Tcl/Tk - How to keep other buttons useable while separate function still running? - sockets

I'm very new to Tcl/Tk and have been dealing with an issue for the last couple of days. Basically I have a server written in C and a client GUI written in Tcl/Tk. So far it doesn't do a ton. To test it, I start up the server so that it's listening for connections, then run my GUI. When I click one of the buttons, the GUI should open up a separate toplevel window with a text widget embedded in it. (This part works.) Then, my client connects to the server and gives it a couple of settings, and through this the server decides what info to send back. The server's response is what gets printed to that second window's text widget.
What I'm trying to add in now is a Stop button. Right now, my server is set up to wait a couple of seconds, then write the same message to the client. This is set up inside a loop that is waiting to hear a "Stop" command from my client. I have a Stop button in the GUI with a command set up to write that command to the server when clicked. However, all of my buttons get frozen as soon as I hit the begin button and messages are written to the client.
Basically, how can I keep allowing my server to write to my client while still keeping the rest of my GUI usable? I want my client to write a new line to the text widget on my separate window whenever it receives a new message from the server, but I still want the main GUI window that has all my command buttons to behave independently.

In general, it depends on whether what you are doing is CPU-intensive (where reading from a plain file counts as CPU-intensive) or I/O-intensive (where running things in another process counts as I/O-intensive; database calls often count as CPU-intensive here despite not really needing to). I'm only going to mention summaries of what's going on as you aren't quite providing enough information.
For I/O-intensive code, you want to structure your code to be event-driven. Tcl has good tools for this, in that fileevent works nicely on sockets, terminals and pipelines on all supported platforms. The coroutine system of Tcl 8.6 can help a lot with preventing the callbacks required from turning your code into a tangled mess!
For CPU-intensive code, the main option is to run in another thread. That thread won't be able to touch the GUI directly (which in turn will be free to be responsive), but will be able to do all the work and send messages back to the main thread with whatever UI updates it wants done. (Technically you can do this with I/O-intensive code too, but it's more irritating than using a coroutine.) Farming things out to a subprocess is just another variation on this where the communications are more expensive (but much isolation is enforced by the OS).
If you're dealing with sockets, you're probably I/O-intensive. Assume that until you show otherwise. Here's a simple example:
proc gets_async {sock} {
set sock [lindex $args end]
fileevent $sock readable [info coroutine]
while {[gets $sock data] < 0 && [fblocked $sock]} {
fileevent $sock readable {}
return $data
proc handler {socket} {
set n 0
while {![eof $socket]} {
# Write to the server
puts $socket "this is message [incr n] to the server"
# Read from the server
puts [gets_async $socket]
close $socket
proc launchCommunications {host port} {
set sock [socket $host $port]
fconfigure $sock -blocking 0 -encoding utf-8
coroutine comms($host:$port) handler $socket
Note that gets_async is much like coroutine::util gets in Tcllib.


PERL - Net::Websocket::Server with external periodic event

In my server program I need to have ability to iterate every 5 minutes through all opened connections and see which is really "active" or not.
I know that the best approach is to use "heart beat", but then, the server need to have somehow ability to check weather the connection is "off" in order to delete the associated "user parameters" that is attached to the connection.
My first approach was to use "Async" module, but this works in a separate process - so I cannot delete any element from the main process unless I use a technique to invoke a subroutine from the main process called from the child process (I don't know how, any help will be warmly welcomed).
Another possibility using Async is create a static client that is all the time on (also in the server) and sending "commands" to the server, but to me it looks "too exaggerating" to create such "wasting memory" client in the server, and also "eat" CPU time (I think much more than simple event like equivalent to "setTimeout" in JS).
Yet another approach is to use EV: But when I call EV::run it will NOT RUN anything ELSE than this "periodic event" - means that it will not reach the next line where the ->Start for the server is.
Placing it after the ->Start will make this event useless too: As the server works the program will not go behind the ->Start line.
Using EV::run EV::RUN_NOWAIT; will make the server work, but the EV will somehow not work, for a strange reason (Anyone know how can I still make it work?)
I prefer to not use Net::Websocket::EV, because as per their script, it doesn't do the handshake automatically, and many things (as well as SSL connection that I have) I will need to do manually and for me it is change a lot in my program.
How to make the code in EV run every 5 minutes, together with the server?
my %CON; # Connections (And user data) hash
my $__ConChk=EV::periodic 0, 300, 0, sub {
my #l=keys %CON;
for(my $i=0 ; $i<#l ; $i++) {
if($CON{$l[$i]}{"T"}+3600<time()) { # I give one hour time to be completely offline (for different reasons)
$CON{$l[$i]}{"C"}->disconnect(); delete $CON{$l[$i]};
EV::run EV::RUN_NOWAIT; # This is not working - Seems to be ignored!
listen => $ssl, # Earlier preset
silence_max=>60, # Time to just shut the connection off, but don't delete user data
on_connect => sub {
my $cid; # Connection ID (for the hash)
handshake => sub {
# Create user data in $CON{$cid}
binary => sub {
# Handling of single incomming message (command)
disconnect => sub {
# Do NOT DELETE THE ENTRY!! Maybe the connection drop due to instability!!
)->start; # This will run - but ignoring EV::run - what to do....?
undef $__ConChk;

Using `chan pending output` instead of writable fileevent

Yo, I've written a server with a simple protocol: the client sends a line, the server sends a line back in response, repeat. To prevent a client from filling Tcl's output buffer by sending lots of lines but not accepting data back, can I just check chan pending output instead of using the writable fileevent?
proc respond {stream msg} {
if {[chan pending output $stream] <= 1024} {
puts $stream $msg
} else {
#close $stream
For output, chan pending output will correctly describe the number of bytes waiting in the output queue. Normally, that value will be bounded by the -buffersize value that you chan configure (or fconfigure) it to have.
That value will only be exceeded when the channel is non-blocking; with a blocking channel, when the value would go over it, instead there's a blocking write to the underlying device (socket, pipe, file, serial line, whatever) so by the time you could see that it went over, it's back under the limit again.
But if you're using non-blocking channels, you really should use chan event (or fileevent). Luckily for the actual writes, Tcl will actually do this for you automatically; the single most useful thing you could want from a writable event is already there. In practice, the most common actual use of a writable event is in detecting when an async socket connection becomes ready for service.
So what you are doing will work, but you'll have to think carefully about what to do if the output buffer is “getting full”; the idea that a message can need to be delayed is a place where a simple abstraction tends to become leaky. With 8.6's coroutines, you could (probably) do a transparent suspend or something like that, but getting that sort of thing right can take a little thought. (For example, a GUI client might need to show a busy indicator and put things into a state where the user can't enter more requests.)

Notification window with buttons in Linux

I have a Perl script which listens to a port and filters messages, and, based on them, proposes to take action or ignore event.
I'd like to make it show a notification window (not a dialogue window) with buttons 'take action' and 'ignore', which would go after a certain timeout.
So far I have something like this:
my #react = ("somecommand", "someoptions); # based on what regex a message matched
my $cmd = "xmessage";
my $cmd_args = "-print -timeout 7 -buttons React,Dismiss $message"; # raw message from port
open XMSG, "$cmd $cmd_args |";
while (<XMSG>) {
if ($_ eq "React\n") {
do something...
But it would handle only one notification at once, and the next message would not appear until the previous one is dismissed, reacted to or timed out, so it's quite a bad decision. I cannot do anything until I get return code from xmessage, and I can't get xmessage run a command. Well I probably can if I introduce event IDs and listen to a socket where xmessage prints, but it would make things too complicated, I guess.
So I wonder is there a library or an utility for Linux to draw notify-like windows with buttons which would each trigger a command?
I'm sorry I didn't see this one when it first was posted. There are several gui toolkits which could do something along these lines. Prima is a toolkit built especially for Perl and has no external library dependencies.
For when you just need a popup dialog, there is the Ask module which delegates the task of popping up windows to any available library.
In case anyone's interested, I've ended up writing a small Tcl/Tk program for that, the full code (all 48 lines) can be found here:, and you can ignore the text in Russian around it.

How to run a background process with mod perl

I am using perl to return data sets in XML. Now I have come across a situation where I need to run some clean up after sending a dataset to the client. But some where, in the chain of mod perl and Apache, the output gets held onto until my method returns.
I have attempted to clear the buffers with commands like.
$| =1;
STDOUT->flush(); # flush the buffer so the content is sent to the client and the finish hook can carry on, with out delaying the return.
if ($mod_perl_io){
Yet I still get no output until my method returns. I then found out that my browser my be waiting for the connection to close and found that setting the content type in the header should fix this.
rint $cgi->header(-type => "text/plain; charset=UTF-8", -cookie => $config->{'cookie'});
Still no luck, in fact I had always been sending the correct headers.
So I though the best option is to simply start a new thread and let my method return. But when I create a new thread.
use threads ('yield',
'stack_size' => 64*4096,
'exit' => 'threads_only',
my $thr = threads->create('doRebuild', $dbconnect, $dbusername, $dbpassword, $bindir);
sub doRebuild {
my ($dbconnect, $dbusername, $dbpassword, $bindir ) = #_;
I get a segfault
[Fri Feb 22 10:16:47 2013] [notice] child pid 26076 exit signal Segmentation fault (11)
From what I have read this is done by mod perl to ensure thread safe operation. Not sure if this is correct.
So I thought I'd try using {exe }
{exec 'perl', "$bindir/", qw('$dbconnect' '$dbusername' '$dbpassword');}
From what I gather this is taking over the process from mod perl and not letting it return anything.
I know this isn't as specific as a question on stack overflow should be, but this sort of thing must be a common problem how have others solved it?
You could use fork(), however I like to recommend for background processing.
A solution like Gearman is much better, because your background process is not in Apache's process chain.
Your process will survive an Apache restart if implemented using gearman. It is also more secure, as the Gearman environment can be run in a chroot jail.
A nice side effect of using Gearman is that your background process becomes callable from other machines and even other languages.
Gearman makes it easy to collect the data from your process at a later time as well, and you can feed back progress information to your web app rather easily.

How do I call a perl process that is already running from another script?

scriptA.cgi is sitting in an infinite loop and handling an open socket to a Flash client.
scriptB.cgi is called from the web, does what it needs to do and then needs to inform scriptA to send a message to the client.
Is this possible? I'm stuck on how to have scriptB identify the instance of scriptA that is sitting there with the socket connection, rather than launching one of its own.
all thoughts appreciated.
If the communication needs are simple, this is a good application for signals.
Edited to store process id from scriptA and read it in scriptB -- scripts A and B have to agree on a name.
# script B
if (open(my $PID_FILE, "<", "")) {
$process_id_for_scriptA = <$PID_FILE>;
close $PID_FILE;
kill 'USR1', $process_id_for_scriptA; # makes scriptA run the SIGUSR1 handler
# script A
open(my $PID_FILE, ">", "");
print $PID_FILE $$;
close $PID_FILE;
my $signaled = 0;
$SIG{"USR1"} = \sub { $signaled = 1 } # simple SIGUSR1 handler, set a variable
while ( in_infinite_loop ) {
if ($signaled) {
# this block runs only if SIGUSR1 was received
# since last time this block was run
$signaled = 0;
} else {
unlink ""; # cleanup
When script A receives a SIGUSR1 signal, the script will be interrupted to run the USR1 signal handler, setting $signaled. The thread of execution will then resume and the script can use the information.
Have scriptA store it's pid somwhere (in a db with some kind of id), then scriptB can look up the pid in the db and send a signal to scriptA.
Answering question asked in comment
The pid of the process can be found using perls builtin variables $$ or $PID or $PROCESS_ID depending on how old your perl is.
See perlvar for details.
I hope this is the ID you where looking for. If not you'll have to find a way to separate the different scriptA instances. (Perhaps by session id, or socket. Here I cant help you further)
Other people have mentioned how to get the PID (if you didn't fork() it yourself, just have the other-process write it... somewhere... that both processes know how to get it. or walk the process table, but that's a horrible solution and completely unscalable beyond a singleton).
Since you note that any thoughts are welcome, note that perldoc perlipc explains a variety of mechanisms you might use for the actual communication:
perlipc - Perl interprocess communication (signals, fifos, pipes, safe
subprocesses, sockets, and semaphores)
The basic IPC facilities of Perl are built out of the good old Unix
signals, named pipes, pipe opens, the Berkeley socket routines, and SysV
IPC calls. Each is used in slightly different situations.
Domain sockets:
I was tempted to answer, 'send signals' or 'use some kind of IPC to talk between apps' but, a far easier and scalable approach is to use a sqlite (or other) database that all scripts can talk to,
ScriptA.cgi would poll the database by doing something like 'SELECT event FROM events WHERE clientID=?'.
ScriptB.cgi would simply insert a row into the events table with the right clientID.
That avoids all of the 'find the pid' mess and also mean that you don't get the blocking IO problems you would get with named pipes or if one script crashed.