Facebook Wordpress Integration - Publish action - facebook

I am using the Official Facebook Plugin to Wordpress, and I am configuring the Social Publisher Settings.
Step 2 is:
Associate an Open Graph action-object pair for your application:
people can publish an article
When I open OpenGraph in the Facebook page, there is no "Publish" Action available, so I clicked on the "+" sign and wrote "Publish" and selected "Article" like step 2 says.
And I get this error when I click on "Create":
A custom Publish action is restricted. Please use the common Publish
action instead.
Where do I find this common Publish action?
How do I resolve this?
Thank you.

You do not need to create it, they are already defined for you. Just start publishing
Common actions do not need to be created, you can just start publishing them. They will then appear in the list of actions in your App Dashboard.
Go to your app settings after publishing and you should see it


Link to open Slack workspace from another Slack workspace in Slack app

Use Case: I have two Slack workspaces sharing users with the same identity. I want to create a link so that users from one workspace are directed to the other workspace. I want this link to open the other Slack workspace in app (i.e. I do not want this link to open a separate browser).
Solution Attempt: using the Slack documentation on "Deep linking into Slack", I created the following URL:
However, when clicking this link on a browser, the user ends up stuck on the following page (getting stuck on "Redirecting to #main-channel"):
Looking at the network capture, there seems to be the following error message:
Failed to launch 'slack://channel?team=workspaceID&id=channelID' because the scheme does not have a registered handler.
The experience is worse on the Slack mobile app. After clicking the link, the user gets redirected (in app) to the "Redirecting to #main-channel" page, before that redirection fails and the user goes back to its original:
Is there any other link scheme that I can use to accomplish the use case above?

Your Open Graph story did not publish on any of the configured platforms

I have a web app that I'm trying to get in the Facebook App Center. After submitting it, I'm getting the following warning:
Your Open Graph story did not publish on any of the configured platforms. Update with more detailed usage instructions that indicate how to trigger and publish the action for all configured platforms.
The only action I implement is the like create action.
I've Googled this message, and not found any helpful answers, and this message has no specific information on what the problem is or how to resolve it. Any insights would be most appreciated.
(screen shot)

Custom Like Action Rejected without reason

My request for approval for a custom open graph like action keeps getting rejected without any specific reason as to why it has been rejected:
Your Action failed the criteria: We are unable to test this action
according to the usage instructions you provided. Pleas ensure the
steps you list are ones that a user must take in order to trigger the
action once the action goes live. Please provide thorough reproduction
instructions and link(s) to a specific URL where we can trigger the
action. You should also test your action to ensure you can
successfully publish actions back to the timeline of the test user
named Auth Dialog Preview User. Once you have made these changes,
re-submit your action.
I've supplied absolute idiot-proof instructions for testing the functionality and even tested them twice using the Open Graph Tester user for the app. I have honestly no idea what to change to get approved. Any ideas?
I'm also not sure what the following parts means for a pure AJAX application like mine:
Please provide thorough reproduction instructions and link(s) to a
specific URL where we can trigger the action.
Does that mean the Facebook testers do not want to test the action using the User Interface of the Application but want to fire a http request at an URL which will obviously not work for a pure AJAX app.
Facebook does not approve custom like actions any longer. Facebook recently introduced the "Built-in Like" as a built-in Open Graph action (see blogpost and documentation).

Add to Timeline and Authorization issue

I have created a website where users can download albums after sharing the album on their timeline. The website can be found here at skibsthekid (Music section for issue). The process requires that they "Add to Timeline" and then once authorizing the website to publish what they share, click the DOWNLOAD TO SHARE button which will publish an open graph object and start the download.
This works perfectly from my side and other developers. HOWEVER when a normal user tries this after click the "Add to Timeline" button the pop-up will simply take them to their facebook homepage. My open graph actions have been approved by facebook. Is there another approval process I need to go through or some error. I have tried to find the fault and nothing has come to light. Any help is greatly appreciated.
It sounds like the application was in Sandbox Mode. However, when I tried to replicate the steps you provided above, the action worked for me. See the screenshot below for proof:

Edit/remove the action published by the app to the newsfeed

I am trying to remove/edit the text shown in the picture which appears from the actions published by website. I went through the settings pages on the facebook dev page
I believe that you can only remove published stories of apps that you own. IE, if you're using the open graph custom actions, whenever you publish an action, you get an action id back. You could then delete that action by referencing it with the action ID.
You cannot do this.
You can only remove the whole published story not alter already published one!