Add to Timeline and Authorization issue - facebook

I have created a website where users can download albums after sharing the album on their timeline. The website can be found here at skibsthekid (Music section for issue). The process requires that they "Add to Timeline" and then once authorizing the website to publish what they share, click the DOWNLOAD TO SHARE button which will publish an open graph object and start the download.
This works perfectly from my side and other developers. HOWEVER when a normal user tries this after click the "Add to Timeline" button the pop-up will simply take them to their facebook homepage. My open graph actions have been approved by facebook. Is there another approval process I need to go through or some error. I have tried to find the fault and nothing has come to light. Any help is greatly appreciated.

It sounds like the application was in Sandbox Mode. However, when I tried to replicate the steps you provided above, the action worked for me. See the screenshot below for proof:


How can open two links in one click?

I have a Blogger website. I want when users click any links to open any page or post it should open abother link in a new window and at the same time it also should open the main link of that particular post or page. This should auto update to every links on the blogger website. Is there is any way. The link it should redirect is a ads link. That's why I need it. This problem is hard to describe.
This is not an actual answer,
Opening multiple links at the same time will destroy all of the user experience and your website's reputation as well. And if you are redirecting for some ads website then it will be of no use since now a days AdBlocker is installed by majority of users.
You can serve non-intrusive ads and maintain over user experience as well. like facebook and google does.

Cannot get manage_pages publish_pages permission for admin of a Facebook app

I'm trying to develop a Nodejs app that will automatically post images/videos to my page once/twice per day.
When using it in Development mode everything works fine, but after changing the app to Live mode, using the Graph API explorer I cannot get permissions to manage_pages and publish_pages. I'm asking for these permissions as the user with admin roles both at the page and the app.
I've read the documentation, and it seems to me that as an admin I should be able to get those permissions and get a page access token, but I can't.
Is there anyone that knows what's wrong?
Thank you!
To resolve this issue:
Open your Facebook profile (the same one that has been added as an
admin on the target facebook page).
At the top-right of the page click on the down arrow and select
"settings". From the left menu select "Business Integrations".
Look for the app that is linked to the target page and click on the
"View and edit" link.
Ensure under the "Manage your Pages" -> "Pages" title the target
facebook page is selected. Note: You might have to click on "See all
Pages" to see all the pages linked to your facebook profile.
Do the same by scrolling down to the "Show a list of the Pages you
manage" title, you will need it later.
Click on save.
your application will work fine if you stay in development mode.
If you need the application to publish with a cronjob or something similar and nothing else, you don't need to put your application live.
Also, you probably need to get a permanent token, that can be done by following that method :

Webpage is not Available - Facebook Login Integration

I want to integrate facebook api to help in the registration process in my website. It was working fine before - the standard fb login button appears, the pop-up window to login to fb was working, some of the user data are obtained. However after several trials with me modifying the code as the feature isnt fully integrated yet in my site, whenever I press the login button what replaces the fb login page is "This webpage is not available." I already retracted the modifications I made to the point that it was back to the version wherein it was working before. I also created another app and replaced the app id and secret key, still it displays the same message. I do not know what is wrong. Please help.
I uploaded the project files to another hosting site and it works! Could it be that the previous domain is now blocked?
Please read the other posts, dude... we're all waiting for the FB to fix the issue...

ui.methods permissions.request in share url

Earlier today I noticed a friend shared a Viddy video which made me curious. When I clicked on the share link I immediately got an authorization request dialog with custom text on the "next/login" button (Watch the movie). The URL for this share which triggered the behavior was this:
I've looked around trying to find this feature documented. How am I suppose to generate such share URLs? I found some documentation on, but that does not cover most of the arguments. If anyone could guide me to some documents I'd be very grateful.
That's an app using Authenticated Referrals so that users are prompted to grant permission directly on Facebook's chrome instead of landing on your app unauthenticated, and then bounced to an auth dialog and back to the app again.
The 'watch video' text in the auth dialog is because this app is publishing 'watch' actions in the Open Graph API
{edit} it appears the 'watch video' link is only shown for preselected partners and isn't available for all video apps
The generated url you see is generated by the app, you can achieve this by creating your own app and giving it the permission.
You can start by going to Facebook Developer

no way to create / register first application

I tried to create my first app.
I went to and clicked on 'applications'.
Then facebook redirected me to my facebook page. There was NO button to '+add an application' and no form to ask me if I needed 'something' to create the application.
I added a valid credit card because it's mandatory to get a 'developer' status.
How I can add an application to facebook. Is there a way to ask their tech department?
Also if I click on it redirects me to my facebook page WITHOUT a window to 'Request for permision'
Here you will have a button to add New App, a popup should appear to write the New App's name. I can see in your post you don't get this popup, but it is where you need to go. So try using this link on your Personal Account not your pages account, just like DMCS is saying.
Here you should get a couple of more links, and there's a how to link that might help.
Here you can find a fast track to build a facebook app. Not sure if it's what you want, but it might help in some parts of the process.