vb6 Form_QueryUnload(Cancel As Integer, UnloadMode As Integer) does not work - forms

I am trying to catch when Microsoft Windows Task Manager is closing the application. I know there are these UnloadMode possibilities:
'0 The user has chosen the Close command from the Control-menu box on the form.
'1 The Unload method has been invoked from code.
'2 The current Windows-environment session is ending.
'3 The Microsoft Windows Task Manager is closing the application.
'4 An MDI child form is closing because the MDI form is closing.
Sub Form_QueryUnload(Cancel As Integer, UnloadMode As Integer)
'[do saving]
End Sub
But it does nothing when I close application using task manager. If I close using Close button - it saves all what I need. Where is the problem?

If you terminate via the processes tab in task manager no further code gets executed whereas if you terminate via the applications tab it does.
See this answer on another forum:
By user "vbface" (2003-12-29) :
Killing a process in the Task Manager immediately (or so) kills the program where it is, with no further events firing. It is like putting an END statement in VB. No cleanup, no closing processes, just a termination of the app.


Tcl/Tk - How to keep other buttons useable while separate function still running?

I'm very new to Tcl/Tk and have been dealing with an issue for the last couple of days. Basically I have a server written in C and a client GUI written in Tcl/Tk. So far it doesn't do a ton. To test it, I start up the server so that it's listening for connections, then run my GUI. When I click one of the buttons, the GUI should open up a separate toplevel window with a text widget embedded in it. (This part works.) Then, my client connects to the server and gives it a couple of settings, and through this the server decides what info to send back. The server's response is what gets printed to that second window's text widget.
What I'm trying to add in now is a Stop button. Right now, my server is set up to wait a couple of seconds, then write the same message to the client. This is set up inside a loop that is waiting to hear a "Stop" command from my client. I have a Stop button in the GUI with a command set up to write that command to the server when clicked. However, all of my buttons get frozen as soon as I hit the begin button and messages are written to the client.
Basically, how can I keep allowing my server to write to my client while still keeping the rest of my GUI usable? I want my client to write a new line to the text widget on my separate window whenever it receives a new message from the server, but I still want the main GUI window that has all my command buttons to behave independently.
In general, it depends on whether what you are doing is CPU-intensive (where reading from a plain file counts as CPU-intensive) or I/O-intensive (where running things in another process counts as I/O-intensive; database calls often count as CPU-intensive here despite not really needing to). I'm only going to mention summaries of what's going on as you aren't quite providing enough information.
For I/O-intensive code, you want to structure your code to be event-driven. Tcl has good tools for this, in that fileevent works nicely on sockets, terminals and pipelines on all supported platforms. The coroutine system of Tcl 8.6 can help a lot with preventing the callbacks required from turning your code into a tangled mess!
For CPU-intensive code, the main option is to run in another thread. That thread won't be able to touch the GUI directly (which in turn will be free to be responsive), but will be able to do all the work and send messages back to the main thread with whatever UI updates it wants done. (Technically you can do this with I/O-intensive code too, but it's more irritating than using a coroutine.) Farming things out to a subprocess is just another variation on this where the communications are more expensive (but much isolation is enforced by the OS).
If you're dealing with sockets, you're probably I/O-intensive. Assume that until you show otherwise. Here's a simple example:
proc gets_async {sock} {
set sock [lindex $args end]
fileevent $sock readable [info coroutine]
while {[gets $sock data] < 0 && [fblocked $sock]} {
fileevent $sock readable {}
return $data
proc handler {socket} {
set n 0
while {![eof $socket]} {
# Write to the server
puts $socket "this is message [incr n] to the server"
# Read from the server
puts [gets_async $socket]
close $socket
proc launchCommunications {host port} {
set sock [socket $host $port]
fconfigure $sock -blocking 0 -encoding utf-8
coroutine comms($host:$port) handler $socket
Note that gets_async is much like coroutine::util gets in Tcllib.

Order of events reversed 'Ribbon_Load' and 'ThisAddin_Startup' Word VSTO Add-in. (Build 8201.2025 onwards)

As of Build 8201.2025 there has been an unexpected change to the order of events when loading a VSTO addin with a Ribbon in Word.
Using Office version 16.0.8067.2115 or older. When loading the addin the following order of events is observed (as has always been the case).
Ribbon_Load event
ThisAddin_Startup event
Using Office versions 8201.2025, 8201.2064 or 8201.2075 or newer the order of events is reversed which is an unexpected breaking change.
ThisAddin_Startup event
Ribbon_Load event
I have created a simple VSTO Addin using a Visual Designer Ribbon to demonstrate the issue.
Public Class Ribbon1
Private Sub Ribbon1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As RibbonUIEventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
System.Diagnostics.Debug.Write("Ribbon1_Load event called.")
'Pass the Ribbon to the Addin.
ThisAddIn.MyRibbon = Me
End Sub
End Class
Public Class ThisAddIn
Public Shared Property MyRibbon As Ribbon1 = Nothing
Private Sub ThisAddIn_Startup() Handles Me.Startup
Debug.Write("ThisAddin_Startup Called")
If (MyRibbon Is Nothing) Then
Debug.Write("MyRibbon is nothing - the ribbon was not captured.")
Debug.Write("Ribbon captured successfully.")
End If
End Sub
End Class
Debug output for 16.0.8067.2115 32 bit
[7772] Ribbon1_Load event called.
[7772] ThisAddin_Startup Called
[7772] Ribbon captured successfully.
Debug output for 16.0.8201.2075 32 bit
[13556] ThisAddin_Startup Called
[13556] MyRibbon is nothing - the ribbon was not captured.
[13556] Ribbon1_Load event called
I have posted this up on the Microsoft Support forums however they have stopped responding and since released this version to the Current office channel I need help from the dev community.
Has anyone found a successful workaround? This change of timing is causing alot of problems with how we initialise. It would be ideal for Microsoft Support to provide a solution or workaround until they investigate this bug.
I always got Ribbon_Load before ThisAddin_Startup because I use Ribbon XML. Ribbon UI allow less controls ... As the both are "entry" points, I suggest you to use only Ribbon1_Load at startup. Or, if you use the Ribbon XML model and you want the very very first entry point, try its constructor
I am not feeling that issue as a bug, to make Word fast many processes are asynchronous. So, in my opinion, the first of ThisAddin_Startup or Ribbon1_Load to start can accidentally change depending on many factors: System performances, Word started alone, Word started via a doc ...
Hope this helps someone! We used the following workaround successfully to work around the changed office load behavior.
Within ThisAddIn_Startup loop until the Ribbon load event has fired and the ribbon is captured.
While m_oRibbon Is Nothing
If (timeWaited >= MAX_WAIT_TIME) Then
Exit Try
End If
timeWaited = timeWaited + 50
End While

Override 'Cancel' in event procedures

There is data validation in my MS Word user form which returns the focus to the textbox where the user entered something incorrect. Now I am trying to accommodate the user's change of mind: instead of correcting the entry, I want him to be able to exit the form (click the Exit command button), in which case the entry would be discarded. I suppose that a solution would start with not using the text box's exit event. I little help from someone who knows the answer would save me a lot of testing time, perhaps to find out that I can't do it.
Does anyone know?
I understand that you are handling the Exit event of the Textbox, setting the Cancel output parameter if the data is not valid.
There's a tricky but simple solution that permits to keep that working and still have an Exit button. It permits to activate the handler of the Exit button without requiring the focus to leave the Textbox. This way you can unload the Form safely in this handler.
Try this it works pretty smoothly:
1- Set the property TakeFocusOnClick of the Exit command button to False. You can do that at design time in the property-sheet, or at run-time i.e. at UserForm_Activate
2- just unload the form when the Exit button is clicked:
Private Sub ExitButton_Click()
Unload Me
End Sub
#A.S.H provided the key to the solution below. His point is that it is possible to call another event procedure while Cancel is active in the Exit procedure of a control. That other procedure can be used to rectify the condition in the first control which is triggering the Cancel, thereby enabling an orderly exit. The all-enabling condition is that the control on whose click event the rectifying procedure is to run must not take the focus when clicked (meaning it can run without triggering an exit from the control stuck on Cancel). I have added code to the exit procedure to set CmdExit.TakeFocusOnClick = False when a Cancel condition arises there. Now, ...
Private Sub CmdExit_Click()
' 12 May 2017
' if CmdExit can't take the focus it can't be the ActiveControl
If Not ActiveControl Is CmdExit Then
Select Case ActiveControl.Name
Case "Cbx107"
Cbx107.Value = ""
Case "Tbx53"
Tbx53.Value = "0"
End Select
With CmdExit
If Not .TakeFocusOnClick Then
.TakeFocusOnClick = True
End If
End With
End If
' now CmdExit is the ActiveControl
MsgMe "Cmd Exit: ActiveControl = " & ActiveControl.Name
End Sub

PowerBuilder restart function

We are using Restart function in an application to close the application and re-open the same when the application is left idle for the specified period of time.
The fucntion works fine when we call the function from SDI application but when we call the function from MDI, the application closes off after couple of restarts.
In MDI frame, when the function is trigger is first time, the application restart works fine. When we leave the application for another idle time and the restart function is triggered again, the applicaiton just closes off. It does not crash or anything but just closes. Any idea on how to troubleshoot and solve the issue. Thanks.
One approach is after the idle event triggers, open a new instance of the application then close self.
This simple example is not designed to function in the IDE.
[PB external function declaration]
FUNCTION int GetModuleFileNameA(&
ulong hinstModule, &
REF string lpszPath, &
ulong cchPath) LIBRARY "kernel32" alias for "GetModuleFileNameA;ansi"
[in the application open event]
if commandline = "RESTARTED" then
messagebox( "Welcome Back!", "Click to Continue" )
end if
idle(300) // Restart the application if there is no activity for 5 minutes
Open ( w_main )
[in application IDLE event]
string ls_ExePathFileName
unsignedlong lul_handle
ls_ExePathFileName = space(1024)
lul_handle = Handle(GetApplication())
GetModuleFilenameA(lul_handle, ls_ExePathFileName, 1024)
run( ls_ExePathFileName + " RESTARTED" )

Output to command-line if started from command line

I'm writing an application that can be started either as a standard WinForms app or in unattended mode from the command-line. The application was built using the VS 2k5 standard WinForms template.
When the application is executed from the command-line, I want it to output information that can be captured by the script executing the application. When I do this directly from Console.WriteLine(), the output does not appear, although it can be captured by piping to a file.
On the other hand, I can force the application to pop up a second console by doing a P/Invoke on AllocConsole() from kernel32. This is not what I want, though. I want the output to appear in the same window the application was called from.
This is the salient code that allows me to pop up a console from the command line:
<STAThread()> Public Shared Sub Main()
If My.Application.CommandLineArgs.Count = 0 Then
Dim frm As New ISECMMParamUtilForm()
Dim exMan As New UnattendedExecutionManager(ConvertArgs())
IsInConsoleMode = True
OutputMessage("Application started.")
If Not exMan.SetSettings() Then
OutputMessage("Execution failed.")
End If
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
End If
End Sub
Public Shared Sub OutputMessage(ByVal msg As String, Optional ByVal isError As Boolean = False)
If IsInConsoleMode Then
End If
If isError Then
EventLog.WriteEntry("ISE CMM Param Util", msg, EventLogEntryType.Error)
EventLog.WriteEntry("ISE CMM Param Util", msg, EventLogEntryType.Information)
End If
End Sub
Raymond Chen recently posted (a month after the question was posted here on SO) a short article about this:
How do I write a program that can be run either as a console or a GUI application?
You can't, but you can try to fake it.
Each PE application contains a field
in its header that specifies which
subsystem it was designed to run
under. You can say
yourself as a Windows GUI application,
or you can say
that you are a console application. If
you are GUI application, then the
program will run without a console.
The subsystem determines how the
kernel prepares the execution
environment for the program. If the
program is marked as running in the
console subsystem, then the kernel
will connect the program's console to
the console of its parent, creating a
new console if the parent doesn't have
a console. (This is an incomplete
description, but the details aren't
relevant to the discussion.) On the
other hand, if the program is marked
as running as a GUI application, then
the kernel will run the program
without any console at all.
In that article he points to another by Junfeng Zhang that discusses how a couple of programs (Visual Studio and ildasm) implement this behavior:
How to make an application as both GUI and Console application?
In VisualStudio case, there are actually two binaries: devenv.com and devenv.exe. Devenv.com is a Console app. Devenv.exe is a GUI app. When you type devenv, because of the Win32 probing rule, devenv.com is executed. If there is no input, devenv.com launches devenv.exe, and exits itself. If there are inputs, devenv.com handles them as normal Console app.
In ildasm case, there is only one binary: ildasm.exe. It is first compiled as a GUI application. Later editbin.exe is used to mark it as console subsystem. In its main method it determines if it needs to be run as console mode or GUI mode. If need to run as GUI mode, it relaunches itself as a GUI app.
In the comments to Raymond Chen's article, laonianren has this to add to Junfeng Zhang's brief description of how Visual Studio works:
devenv.com is a general purpose console-mode stub application. When it runs it creates three pipes to redirect the console's stdin, stdout and stderr. It then finds its own name (usually devenv.com), replaces the ".com" with ".exe" and launches the new app (i.e. devenv.exe) using the read end of the stdin pipe and the write ends of the stdout and stderr pipes as the standard handles. Then it just sits and waits for devenv.exe to exit and copies data between the console and the pipes.
Thus even though devenv.exe is a gui app it can read and write the "parent" console using its standard handles.
And you could use devenv.com yourself for myapp.exe by renaming it to myapp.com. But you can't in practise because it belongs to MS.
Update 1:
As said in Michael Burr answer, Raymond Chen recently posted a short article about this. I am happy to see that my guess was not totally wrong.
Update 0:
Disclaimer: This "answer" is mostly speculation. I post it only because enough time has passed to establish that not many people have the answer to what look like a fundamental question.
I think that the "decision" if the application is gui or console is made at compile time and not at runtime. So if you compile your application as gui application, even if you don't display the gui, its still a gui application and doesn't have console. If you choose to compile it as console application then at minimum you will have a console windows flashing before moving to gui "mode". And I don't know if it is possible in managed code.
The problem is fundamental, I think, Because a console application has to take "control" of the calling console application. And it has to do so before the code of the child application is running.
If you want to check if your app is started from the command line in .NET, you can use Console.GetCursorPosition().
The reason that this works is that when you start it from the command line, the cursor moves away from the initial point ((0, 0)) because you typed something in the terminal (the name of the app).
You can do this with an equality check (code in C#):
class Program
public static void Main
if (Console.GetCursorPosition() == (0, 0))
//something GUI
//something not GUI
Note: You must set the output type to Console Application as other output types will make Console.GetCursorPosition() throw an exception.