do I set up the sandbox account so that it can use PayPal funds for the payment rather than the credit card option?
It doesn't matter how you are funding the payment in sandbox. There's no actual reason for you to be bothering to care about this issue, since the result of a completed PayPal payment on the receiver end will be identical.
But since you ask, you can create a bank verified account via

customer use real credit card information against paypal sandbox

customer make payment (with real/valid credit card) on test website that is linked with paypal sandbox account. paypal notfied them that $200 is deducted from their account with proper transaction id.
I can see that transaction id in sandbox business account but question is if real money is deducted from their accounts?
Same question if they use paypal to pay us instead of credit card while site was operating under test mode and linked with paypal sandbox business account.
The short answer is no. It is a self contained area for you to test all your paypal applications
From the paypal documentation
"The PayPal Sandbox is a self-contained, virtual testing environment that mimics the live PayPal production environment. It provides a shielded space where you can initiate and watch your application process the requests you make to the PayPal APIs without touching any live PayPal accounts."
Here is a link to some test credit card accounts paypal recommend you use with development of your paypal application

PayPal IPN Sandbox Payments - Pay On Delivery or Bank Payment

I am trying to test PayPal payments that are authorised at a later date, examples being Pay on Delivery or a Bank Transfer.
I have created a new sandbox account with no credit/debit cards and £0 in the PayPal balance but when I come to make a payment I have to add a card.
I have set up a bank account and agreed the mandate so I must have something set up wrong somewhere because these type of payments happen in LIVE and we have an issue with the IPN message that comes X number of days later once the payment has cleared so I am trying to reproduce this to investigate.
Have you tried using the IPN Tester? (here after you log into your Sandbox account) .
All sorts of conditions that you can test your 'listener' process against there.

How can I test paypal micropayments in the paypal sandbox?

Is there a way to test paypal micropayments in the sandbox? I can see where to upgrade the test account to paypal payments pro. But i don't see one for micropayments. I am trying to verify smaller transactions.
While it does not make much sense to see the pricing of sandbox transactions change, you can contact MTS under
give them the e-mail address of the sandbox merchant account you want to enable Micro Payments for and they should be able to activate it for that account.

dprp paypal confusion - displaying live

I have read through the forums on here and see that the 'DPRP is disabled' message is due to not paying the additional fee for recurring payments.
I did not set the account up so Im not sure exactly what was paid for, I do know that we are using website payments pro.
My confusion comes from the top of the page where is says Recurring Payments are live, is this separate from the direct payment recurring? Does this mean that the account does have dprp or is this displaying live just a generic thing that all accounts have?
We currently do take recurring payments from a hosted paypal page so im wondering whether that is why it is set to live?
We plan to have our own page to take payments rather than a hosted page so any advice would be great.
Thanks in advance
The error of you don not have DPRP enabled, is just that. It means that you do not have recurring payments enabled on the account. You may just have DP (Direct Payments) enabled on your account and not DPRP (Direct Payment Recurring Payments), meaning you would only be able to process single payment transactions not recurring payments. If you can provide the email adddress to test account I can take a look at it and see what you have enabled on it and can enable it if its not enabled.