PowerBuilder restart function - restart

We are using Restart function in an application to close the application and re-open the same when the application is left idle for the specified period of time.
The fucntion works fine when we call the function from SDI application but when we call the function from MDI, the application closes off after couple of restarts.
In MDI frame, when the function is trigger is first time, the application restart works fine. When we leave the application for another idle time and the restart function is triggered again, the applicaiton just closes off. It does not crash or anything but just closes. Any idea on how to troubleshoot and solve the issue. Thanks.

One approach is after the idle event triggers, open a new instance of the application then close self.
This simple example is not designed to function in the IDE.
[PB external function declaration]
FUNCTION int GetModuleFileNameA(&
ulong hinstModule, &
REF string lpszPath, &
ulong cchPath) LIBRARY "kernel32" alias for "GetModuleFileNameA;ansi"
[in the application open event]
if commandline = "RESTARTED" then
messagebox( "Welcome Back!", "Click to Continue" )
end if
idle(300) // Restart the application if there is no activity for 5 minutes
Open ( w_main )
[in application IDLE event]
string ls_ExePathFileName
unsignedlong lul_handle
ls_ExePathFileName = space(1024)
lul_handle = Handle(GetApplication())
GetModuleFilenameA(lul_handle, ls_ExePathFileName, 1024)
run( ls_ExePathFileName + " RESTARTED" )


Is there any option of running an Anylogic simulator without opening any UI window?

I'm in a project in which I have to run an Anylogic simulator multiple times. I made an script to modify the input data, run the simulator and then store the output data just before the next simulation run.
The idea is to externally run the simulation (from a python file). The problem is that, when the simulation ends, the simulation window doesn't close automatically so the python file won't continue executing.
I´ve tried to run the simulator without showing the animation of the simulation but still opens a window so it doesn´t work for my purpose.
I don´t know if there is an option in Anylogic to export a model that automatically closes the window once the simulation is completed or if there is any way of creating a simulator that runs without opening any window.
Thank you.
Unfortunately there is no such solution. Even if you can run without UI in Linux, it will not automatically close once the run is complete. I use a workaround:
It is a Python script that scans the outputs folder every 5 seconds and if there are changes in the files, it closes the AnyLogic file. Use this as an inspiration::
from time import sleep
from utils.data.fileSystem import FileSystem
def sync_polling_folder(path, predicate, delay_sec):
print('checking under ' + path + ' folder')
beginning = FileSystem.stat(path)
old = beginning
new = beginning
def two_files_are_different():
return not predicate(str(old), str(new))
def the_process_has_not_begun():
return str(new) == str(beginning) or str(old) == str(beginning)
# if two folders are the same, quit (means no-changes = finished)
# but if they are equal because process never started, keep going
while two_files_are_different() or the_process_has_not_begun():
print('[sleeping] because files are not written yet.')
sleep(delay_sec) # main thread waiting
old = new
new = FileSystem.stat(path)
print('[anylogic] ready to be killed')
return True

Roblox Studio - how do I run a script right before game starts?

I'm attempting to create a plugin that fetches additional code from a server before the user plays the game on roblox studio.
Basically, the user will use something like blockly to create luau code on a website and I want to sent that code to roblox studio. I've seen some plugins that fetch new data from a server from time to time and I've been able to do that, but I'd like to see if there's a way to only fetch the new code when the user clicks the play button because it could be expensive to request new data every 5 seconds or so.
Below is a simple plugin that attempts to send a request to the server when the game loads, but the script never goes beyond game.Loaded:Wait()
Main file:
local Request = require(script.Parent.Request)
local URL = "http://localhost:3333"
local toolbar = plugin:CreateToolbar("Test")
local button = toolbar:CreateButton("Test", "Test", "rbxassetid://4458901886")
local isListening = false
local request = Request.new()
local ok
local json
local function onClick ()
isListening = not isListening
if (isListening == false) then
return print("Not listening")
if not game:IsLoaded() then
print("Game has started")
ok, json = request:Get(URL)
print(ok, json)
Request file:
local Request = {}
Request.__index = Request
function Request.new()
return setmetatable({}, Request)
function Request:Get(URL)
local ok, result = pcall(game.HttpService.GetAsync, game.HttpService, URL)
local json = game.HttpService:JSONDecode(result)
return ok, json
return Request
There isn't an explicit signal to detect when a game is about to start.
But, whenever you hit the Play button, the Edit session ends and the Play session begins. When a session ends, all of the plugins are unloaded. So you could use the plugin.Unloading signal to detect when the Edit session is ending, but it will also fire when the user closes the place, when you stop play testing, or when the plugin is disabled or uninstalled.
You could combine that signal with the RunService:IsEdit() function so that the behavior only triggers when exiting Edit mode, but this is still a really hazy signal.
So in a Script in your plugin, you could do something like this :
local RunService = game:GetService("RunService")
local Request = require(script.Parent.Request)
local URL = "<YOUR URL>"
-- listen for when sessions end
-- disregard sessions that aren't Edit Mode
if not RunService:IsEdit() end
print("Game about to start... maybe. The game might also be closing, or the plugin might be disabled from the PluginManager.")
local ok, json = request:Get(URL)
print(ok, json)
Debugging this may be difficult as the Output console is cleared any time you start a Play session, so you won't see any of your print statements. But if you close the place, your logs will be preserved on the Welcome Screen. Just go View > Output to open the Output window.

How does history replay works in cadence?

How does history replay work in cadence?
I have a workflow which calls two activity sequentially.
Say, the first activity got completed and the second has 100 no of lines of code. If the app server restarts when executing the 50th line of the code in activity2, is it exactly starts the execution from the 50th line. If yes, what magic is happening inside cadence?
public String composeGreeting(String greeting, String name) throws Exception {
FileWriter fw =
new FileWriter(
DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss").format(LocalDateTime.now())
+ " [Activity] started");
long time = System.currentTimeMillis() + 240000;
int i = 0, j=1;
while (System.currentTimeMillis() != time) {
if(i++ %10000000 == 0) {
fw.write("print - " + j++ + " " +
DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss").format(LocalDateTime.now()) +"\n");
DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss").format(LocalDateTime.now())
+ " [Activity] ended");
return greeting + " " + name + "!";
I have the above code in my hello activity. this code will run for 4 minutes and it will be writing data in a file when a condition meets
I started a workflow and have quit the cadence server after printing [Activity] started. I didn't start it just stops it. But after 4 minutes it is exactly printing [Activity] Ended in the console. I am wondering how is this possible because I stop the server but code is executing, data is writtening in file.
While I am checking it via cadence UI it shows that the last history is
ActivityTaskStarted. And I started my server. After 15 mins(beacuse scheduleToCloseTimeoutSeconds is 15 mins) Activity returns with event ActivityTaskTimedOut and the whole whorkflow has failed due to this timeout.
Kindly explain what is happening when restarting cadence server ?
If the app server restarts when executing the 50th line of the code in activity2, is it exactly starts the execution from the 50th line
No, it will not resume from 50th line of activity automatically for you.
Replay is only happening for Workflow. It is relaying on History to replay and rebuild the memory stack. Everything happens in the workflow is stored in the history:
Every step in the workflow code, generates a bunch of results called "Decision"
Activity/ChildWorkflow results
External events like Signals
For more details, please refer to the doc about replay history and What exactly is a Cadence decision task?
But after 4 minutes it is exactly printing [Activity] Ended in the console. I am wondering how is this possible because I stop the server but code is executing, data is writtening in file.
That's because your activity worker is still running. The code you are running is purely activity code.
However, it activity results will not be able reported to server when the server is down. Which means the history will lose it and workflow may reschedule another activity(if retry is enabled).
Please refer to the doc about activity timeout and retry

vb6 Form_QueryUnload(Cancel As Integer, UnloadMode As Integer) does not work

I am trying to catch when Microsoft Windows Task Manager is closing the application. I know there are these UnloadMode possibilities:
'0 The user has chosen the Close command from the Control-menu box on the form.
'1 The Unload method has been invoked from code.
'2 The current Windows-environment session is ending.
'3 The Microsoft Windows Task Manager is closing the application.
'4 An MDI child form is closing because the MDI form is closing.
Sub Form_QueryUnload(Cancel As Integer, UnloadMode As Integer)
'[do saving]
End Sub
But it does nothing when I close application using task manager. If I close using Close button - it saves all what I need. Where is the problem?
If you terminate via the processes tab in task manager no further code gets executed whereas if you terminate via the applications tab it does.
See this answer on another forum:
By user "vbface" (2003-12-29) :
Killing a process in the Task Manager immediately (or so) kills the program where it is, with no further events firing. It is like putting an END statement in VB. No cleanup, no closing processes, just a termination of the app.

Stop httputils service in basic4android

I am using basic4android and I made an application that uses httputils services. Sometimes a remote error occurs (possible server overload or limited internet connection) and the application exits with the error message box. The activity closes but httputils service is still running. While I reopen the activity new error occurs, because of the unfinished job of httputils. Everything is OK only if I choose to stop the activity in the second error.
Is there any way to determine if the httputils service is running by a previous instance of my app? Or better, a way to try to stop this service either its running or not.
HttpUtils errors should not cause your program to exit. You should check IsSuccess to make sure that the call succeeded or not.
You can stop the service from running by calling StopService(HttpUtilsService).
Public Sub StationTransfer_Click
Dim job As HttpJob
job.Initialize("MyJob", Me)
Dim URL As String="https://www.yourserver.com/myjob.asmx/GetData?parameter1=abc"
ProgressDialogShow2("Getting data From Server...", True)
End Sub
Sub JobDone(Job As HttpJob)
Select Job.JobName
Case "MyJob"
End Select
End Sub
Sub HandleMyJob(Job As HttpJob)
If Job.Success = False Then
ToastMessageShow("Error downloading Data", True)
End If
end Sub
if there is an httpjob error you catch it in the handler function by looking at the status. if the status is not success than you catch it and display a message.