Edit/remove the action published by the app to the newsfeed - facebook

I am trying to remove/edit the text shown in the picture which appears from the actions published by website. I went through the settings pages on the facebook dev page

I believe that you can only remove published stories of apps that you own. IE, if you're using the open graph custom actions, whenever you publish an action, you get an action id back. You could then delete that action by referencing it with the action ID.

You cannot do this.
You can only remove the whole published story not alter already published one!


cannot add existing page to Facebook App

We run a website with a blog and we're using a wordpress plug-in that pushes the blog posts to facebook via an app. It is working fine for regular users but we want it to push the posts to the organisation's community page.
The annoying thing is, I deleted an existing community page and created a new page via the "Create New Facebook Page" button in the "App Page:" setting of the "App Details" area for my app.
The new page was created exactly as requested, and it still won't allow me to link it to the app.
How can I get this working?
The Wordpress plug-in is called "Add Link To Facebook" in case anyone is wondering.
Please ensure you are using the pro version and confirm this. It seems this functionality is only provided in pro.
Wordpress requires a separate action to authorize pages. So using an app for example you'll first authorize your account to be accessed and then another popup will appear asking you to select one of many pages in your account. Is anything like this happening?

Create Action,Story and Type in opengraph in facebook using code from website

I need to post story on usertimeline via my website.Right now I've created one sample application for that,created story,action and object from app dashboard in facebook and it works, but I don't want to create story from appdashboard each and everytime.I want to create story dynamically from my website.Is it possible to create Open graph API Action and Story from my website?
No this is not possible. You must create the stories through the application settings. It wouldn't make sense to programmatically do it since you need to submit for approval anyway.

Facebook Wordpress Integration - Publish action

I am using the Official Facebook Plugin to Wordpress, and I am configuring the Social Publisher Settings.
Step 2 is:
Associate an Open Graph action-object pair for your application:
people can publish an article
When I open OpenGraph in the Facebook page, there is no "Publish" Action available, so I clicked on the "+" sign and wrote "Publish" and selected "Article" like step 2 says.
And I get this error when I click on "Create":
A custom Publish action is restricted. Please use the common Publish
action instead.
Where do I find this common Publish action?
How do I resolve this?
Thank you.
You do not need to create it, they are already defined for you. Just start publishing
Common actions do not need to be created, you can just start publishing them. They will then appear in the list of actions in your App Dashboard.
Go to your app settings after publishing and you should see it

facebook: preview News Feed stories created when publishing actions

I'm looking for a simple way to show the user some actions she has generated using my app.
It should look like the recent activity ticker displayed (RecentActivityUnit) in the timeline but only with some certain actions decided by the app and, most important, it should allow to remove the action (so activity feed plugin is not suitable)
First idea is to:
query opengraph to get desidered actions,
get related open graph objects
use facebook internationalization feature for displaying action.
Is it really what facebook does when it builds the activity log (or ) ?
Does anybody know a simpler way to do this ?
Unfortunately, this is the only way to do such a thing. If you know the Action IDs in advanced, you can skip the first step and simply search for the actions you need in Step 2.
Internationalization is only required if your site supports multiple languages. If it's for an app within Facebook, then this is recommended since users could be using your app in other languages.

Application box in Facebook timeline?

I created a Facebook application which occasionally publishes information to the timeline. As I was developing it, I noticed that at some point a box with the title of my application appeared in the timeline (a box similar to the "Friends" or "Activity" boxes). It contained an overview of the last posts published by my application.
Today, I noticed that this box is now gone from the timeline.
Does anybody know how are these boxes created? Is it something that Facebook do automatically? Is it possible to manually (or programmatically) put it back?
Any information on this would be great.
Application box will appear in user's timeline as long as you used Add To Timeline social plugin or requested publish_actions permission from user and published an OpenGraph action.
As long as you have defined aggregations, the box will some and go depends on Facebook's algorithms. Usually, activity us grouped in the Activity (Recent) box on the user's timeline. But sometimes one of the aggregation boxes appear in the timeline too - unfortunately, there is no way to force it to appear all the time.