What is a double underscore in Perl? - perl

I'm trying to understand someone else's Perl code without knowing much Perl myself. I would appreciate your help.
I've encountered a Perl function along these lines:
Is there a meaning to the double-underscore syntax in $arg2, or is it just part of the name of the second argument?

There is no specific meaning to the use of a __ inside of a perl variable name. It's likely programmer preference, especially in the case that you've cited in your question. You can see more information about perl variable naming here.

As in most languages underscore is just part of an identifier; no special meaning.
But are you sure it's Perl? There aren't any sigils on the variables. Can you post more context?

As far as the interpreter is concerned, an underscore is just another character allowed in identifiers. It can be used as an alternative to concatenation or camel case to form multi-word identifiers.
A leading underscore is often used to mean an identifier is for local use only, e.g. for non-exported parts of a module. It's merely a convention; the interpreter doesn't care.

In the context of your question, the double underscore doesn't have any programmatic meaning. Double underscores does mean something special for a limited number of values in Perl, most notably __FILE__ & __LINE__. These are special literals that aren't prefixed with a sigil ($, % or #) and are only interpolated outside of quotes. They contain the full path & name of the currently executing file and the line that is being executed. See the section on 'Special Literals' in perldata or this post on Perl Monks

I'm fairly certain arg2__size is just the name of a variable.

Mark's answer is of course correct, it has no special meaning.
But I want to note that your example doesn't look like Perl at all. Perl variables aren't barewords. They have the sigils, as you will see from the links above. And Perl doesn't have "functions", it has subroutines.
So there may be some confusion about which language we're talking about.

You will need to tell the interpreter that "$arg2" is the name of a variable. and not "$arg2__size". For this you will need to use the parenthesis. (This usage is similar to that seen in shell).
This should work


Single quotes in a variable name in Perl?

I was writing some Perl code in vim and accidentally typed a single quote character in a variable name and noticed that it highlighted it in a different color than normal single quoted strings.
I thought that was odd, so I wrote a small test program (shown above) and tried to run it to see how Perl would handle it and I got this error:
"my" variable $var::with::apostrophes can't be in a package
What exactly is going on here? Are there situations where single quotes in variable names are actually valid? If so, what meaning do single quotes have when used in this context?
The single quote is the namespace separator used in Perl 4, replaced by the double colon :: in Perl 5. Because Perl is mostly backwards compatible, this still works. It's great for golfing, but not much else.
Here's an article about it on perl.com that doesn't explain it.

What is the dollar caret zero variable ( $^0 ) in Perl?

I've found some Perl code that makes the following check:
if ($^O eq 'MSWin32')
What is the $^0 variable? It looks like it contains the architecture/OS of the machine it's running on, but I don't know if that's the result of assigning it elsewhere in the script (maybe it's the result of a regex match, though I can't see any match operations performed before that point), or whether that variable always has a value related to the machine it's running on.
I'd like to check the OS and bitness of the machine running the script, and would like to know if I can use $^0 to help me with that (if not, then I'm still curious what it is).
I'd rather not publish other parts of the Perl script, as it's proprietary.
This strikes me as the sort of question that should have been asked before, but Google isn't much use, thanks to the special characters (I often think the inability to Google Perl code led in part to its demise), and Stack Overflow doesn't have any useful suggested questions either.
There's no match for $^0 or $^1 or $^# on the perlvar page, and I'm not convinced that $^N or $^X are related.
It is not a zero.
It is the letter "O", capitalized.
In perlvar, search for OSNAME, which is the long form name of the variable when you use English:
The name of the operating system under which this copy of Perl was
built, as determined during the configuration process.
There is no special "dollar caret zero" variable.

Is there a comprehensive list of special macros in Julia?

http://julia.readthedocs.org/en/latest/manual/metaprogramming/ discusses macros in Julia, which usually start with #, but also lists two special macros, text_str, and cmd, which handle text"string" and `shell command`, respectively. Is there a comprehensive list of these special macros supported by Julia? Is it possible to define your own?
So all the macros, including string literal macros, are in exports.jl.
If you are asking about these special syntax transformations in general like string literal macros, I don't think thats a question thats easily answerable: there are multiple arbitrary syntax translations like that that you can't do in user code (without using an # to denote you are transforming syntax with a macro). Most Julia macro-or-function-looking things aren't magic, but string literals, ccall, and maybe even things like A'c and the like would qualify.
The most sure-to-be-up-to-date way to find out is to enter the folder base and say grep # exports.jl. If you're not on a Unix-like platform, then opening that file and looking at the # Macros section will also work.
It is indeed possible to make your own; in fact every macro of the form
macro x_str(...)
is a String macro. Since 0.6, command macros are also supported by
macro x_cmd(...)

Perl operators are "discovered" and not designed?

Just reading this page: https://github.com/book/perlsecret/blob/master/lib/perlsecret.pod , and was really surprised with the statements like:
Discovered by Philippe Bruhat, 2012.
Discovered by Abigail, 2010. (Alternate nickname: "grappling hook")
Discovered by Rafaƫl Garcia-Suarez, 2009.
Discovered by Philippe Bruhat, 2007.
and so on...
The above operators are DISCOVERED, so they are not intentional by perl-design?
Thats mean than here is possibility than perl sill have some random character sequences what in right order doing something useful like the ()x!! "operator"?
Is here any other language what have discovered operatos?
From the page you linked:
They are like operators in the sense that these Perl programmers see
them often enough to recognize them without thinking about their
smaller parts, and eventually add them to their toolbox. And they are
like secrets in the sense that they have to be discovered by their
future user (or be transmitted by a fellow programmer), because they
are not explicitly documented.
That is, they are not really their own operators, but they are made up of smaller operators compounded to do something combinedly.
For example, the 'venus' operator (0+ or +0) numifies the object on its left or right. That's what adding zero in any form does, "secret" operator or not.
Perl has a bunch of operators that do special things, as well as characters that do special things when interpreted in a specific context. Rather than these being actual "operators" (i.e., not explicitly recognized by the Perl parser), think of them as combinations of certain functions/operations. For example ()X!!, which is known as the "Enterprise" operator, consists of () which is a list, followed by x, which is a repetition operator, followed by !! (the "bang bang" operator), which performs a boolean conversion. This is one of the reasons that Perl is so expressive.

Why is the apostrophe sign a valid path separator in Perl

In Perl, you call modules using :: as path separator. So, if you have a module on site/lib/GD/Image.pm, you call use GD::Image.
However, long time ago I found out that you can also call use GD'Image and things like my $img = new GD'Image;, and there are also modules on CPAN using that syntax on ther names/documentation.
What is the purpose or logic behind that? Is it maybe, as many things in Perl, just a feature intended to humanize sentences and allow you to create and use modules like Acme::Don't?
Does it have any other intention different to ::?
See perlmod for explanation:
The old package delimiter was a single quote, but double colon is now the preferred delimiter
So, the reason is history.
The single quote is an old ADA separator. However, it didn't play well with Emacs, so the double colon became used.
Good God! ADA? Emacs? I am old.