Is it appropriate to overload Perl's file input angle operator as a general iterator/generator? - perl

I have seen several modules (example: Iterator::Simple) that make use of Perl's angle operator as an approximate equivalent to Python generators. Specifically, providing the ability to iterate over a list of values without actually loading the whole list in memory. Is this generally considered to be an appropriate extension of the functionality of the operator, or is it considered to be an abuse of it?

The <HANDLE> operator is just syntactic sugar for the readline HANDLE function, which is very much an iterator over the handle. If an object provides iterative access, I don't see any problem with overloading <> to provide flexibility to the end user.
The <> operator does not approximate the generator, the module does that. All that
while (<$iterator>) {...}
gives you is a fancy way to write
while (defined ($_ = $iterator->next)) {...}
Perl is a very expressive language due to the many different ways it allows you to solve problems. Many modules choose to offer alternative interfaces in this spirit. This allows users to code the way that works best for them.


How to use B::Hooks to manipulate the perl parser

I'm looking to play with perl parser manipulation. It looks like the various B::Hooks modules are what people use. I was wondering:
Best place to start for someone who has no XS experience (yet). Any relevant blog posts?
How much work would be involved in creating a new operator, for example:
~> would work like -> but it would not try to call on undef and would instead simply return undef to LHS.
Although a source filter would work -- I'm more interested in seeing how you can manipulate the parser at a deeper level.
I don't believe you can add infix operators (operators whose operands are before and after the operator), much less symbolic ones (as opposed to named operators), but you could write an an op checker that replaces method calls. This means you could cause ->foo to behave differently. By writing your module as a pragma, you could limit the effect of your module to a lexical scope (e.g. { use mypragma; ...}).

Is this trivial function silly?

I came across a function today that made me stop and think. I can't think of a good reason to do it:
sub replace_string {
my $string = shift;
my $regex = shift;
my $replace = shift;
$string =~ s/$regex/$replace/gi;
return $string;
The only possible value I can see to this is that it gives you the ability to control the default options used with a substitution, but I don't consider that useful. My first reaction upon seeing this function get called is "what does this do?". Once I learn what it does, I am going to assume it does that from that point on. Which means if it changes, it will break any of my code that needs it to do that. This means the function will likely never change, or changing it will break lots of code.
Right now I want to track down the original programmer and beat some sense into him or her. Is this a valid desire, or am I missing some value this function brings to the table?
The problems with that function include:
Opaque: replace_string doesn't tell you that you're doing a case-insensitive, global replace without escaping.
Non-idiomatic: $string =~ s{$this}{$that}gi is something you can learn what it means once, and its not like its some weird corner feature. replace_string everyone has to learn the details of, and its going to be different for everyone who writes it.
Inflexible: Want a non-global search-and-replace? Sorry. You can put in some modifiers by passing in a qr// but that's far more advanced knowledge than the s/// its hiding.
Insecure: A user might think that the function takes a string, not a regex. If they put in unchecked user input they are opening up a potential security hole.
Slower: Just to add the final insult.
The advantages are:
Literate: The function name explains what it does without having to examine the details of the regular expression (but it gives an incomplete explanation).
Defaults: The g and i defaults are always there (but that's non-obvious from the name).
Simpler Syntax: Don't have to worry about the delimiters (not that s{}{} is difficult).
Protection From Global Side Effects: Regex matches set a salad of global variables ($1, $+, etc...) but they're automatically locally scoped to the function. They won't interfere if you're making use of them for another regex.
A little overzealous with the encapsulation.
print replace_string("some/path", "/", ":");
Yes, you get some magic in not having to replace / with a different delimiter or escape / in the regex.
If it's just a verbose replacement for s/// then I'd guess that it was written by someone who came to Perl from a language where using regular expressions required extra syntax and who is/was more comfortable coding that way. If that's the case I'd classify it as Perl baby-talk: silly and awkward to seasoned coders but not bad -- not bad enough to warrant a beating, anyway. ;)
If I squint really hard I can almost see cases where such a function might be useful: applying a bunch of patterns to a bunch of strings, allowing user input for the terms, supplying a CODE reference for a callback...
My first reaction upon seeing that is a new Perl programmer didn't want to remember the syntax for a regular expression and created a function he or she could easily remember, without learning the syntax.
The only reason I can see other than the ones mentioned already ( new programmer does not want to remember regex syntax ) is that it is possible they may be using some IDE that does not have any syntax highlighting for regex, but it does exist for functions they've written. Not the best of reasons, but plausible.

What is Perl's secret of getting small code do so much?

I've seen many (code-golf) Perl programs out there and even if I can't read them (Don't know Perl) I wonder how you can manage to get such a small bit of code to do what would take 20 lines in some other programming language.
What is the secret of Perl? Is there a special syntax that allows you to do complex tasks in few keystrokes? Is it the mix of regular expressions?
I'd like to learn how to write powerful and yet short programs like the ones you know from the code-golf challenges here. What would be the best place to start out? I don't want to learn "clean" Perl - I want to write scripts even I don't understand anymore after a week.
If there are other programming languages out there with which I can write even shorter code, please tell me.
There are a number of factors that make Perl good for code golfing:
No data typing. Values can be used interchangeably as strings and numbers.
"Diagonal" syntax. Usually referred to as TMTOWTDI (There's more than one way to do it.)
Default variables. Most functions act on $_ if no argument is specified. (A few act
on #_.)
Functions that take multiple arguments (like split) often have defaults that
let you omit some arguments or even all of them.
The "magic" readline operator, <>.
Higher order functions like map and grep
Regular expressions are integrated into the syntax (i.e. not a separate library)
Short-circuiting operators return the last value tested.
Short-circuiting operators can be used for flow control.
Additionally, without strictures (which are off be default):
You don't need to declare variables.
Barewords auto-quote to strings.
undef becomes either 0 or '' depending on context.
Now that that's out of the way, let me be very clear on one point:
Golf is a game.
It's great to aspire to the level of perl-fu that allows you to be good at it, but in the name of $DIETY do not golf real code. For one, it's a horrible waste of time. You could spend an hour trying to trim out a few characters. Golfed code is fragile: it almost always makes major assumptions and blithely ignores error checking. Real code can't afford to be so careless. Finally, your goal as a programmer should be to write clear, robust, and maintainable code. There's a saying in programming: Always write your code as if the person who will maintain it is a violent sociopath who knows where you live.
So, by all means, start golfing; but realize that it's just playing around and treat it as such.
Most people miss the point of much of Perl's syntax and default operators. Perl is largely a "DWIM" (do what I mean) language. One of it's major design goals is to "make the common things easy and the hard things possible".
As part of that, Perl designers talk about Huffman coding of the syntax and think about what people need to do instead of just giving them low-level primitives. The things that you do often should take the least amount of typing, and functions should act like the most common behavior. This saves quite a bit of work.
For instance, the split has many defaults because there are some use cases where leaving things off uses the common case. With no arguments, split breaks up $_ on whitespace because that's a very common use.
my #bits = split;
A bit less common but still frequent case is to break up $_ on something else, so there's a slightly longer version of that:
my #bits = split /:/;
And, if you wanted to be explicit about the data source, you can specify the variable too:
my #bits = split /:/, $line;
Think of this as you would normally deal with life. If you have a common task that you perform frequently, like talking to your bartender, you have a shorthand for it the covers the usual case:
The usual
If you need to do something, slightly different, you expand that a little:
The usual, but with onions
But you can always note the specifics
A dirty Bombay Sapphire martini shaken not stirred
Think about this the next time you go through a website. How many clicks does it take for you to do the common operations? Why are some websites easy to use and others not? Most of the time, the good websites require you to do the least amount of work to do the common things. Unlike my bank which requires no fewer than 13 clicks to make a credit card bill payment. It should be really easy to give them money. :)
This doesn't answer the whole question, but in regards to writing code you won't be able to read in a couple days, here's a few languages that will encourage you to write short, virtually unreadable code:
Perl has a lot of single character special variables that provide a lot of shortcuts eg $. $_ $# $/ $1 etc. I think it's that combined with the built in regular expressions, allows you to write some very concise but unreadable code.
Perl's special variables ($_, $., $/, etc.) can often be used to make code shorter (and more obfuscated).
I'd guess that the "secret" is in providing native operations for often repeated tasks.
In the domain that perl was originally envisioned for you often have to
Take input linewise
Strip off whitespace
Rip lines into words
Associate pairs of data
and perl simple provided operators to do these things. The short variable names and use of defaults for many things is just gravy.
Nor was perl the first language to go this way. Many of the features of perl were stolen more-or-less intact (or often slightly improved) from sed and awk and various shells. Good for Larry.
Certainly perl wasn't the last to go this way, you'll find similar features in python and php and ruby and ... People liked the results and weren't about to give them up just to get more regular syntax.
What's Java's secret of copying a variable in only one line, without worrying about buses and memory? Answer: the code is transformed to bigger code. Same for every language ever invented.

Why is there so much "magic" in Perl?

Looking through the perlsub and perlop manpages I've noticed that there are many references to "magic" and "magical" there (just search any of them for "magic"). I wonder why is Perl so rich in them.
Some examples:
print ++($foo = 'zz') # prints 'aaa'
printf "%d: %s", $! = 1, $! # prints '1: Operation not permitted'
while (my $line = <FH>) { ... } # $line is tested for definedness, not truth
use warnings; print "0 but true" + 1 # "0 but true" is a valid number!
When a Perl feature is described as "magic":
It means that that feature is
implemented by NBA star Magic Johnson.
Whenever Perl executes "magic", it is
actually sending an RPC call to a
remote receiver implanted in Magic
himself. He computes the answer, and
then sends a return message. The use
of Mr. Johnson for all the hard parts
of Perl provides a great abstraction
layer and simplifies porting to new
platforms. It's way easier than, say,
the Apache Portable Runtime.
Source: perrin on Perl Monks
It's official! Perl is more magical.
Hits from the following Google searches:
25 magic
36 magic
497 magic
Magic, in Perl parlance is simply the word given to attributes applied to variables / functions that allow an extension of their functionality. Some of this functionality is available directly from Perl, and some requires the use of the C api.
A perfect example of magic is the tie interface which allows you to define your own implementation of a variable. Every operation that can be done to a variable (fetching or storing a value for instance) is exposed for reimplementation, allowing for elegant and logical syntactic constructs like a hash with values stored on disk, which are transparently loaded and saved behind the scenes.
Magic can also refer to the special ways that certain builtins can behave, such as how the first argument to map or grep can either be a block or a bare expression:
my #squares = map {$_**2} 1 .. 10;
my #roots = map sqrt, 1 .. 10;
which is not a behavior available to user defined subroutines.
Many other features of Perl, such as operator overloading or variables that can return different values when used with numeric or string operators are implemented with magic. Context could be seen as magic as well.
In a nutshell, magic is any time that a Perl construct behaves differently than a naive interpretation would suggest, an exception to the rule. Magic is of course very powerful, and should not be wielded without great care. Magic Johnson is of course involved in the execution of all magic (see FM's answer), but that is beyond the scope of this explaination.
I wonder why is Perl so rich in them.
To make things easy.
You'll find that most "magic" in Perl is to simplify the syntax for common tasks.
Because perl always Does What I Mean for some values of always.
I think (opinion more than fact) that this has to do with the organic growth viewpoint that Perl's creator Larry Wall has with the Perl language. Python is a study in the opposite approach, whose style often makes Perl hackers cringe at the perception of being forced to conform to a stylistic regime.
Some of it has to do with Perl being designed to be "efficient" at writing quick scripts to do Perl*-ish* tasks, in both wall clock time, and in keystrokes. Some of it has to do with the TMTOWTDI mantra of Perl and its followers.
Programmers tend to be opinionated about Perl's frequent usage of "magic", for some it is an eye-straining visual cacophony of chaos and disrespect for orderliness (which harkens back to the days of computer Priesthood in white lab coats behind a glass window), for others it is a shining example of getting things done efficiently, if not always obviously to the novice or outsider.
Perl's design philosophy is that simple things must be simple. This sounds good,and to some extent it is. However, there's a tradeoff involved: Making every simple thing a one-liner results in tons of special case hacks to save a few lines of code. Different people have different preferences regarding making simple operations within a language simple versus making the language specification simple. Perl is at one extreme. Java is at the other, at least among languages that people actually use. Python and C# are somewhere in between.

Does Perl perform common subexpression elimination?

I wonder if Perl performs common subexpression elimination?
And what kind of optimisations are done?
No, but I do.
Now, I don't unroll loops by hand, because loops are an easier concept once you're familiar with programming. Because you could be doing anything with a sequence of commands, the loop makes it clear that you're repeating a task.
But CSE is something that makes more efficient code regardless of the implementation of the language. So I do it. It doesn't make the code baroque, and it works in languages where it's not automatically included.
Perl offers compression of syntax so there are often less subexpressions that have to be hand-eliminated.
No, and its not possible to do it either, except in very simple cases.
In order to eliminate common subexpressions, you must know that they haven't changed their values in between. But since so much can happen between two expressions a few lines apart, its almost impossible to tell if the subexpressions are still common.
The only things you would be able to eliminate are expressions that are provably pure, like "7 + 5". But proving that something like a function call is safe to eliminate is not going to happen.
To do this, you need powerful and conservative static analysis, which Perl does not have, and is not likely to gain (in C/C++ you need less powerful stuff because the languages are less dynamic, but you still need something).