How to handle UI animation events with knockout - mvvm

So right now I have a table that displays some values and I have an indicator for conflicts. When the user clicks the indicator a new div appears with some animation to list all the conflicts.
Here is my HTML:
<span data-bind="if: hasConflict, click: $parent.selectProperty" class="conflictWarn"><i style="color: darkorange; cursor:pointer;" class="icon-warning-sign"></i></span>
The data might look something like this:
name:Property 1,
id: 1,
hasConflicts: no,
name:Property 2,
id: 2,
hasConflicts: yes,
conflicts: {
name: conflict1,
name: conflict2
name:Property 3,
id: 3,
hasConflicts: yes,
conflicts: {
name: conflicta,
name: conflictb
So the first table is going to look like this:
Property 1
Property 2 !
Property 3 !
Where ! is a conflict indicator. Clicking on the ! would display the conflicts div and also display conflict1 and conflict2 or conflicta and conflictb depending on which was clicked.
Here is the model we are working with. It's a bit complex because of the mapping for the properties from signalr. the "selectProperty" and "selectedProperty" was our way of saying which one to display conflicts for, but I'm not convinced this is the best way to do it.
function ItemViewModel() {
var self = this; = ko.observable("");
self.itemType = ko.observable("");
self.propertiesArray = ko.observableArray([]); = ko.mapping.fromJS({});
self.selectedPropertyName = ko.observable("");
self.getItem = function (name) {
$.connection.mainHub.server.getItem(name).then(function (item) {
self.selectProperty = function (a, b) {
Originally the click event directly called a javascript function that did all the animation, but my coworker thought that might violate best practices for separating data and viewmodel in MVVM. Does it? Should we leave it calling the viewmodel function of "selectProperty" which allows us to pass context for the "conflicts popup" div? If so, do I just call the javascript function to do the animation from within the selectProperty function?
p.s. I've edited this about 800 times so I apologize if it's impossible to follow.
update I have the bindings working now, so I really just want to know what is best practice when it comes to UI animations and Knockout. Change the viewmodel from the javascript function or call the javascript function from the viewmodel function?

Regarding UI animations in my opinion it is best practice to implement custom bindings. This way code is encapsulated and it is easy to find where it is used. Check Animated transitions example on knockout website.

i'm going to extends Thomas answer with one point, custom bindings don't work when you want to animate the rendering / unrendering of the 'if' or 'with' bindings. an animation binding that tries to run at the same time as an 'if' or 'with' won't be able to complete the animation before the other binding alters the DOM, possibly removing the elements being animated from the page. there is no way to defer the binding processing until after the event completes.
for these cases animations should be implemented via the 'afterAdd' and 'beforeRemove' callbacks of the 'foreach' binding when the desire is to animate an element being added and removed from the page. 'if' and 'with' bindings can be rewritten as 'foreach' with little effort, as 'foreach' can take a single argument instead of a list. i really wish the animation tutorial would be extended to include this workaround.


Waiting for sap.ui.table.Table rendered after bound model has changed

I have sap.ui.table.Table which rows are bound to an JSONModel.
var oListModel = new sap.ui.model.json.JSONModel();
//oTable created here (sap.ui.table.Table)
When the table is rendered, i.e. the DOM is created for this table, i need to reference to the DOM to pass the DOM elements (table rows) to a library which will make them draggable.
My problem is: How do i know when the DOM for the table is created after the model has been changed and the table is rerendered? I didnt find any listener. The view controller's listener onAfterRendering() didn't help me.
The model is filled with data after a XMLHTTPRequest is successful. When i set the model in the success handler of the xht request and try to access the DOM elments directly afterwards they don't exist yet.
Thank you for your help!
You can add an event delegate
var oMyTable = new sap.ui.table.Table();
onAfterRendering: function() {
$table = this.getDomRef() ....
a better way is to extend the control see Using addDelegate to extend a control to use third party functionality
the example in that blog doesn't work anymore fixed here
I had a similar issue recently where i had to access an element after a smartform (where the element is present) rendered onto the view. I posted my query here as well as my final solution (based on the accepted answer of #Dopedev). I am using XML views - including nested XML views - here however and the onAfterRendering didn't help for me as well.
I guess you could look at this solution - like it's mentioned in the accepted answer, it may not be an optimal solution, but it sure works. In my case there is not much of a performance issue with the binding of the DOMNodeInserted since it is being called in the onAfterRendering of the nested view that consists of only the smartform with an immediate unbinding upon finding.
The condition if (id === "yourtableid") { } should be enough to identify and pass on. Since you have a table and thus several child nodes, unbinding is imperative at this point.
Mutation Observer is the preferred method but i guess you may need to check the browser compatibility table at the end of the page to see if it matches your requirements. There is an example here. I have used Mutation Observer (outside of a SAPUI5/openUI5 environment) earlier and found it very convenient(and performant) to listen to DOM insert events. In fact the sap.ui.dt package consists of MutationObserver.js

Use Template on Invisible Table for inserting into existing bound sap.m.Table

Excuse the confusing language but hopefully this makes sense: (see code for more clear explanation)
I have a requirement to display a list of "spare parts" in an sap.m.Table but there is the ability if one of these "spare parts" has a related "spare part" (e.g. A heavy duty version, a light version, etc) , that you can click a button on the row and display these related "spare parts" by inserting them immediately below the "spare part" in question.
While I can get the sap.m.Table doing what I want to do, I would like to take advantage of templates and binding to create a temporary sap.m.Table; bind it to the relationship that returns these alternate spare parts; and reuse the template for a row to give me an array of ColumnListItems which I can insert into the Table at the right place.
Unfortunately, doing this, a sap.m.Table has a feature that if it is not displayed, it doesn't actually make the Odata call and leverage the template function.
To explain possibly much clearer, refer to this jsbin:,js,output
Any better ideas on how to generate template output for a binding without using a sap.m.Table; or alternative, getting the sap.m.Table to make the call without placing it on the screen visible (temporarily)?
The specific code to look at is as follows:
var oTable2 = new sap.m.Table();
oTable2.attachUpdateFinished(function() {
console.log("But this one doesn't");
// What I'm trying to do here is insert these entries below Key 1
oTable2.bindAggregation("items", {
path: "/ExampleSecondaryValues",
template: oTemplate,
Back from Holidays now and solved this problem with a bit of brute force by simply enhancing/extending the sap.m.table control slightly.
The problem was if the control was invisible, nothing was rendered, and some optimisation within UI5 core means that in the case nothing is rendered, the AfterRender event is not called on the control and this event is what fires the UpdateFinished event.
I won't debate whether that optimisation is appropriate or not, but to fix this I simply extended the table control with a new control which looks like as follows:
sap.m.Table.extend("my.InvisibleTable", {
renderer: function(oRm, oControl) {
e.g. Simply always rendering something in the render function, causes the AfterRender event to be called; which in turns allows the sap.m.Table to fire the UpdateFinished event which allows me to then safely get the rendered template items to insert in my visible table.
Would love to know a much better way of doing this (possibly using the template control or similar), but this works okay to solve the problem.

Knockout 2: How to delay observable object.

Hi i have a problem in knockout 2: I want to do late binding because i am adding data-bind via jQuery
$("#button1").on ("click", function() {
lateBinding = $("#lateBindingElem);
if (lateBinding.length) {
lateBinding.attr("data-bind", "text: obs");
late binding is an html generated on the fly.
I have a view model created already call MyViewModel.
I want to add another attribute or another observable (could be computed or uncomputed) on the fly to existing view model? How would i do this?
Hopefully you have already found an answer elsewhere (7 months ago :D) but since I stumbled upon this question in hopes to find a solution to a similar problem, I might as well and try to give a sort-of-an-answer for anyone else looking into it. This won't let you manipulate the binding for elements you already have bound to a model but allow you to pause binding at given points and bind newly created elements to your current or a different viewmodel.
Built on Ryan Niemeyers great article about how to stop bindings and accompanying jsfiddle example is a little demo which adds new input elements to dom and binds them to different viewmodels.
Since you can only bind a section of your dom once you need to stop the downward binding at some point using a custom binding..
ko.bindingHandlers.stopBinding = {
init: function() {
return { controlsDescendantBindings: true };
assign it to a wrapper
<div data-bind="stopBinding: true" id="addNewContentHere"></div>
and insert your new elements
function addInput(){
var data=$('<input type="input" data-bind="value: newInput" />');
ko.applyBindings(MyViewModel, data[0]);
hope it is of some use :)

Zend Form Element with Javascript - Decorator, View Helper or View Script?

I want to add some javacsript to a Zend_Form_Element_Text .
At first I thought a decorator would be the best way to do it, but since it is just a script (the markup doesn't change) then maybe a view helper is better? or a view script?
It seems like they are all for the same purpose (regarding a form element).
The javascript I want to add is not an event (e.g. change, click, etc.). I can add it easily with headScript() but I want to make it re-usable , that's why I thought about a decorator/view helper. I'm just not clear about the difference between them.
What is the best practice in this case? advantages?
UPDATE: Seems like the best practice is to use view helpers from view scripts , so decorators would be a better fit?
You could create your own decorator by extending Zend_From_Decorator_Abstract and generate your snippet in it's render() method :
class My_Decorator_FieldInitializer extends Zend_Form_Decorator_Abstract {
public function render($content){
$separator = $this->getSeparator();
$element = $this->getElement();
$output = '<script>'.
//you write your js snippet here, using
//the data you have in $element if you need
return $content . $separator . $output;
If you need more details, ask for it in a comment, i'll edit this answer. And I didn't test this code.
Use setAttrib function.
$element = new Zend_Form_Element_Text('test');
$element->setAttrib('onclick', 'alert("Test")');
I'm not actually seeing where this needs to be a decorator or a view-helper or a view-script.
If I wanted to attach some client-side behavior to a form element, I'd probably set an attribute with $elt->setAttrib('class', 'someClass') or $elt->setAttrib('id', 'someId'), some hook onto which my script can attach. Then I'd add listeners/handlers to those targeted elements.
For example, for a click handler using jQuery , it would be something like:
// handle the event here
The benefit is that it is unobtrusive, so the markup remains clean. Hopefully, the javascript is an enhancement- not a critical part of the functionality - so it degrades gracefully.
Perhaps you mean that this javascript segment itself needs to be reusable across different element identifiers - someClass, in this example. In this case, you could simply write a view-helper that accepts the CSS class name as the parameter.
"the markup doesn't change", Yap,
but I like to add some javascript function throw ZendForm Element:
$text_f = new Zend_Form_Element_Text("text_id");
$text_f->setAttrib('OnChange', 'someFunction($(this));');
The best way is if you are working with a team, where all of you should use same code standard. For me and my team this is the code above.

CollapsiblePanelExtender: Can I initiate collapse/expand from client-side javascript? (AJAX Control Toolkit)

The CollapsiblePanelExtender seems primarily designed to collapse/expand things in response to user mouse events. Is there also a good way to get the extender to collapse/expand things in response to client-side javascript?
In my particular case, I have a number of CollapsiblePanelExtenders (and their corresponding Panels) on a page, and I'm wondering if I could implement an "expand all panels" button by doing something like this strictly on the client side:
for each CollapsiblePanelExtender on this page, call somethingOrOther(extender)
I can implement this logic server-side instead if I did a full postback, but my page takes a long time to load, and so this doesn't seem like it would provide a very slick user experience. Thus I am interested in doing expand/collapse client-side.
It seems like this isn't a use case the AJAX Control Toolkit people had in mind, but I thought I'd check.
Write the following code in the OnClick event of Image/button
<asp:Image ID="img1" runat="server" OnClick="ExpandCollapse()"/>
function ExpandCollapse() {
Hope this helps!
I have a partly working solution now.
I followed Ian's suggestion and looked through the toolkit source. In CollapsiblePanelBehavior.debug.js, you can that expandPanel() is apparently intended as part of the public interface for the behavior. There's also a get_Collapsed(). The key to accessing these behaviors in javascript seems to be setting the BehaviorID property on your CollapsiblePanelExtender tags in ASP.NET.
I modified the repeater on my page so that the BehaviorIDs are predictible, along these lines:
ID="CollapsiblePanelExtender" runat="server" />
This results with behaviors named collapsebehavior1, collapsebehavior2, collapsebehavior3, etc..
With this done, I'm able to expand all the collapsible panels on the client as follows:
function expandAll() {
var i = 0;
while (true) {
var name = 'collapsebehavior' + i;
var theBehavior = $find(name);
if (theBehavior) {
var isCollapsed = theBehavior.get_Collapsed();
if (isCollapsed) {
} else {
// No more more panels to examine
I'm sure using $find in a loop like that is really inefficient, but that's what I have so far.
Also, it doesn't work on Firefox for some reason. (On FF only the first element expands, and then there's a Javascript error inside the Control Toolkit code.)
This will all seem extremely ugly to all you javascript pros. Maybe I'll clean things up later, or you can help me out.
You can also just toggle the panels to switch between collapsed/expanded states:
function toggle() {
var MenuCollapser = $find("name");