Is "my" a function in Perl? - perl

I know that my is used to declare a variable local to a block or file. I have always assumed that my is a keyword in Perl. But I was just told that it's actually a function. One of the proofs is that perldoc puts my under the “Functions” section, see
How does a function do the job of declaring local variables?

my is not a function, it's just clumped together with functions (in perl documentation) because it works like a function.
If you look at perldoc perlfunc, it is saith,
Here are Perl's functions (including things that look like functions, like some keywords and named operators) arranged by category...
then a bit below that
Keywords related to scoping
caller, import, local, my, our, package, state, use
Specifically, note that the word “keyword” was used there instead of “function”
So that implies that you would find some non-functions (e.g. keywords) under Perl functions A-Z
Another way of saying this: if something is listed under “Functions” in perldoc, it is not necessarily a function – it can be a keyword or named operator which acts like a function.

Yes, by Perl's (very unique) definition, my is a function. The opening paragraph of perlfunc defines "function":
The functions in this section can serve as terms in an expression. They fall into two major categories: list operators and named unary operators.
my is a named operator. But it's special in two ways:
In addition to behaving like a function (that allocates a new variable and returns that variable), it has a compile-time effect.
my ... is a unary operator, but it can accept multiple arguments when parens are used.
If on the other hand you were ask if my was a function by C's definition, then no. my is not a C function. Neither is print, open, chr, etc. Everything in perlfunc is an operator; none of them are functions.
Finally, print, open and chr are far closer to a person's conception of a function than my. To be more precise, few people would consider my to be a function. It's more of a technicality than anything meaningful that it matches perfunc's definition of function.
See also:
What are perl built-in operators/functions?
Why does this [my] variable keep its value


How to use B::Hooks to manipulate the perl parser

I'm looking to play with perl parser manipulation. It looks like the various B::Hooks modules are what people use. I was wondering:
Best place to start for someone who has no XS experience (yet). Any relevant blog posts?
How much work would be involved in creating a new operator, for example:
~> would work like -> but it would not try to call on undef and would instead simply return undef to LHS.
Although a source filter would work -- I'm more interested in seeing how you can manipulate the parser at a deeper level.
I don't believe you can add infix operators (operators whose operands are before and after the operator), much less symbolic ones (as opposed to named operators), but you could write an an op checker that replaces method calls. This means you could cause ->foo to behave differently. By writing your module as a pragma, you could limit the effect of your module to a lexical scope (e.g. { use mypragma; ...}).

what is the difference between 'define as' to 'define as computed' in specman?

The difference between the two is not so clear from the Cadence documentation.
Could someone please elaborate on the difference between the two?
A define as macro is just a plain old macro that you probably know from other programming languages. It just means that at some select locations in the macro code you can substitute your own code.
A define as computed macro allows you to construct your output code programmatically, by using control flow statements (if, for, etc.). It acts kind of like a function that returns a string, with the return value being the code that will be inserted in its place by the pre-processor.
With both define as and define as computed macros you define a new syntactic construct of a given syntactic category (for example, <statement> or <action>), and you implement the replacement code that replaces a construct matching the macro match expression (or pattern).
In both cases the macro match expression can have syntactic arguments that are used inside the replacement code and are substituted with the actual code strings used in the matched code.
The difference is that with a define as macro the replacement code is just written in the macro body.
With a define as computed macro you write a procedural code that computes the desired replacement code text and returns it as a string. It's effectively a method that returns string, you can even use the result keyword to assign the resulting string, just like in any e method.
A define as computed macro is useful when the replacement code is not fixed, and can be different depending on the exact macro argument values or even semantic context (for example, in some cases a reflection query can be used to decide on the exact replacement code).
(But it's important to remember that even define as computed macros are executed during compilation and not at run time, so they cannot query actual run time values of fields or variables to decide on the resulting replacement code).
Here are some important differences between the two macro kinds.
A define as macro is more readable and usually easier to write. You just write down the code that you want to be created.
Define as computed macros are stronger. Everything that can be implemented with define as, can also be implemented with define as computed, but not vice versa. When the replacement code is not fixed, define as is not sufficient.
A define as macro can be used immediately after its definition. If the construct it introduces is used in the statement just following the macro, it will already be matched. A define as computed macro can only be used in the next file, and is not usable in the same file in which the macro is defined.

Difference between &function and function() in perl [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Closed 11 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
When should I use the & to call a Perl subroutine?
In perl scripts, why is that method of invoking the function is written differently some times. I see &function and sometimes function(). Are they both the same and this is just a style that one would want to flaunt? If they are the same, why are they both available, would not one just suffice? I am guessing there is some semantic difference between the both the methods which distinguishes them from each other ... but at what kind of circumstances?
--- Since I cannot answer my own question for timeout reasons -- I am updating the answer in the section of question itself. When I get a chance to update the answer block, I will put it there.
I found the relevant text in 'Learning Perl' book..thanks for the tip though. Chapter 4: Subroutines -- Omitting the Ampersand.
I was more interested in ampersand & usage for perl functions. If a subroutine is already defined before being invoked, then subroutine can be invoked without using & while calling the function similar to invoking the builtin functions. & is also used to distinguish between the builtin functions and the user defined functions if the function to be invoked uses the same name that of one of the builtin function, provided it is defined before being invoked.
Usage of (), is merely to justify the passing of the arguments to the subroutines, while if not used, the default list of current arguments are passed in the form #_. If the arguments are specified in () for a subroutine, it is assumed to be a subroutine and is invoked even if not previously defined while parsing.
It has very specific uses:
& tells Perl to ignore the sub's prototype.
& can allow you to use the caller's #_. (&foo; with no parens or arguments).
goto &foo; and defined &foo.
Getting a reference (e.g. \&foo).
Some people (mostly beginners) use it to distinguish user subs from builtin functions, since builtin functions cannot be preceded by &.
As mentioned by #manatwork and #KeithThompson you can find information in these articles:
A general description - What's the difference between calling a function as &foo and foo()?
Subtle information about using & or not for a function call - perlsub: Perl Subroutines: Description.

Is it appropriate to overload Perl's file input angle operator as a general iterator/generator?

I have seen several modules (example: Iterator::Simple) that make use of Perl's angle operator as an approximate equivalent to Python generators. Specifically, providing the ability to iterate over a list of values without actually loading the whole list in memory. Is this generally considered to be an appropriate extension of the functionality of the operator, or is it considered to be an abuse of it?
The <HANDLE> operator is just syntactic sugar for the readline HANDLE function, which is very much an iterator over the handle. If an object provides iterative access, I don't see any problem with overloading <> to provide flexibility to the end user.
The <> operator does not approximate the generator, the module does that. All that
while (<$iterator>) {...}
gives you is a fancy way to write
while (defined ($_ = $iterator->next)) {...}
Perl is a very expressive language due to the many different ways it allows you to solve problems. Many modules choose to offer alternative interfaces in this spirit. This allows users to code the way that works best for them.

What is a double underscore in Perl?

I'm trying to understand someone else's Perl code without knowing much Perl myself. I would appreciate your help.
I've encountered a Perl function along these lines:
Is there a meaning to the double-underscore syntax in $arg2, or is it just part of the name of the second argument?
There is no specific meaning to the use of a __ inside of a perl variable name. It's likely programmer preference, especially in the case that you've cited in your question. You can see more information about perl variable naming here.
As in most languages underscore is just part of an identifier; no special meaning.
But are you sure it's Perl? There aren't any sigils on the variables. Can you post more context?
As far as the interpreter is concerned, an underscore is just another character allowed in identifiers. It can be used as an alternative to concatenation or camel case to form multi-word identifiers.
A leading underscore is often used to mean an identifier is for local use only, e.g. for non-exported parts of a module. It's merely a convention; the interpreter doesn't care.
In the context of your question, the double underscore doesn't have any programmatic meaning. Double underscores does mean something special for a limited number of values in Perl, most notably __FILE__ & __LINE__. These are special literals that aren't prefixed with a sigil ($, % or #) and are only interpolated outside of quotes. They contain the full path & name of the currently executing file and the line that is being executed. See the section on 'Special Literals' in perldata or this post on Perl Monks
I'm fairly certain arg2__size is just the name of a variable.
Mark's answer is of course correct, it has no special meaning.
But I want to note that your example doesn't look like Perl at all. Perl variables aren't barewords. They have the sigils, as you will see from the links above. And Perl doesn't have "functions", it has subroutines.
So there may be some confusion about which language we're talking about.
You will need to tell the interpreter that "$arg2" is the name of a variable. and not "$arg2__size". For this you will need to use the parenthesis. (This usage is similar to that seen in shell).
This should work