Knockout 2: How to delay observable object. - mvvm

Hi i have a problem in knockout 2: I want to do late binding because i am adding data-bind via jQuery
$("#button1").on ("click", function() {
lateBinding = $("#lateBindingElem);
if (lateBinding.length) {
lateBinding.attr("data-bind", "text: obs");
late binding is an html generated on the fly.
I have a view model created already call MyViewModel.
I want to add another attribute or another observable (could be computed or uncomputed) on the fly to existing view model? How would i do this?

Hopefully you have already found an answer elsewhere (7 months ago :D) but since I stumbled upon this question in hopes to find a solution to a similar problem, I might as well and try to give a sort-of-an-answer for anyone else looking into it. This won't let you manipulate the binding for elements you already have bound to a model but allow you to pause binding at given points and bind newly created elements to your current or a different viewmodel.
Built on Ryan Niemeyers great article about how to stop bindings and accompanying jsfiddle example is a little demo which adds new input elements to dom and binds them to different viewmodels.
Since you can only bind a section of your dom once you need to stop the downward binding at some point using a custom binding..
ko.bindingHandlers.stopBinding = {
init: function() {
return { controlsDescendantBindings: true };
assign it to a wrapper
<div data-bind="stopBinding: true" id="addNewContentHere"></div>
and insert your new elements
function addInput(){
var data=$('<input type="input" data-bind="value: newInput" />');
ko.applyBindings(MyViewModel, data[0]);
hope it is of some use :)


Waiting for sap.ui.table.Table rendered after bound model has changed

I have sap.ui.table.Table which rows are bound to an JSONModel.
var oListModel = new sap.ui.model.json.JSONModel();
//oTable created here (sap.ui.table.Table)
When the table is rendered, i.e. the DOM is created for this table, i need to reference to the DOM to pass the DOM elements (table rows) to a library which will make them draggable.
My problem is: How do i know when the DOM for the table is created after the model has been changed and the table is rerendered? I didnt find any listener. The view controller's listener onAfterRendering() didn't help me.
The model is filled with data after a XMLHTTPRequest is successful. When i set the model in the success handler of the xht request and try to access the DOM elments directly afterwards they don't exist yet.
Thank you for your help!
You can add an event delegate
var oMyTable = new sap.ui.table.Table();
onAfterRendering: function() {
$table = this.getDomRef() ....
a better way is to extend the control see Using addDelegate to extend a control to use third party functionality
the example in that blog doesn't work anymore fixed here
I had a similar issue recently where i had to access an element after a smartform (where the element is present) rendered onto the view. I posted my query here as well as my final solution (based on the accepted answer of #Dopedev). I am using XML views - including nested XML views - here however and the onAfterRendering didn't help for me as well.
I guess you could look at this solution - like it's mentioned in the accepted answer, it may not be an optimal solution, but it sure works. In my case there is not much of a performance issue with the binding of the DOMNodeInserted since it is being called in the onAfterRendering of the nested view that consists of only the smartform with an immediate unbinding upon finding.
The condition if (id === "yourtableid") { } should be enough to identify and pass on. Since you have a table and thus several child nodes, unbinding is imperative at this point.
Mutation Observer is the preferred method but i guess you may need to check the browser compatibility table at the end of the page to see if it matches your requirements. There is an example here. I have used Mutation Observer (outside of a SAPUI5/openUI5 environment) earlier and found it very convenient(and performant) to listen to DOM insert events. In fact the sap.ui.dt package consists of MutationObserver.js

How to handle UI animation events with knockout

So right now I have a table that displays some values and I have an indicator for conflicts. When the user clicks the indicator a new div appears with some animation to list all the conflicts.
Here is my HTML:
<span data-bind="if: hasConflict, click: $parent.selectProperty" class="conflictWarn"><i style="color: darkorange; cursor:pointer;" class="icon-warning-sign"></i></span>
The data might look something like this:
name:Property 1,
id: 1,
hasConflicts: no,
name:Property 2,
id: 2,
hasConflicts: yes,
conflicts: {
name: conflict1,
name: conflict2
name:Property 3,
id: 3,
hasConflicts: yes,
conflicts: {
name: conflicta,
name: conflictb
So the first table is going to look like this:
Property 1
Property 2 !
Property 3 !
Where ! is a conflict indicator. Clicking on the ! would display the conflicts div and also display conflict1 and conflict2 or conflicta and conflictb depending on which was clicked.
Here is the model we are working with. It's a bit complex because of the mapping for the properties from signalr. the "selectProperty" and "selectedProperty" was our way of saying which one to display conflicts for, but I'm not convinced this is the best way to do it.
function ItemViewModel() {
var self = this; = ko.observable("");
self.itemType = ko.observable("");
self.propertiesArray = ko.observableArray([]); = ko.mapping.fromJS({});
self.selectedPropertyName = ko.observable("");
self.getItem = function (name) {
$.connection.mainHub.server.getItem(name).then(function (item) {
self.selectProperty = function (a, b) {
Originally the click event directly called a javascript function that did all the animation, but my coworker thought that might violate best practices for separating data and viewmodel in MVVM. Does it? Should we leave it calling the viewmodel function of "selectProperty" which allows us to pass context for the "conflicts popup" div? If so, do I just call the javascript function to do the animation from within the selectProperty function?
p.s. I've edited this about 800 times so I apologize if it's impossible to follow.
update I have the bindings working now, so I really just want to know what is best practice when it comes to UI animations and Knockout. Change the viewmodel from the javascript function or call the javascript function from the viewmodel function?
Regarding UI animations in my opinion it is best practice to implement custom bindings. This way code is encapsulated and it is easy to find where it is used. Check Animated transitions example on knockout website.
i'm going to extends Thomas answer with one point, custom bindings don't work when you want to animate the rendering / unrendering of the 'if' or 'with' bindings. an animation binding that tries to run at the same time as an 'if' or 'with' won't be able to complete the animation before the other binding alters the DOM, possibly removing the elements being animated from the page. there is no way to defer the binding processing until after the event completes.
for these cases animations should be implemented via the 'afterAdd' and 'beforeRemove' callbacks of the 'foreach' binding when the desire is to animate an element being added and removed from the page. 'if' and 'with' bindings can be rewritten as 'foreach' with little effort, as 'foreach' can take a single argument instead of a list. i really wish the animation tutorial would be extended to include this workaround.

How to reference dynamically added element after DOM loaded without a need to act on any events?

I know there is .on and .live (deprecated) available from JQuery, but those assume you want to attach event handlers to one ore more events of the dynamically added element which I don't. I just need to reference it so I can access some of the attributes of it.
And to be more specific, there are multiple dynamic elements like this all with class="cluster" set and each with a different value for the: title attribute, top attribute, and left attribute.
None of these jquery options work:
var allClusters = $('.cluster');
var allClusters2 = $('#map').children('.cluster');
var allClusters3 = $('#map').find('.cluster');
Again, I don't want to attach any event handlers so .on doesn't seem like the right solution even if I were to hijack it, add a bogus event, a doNothing handler, and then just reference my attributes.
There's got to be a better solution. Any ideas?
I mis-stated the title as I meant to say that the elements were dynamically added to the DOM, but not through JQuery. Title updated.
I figured it out. The elements weren't showing up because the DOM hadn't been updated yet.
I'm working with Google Maps and MarkerClustererPlus to give some more context, and when I add the map markers using markerclustererplus, they weren't available in the javascript code following the add.
Adding a google maps event listener to my google map fixed the problem:
google.maps.event.addListener(myMarkerClusterer, 'clusteringend', function () {
// access newly added DOM elements here
Once I add that listener, all the above JQuery selectors and/or methods work just fine:
var allClusters = $('.cluster');
var allClusters3 = $('#map').find('.cluster');
Although this one didn't, but that's because it only finds direct decendants of parent:
var allClusters2 = $('#map').children('.cluster');
Do what you need to do in the ajax callback:
$.ajax(...).done(function (html) {
//append here
allClusters = $('.cluster');
If you want them to be separate, you can always bind handlers after the fact, or use $.when:
jqxhr = $.ajax(...).done(function (html) { /* append html */ });
jqxhr.done(function () { allClusters = $('.cluster') });
$.when(jqxhr).done(function () { /* you get it */ });
If these are being appended without ajax changes, then just move the cluster-finding code to wherever the DOM changes take place.
If that's not an option, then I guess you would just have to check on an interval.

Knockout.js: Multiple ViewModel bindings on a page or a part of a page

I am wondering if it is possible to use Knockout.js's ko.applyBindings() multiple times to bind different ViewModels to one part of a page. For example, let's say I had this:
<div id="foo">...</div>
ko.applyBindings(new PageViewModel());
ko.applyBindings(new PartialViewModel(), $('#foo')[0]);
I am now applying two ViewModel bindings to <div id="foo>. Is this legal?
You do not want to call ko.applyBindings multiple times on the same elements. Best case, the elements will be doing more work than necessary when updating, worse case you will have multiple event handlers firing for the same element.
There are several options for handling this type of thing that are detailed here: Example of knockoutjs pattern for multi-view applications
If you really need an "island" in the middle of your content that you want to call apply bindings on later, then you can use the technique described here:
This is a common road block that comes when implementing JqueryMobile-SPA.
The method : ko.applyBindings(viewmode,root dom element) accepts two arguments. The second argument comes helpful when you have multiple VM's in your page.
for example :
ko.applyBindings(model1, document.getElementById("view1"));
ko.applyBindings(model2, document.getElementById("view2"));
where view1 and view2 are the root dom element for that model. For a JqueryMobile-SPA this will be the page ids for corresponding model.
The best way to do this would be use the "with" binding construct in the div that you want the partial view model to be bound. You can find it in this fiddle
<div data-bind="with: model">
<p data-bind="text: name"></p>
<div data-bind="with: anothermodel">
<p data-bind="text: name"></p>
var model = {
name: ko.observable('somename'),
var anothermodel = {
name: ko.observable('someanothername'),
Also check out the "with" binding documentation on the Knockout site, to look at an AJAX callback - partial binding scenario.
My english is very bad.... =)
I use Sammy to load partial views, and Knockout to bind the Model, I try use ko.cleanNode but clean all my bindings, all DOM nodes has changed when has a bind, a property __ko__ is aggregated, then i removed that property with this code, and works !!, '#main' is my node.
var dom = dom || $("#main")[0];
for (var i in dom) {
if (i.substr(0, 6) == "__ko__") {
delete (dom[i]);
after use Ggle translator:
I use Sammy for the load of partial views, and Knockout for the bind the Model, I try to use ko.cleanNode but clean all my bindings, all DOM nodes has changed when they has a bind, a property ko is aggregated, then i removed that property with this code, and works !!, '#main' is my node.

scope of 'this' inside mootools class

I'm trying to define a click handler in a Mootools class. My handler presumes opening a block of links, each of which should be 'equipped' with its own click handler, which should trigger a link specific action. What I mean is let's suppose I have the following HTML code:
<div id="wrapper">
open options
<div class="optionsBlock" style="display:none">
Then I'm trying to define a class like this in Mootools:
var myHandler = new Class({
Implements : [Events],
initialize : function(element){
this.element =;
this.elements = this.element.getChildren('a');
this.elements.addEvents('click', function(ev){
//'this' as a reference to the current element in the array, which is being clicked, correct?
this.getSibling('div.optionsBlock').setStyle('display', 'block');
var parentLink = this;
this.getSibling('div.optionsBlock').getChildren('a').addEvent('click', function(e){
//should append the text of currently clicked link into the parent link
new myHandler('wrapper');
This is just an illustration of how I can imagine the code should be like (and I'm sure this code is not good at all), but I really need some help regarding the following:
Since adding new events constatly changes the scope of 'this', how should I keep a reference both to the class instance and the element being clicked?
How should I modify the class in order not to have the entire code inside the initialize method? I tried to create separate methods for every event handler, but as a result I got confused with the scope of 'this', with binding and trying to get all of this together really annoys me, but I want to get a grip of this knowledge.
How to keep track of the scope of 'this' when adding nested event handlers inside a class? I honestly googled and searched for an answer but for no avail.
scope, take your pick - asked many many times - search here for [mootools]scope this:
Mootools class variable scope
mootools variable scope
Mootools - Bind to class instance and access event object
to recap:
use a saved reference var self = this; then reference self.prop or use the fn.bind pattern
add more methods. follow single responsibility principle. eg, in your class, create attachEvents: function() {} and have initialize call that.
by using the saved reference pattern. you can fix it upriver by delegating events as opposed to creating new event callbacks on parent clicks.