iOS 6 WebDriver compilation - iphone

I tried to compile Selenium WebDriver for iPhone 6.1.3 and got some errors, like
Objective-C declarations may only appear in global scope
in file.
I use XCode 4.6.2 , iOS 6.1 SDK and WebDriver sources from
Someone compiled WebDriver for iOS6 successfully? Had you same problem?
Also, if you have any useful information about automated web testing on real devices (iPhone with iOS 6) please, share it with me =)

I have not used the iOSDriver but it is now deprecated in favor of something else, specifically the ios-driver created by a third party:
I would set that up, come back if you have any further questions.

Go to
take trunk from
Add project from trunk to Xcode
In Xcode Build and run thorugh Iphone 6.1 Emulator
P.S i think that will help you


RhoStudio Doesn't Build In XCode - Curl

Me and my friend are creating an app on RhoStudio and we would like it to work on Apple devices.
It works perfectly on Android, IOS Simulator but isn't compiling correctly to be able to run it on my iPhone via XCode.
When I do make an XCode project with it the project ($ rake build:iphone:setup_xcode_project) there are 3 errors and since im not that advanced at XCode do not understand the errors.
The errors are related with Curl.
I'll be really appreciated if we could get some help.
- Motorola RhoStudio: 4.0.0
- MacBook Pro 2011, v10.9
- XCode v5.0.2
The strlcat method changed definition in iOS 7 and Mavericks. It is already defined in the system headers and this definition conflicts with the one in the cURL source.
By looking at the system header, I think you could solve this in a number of ways
Change target SDK to 6.1, or something earlier than 7.0. This is a quick fix, but might not be what you want.
Remove the definition in the cURL source (there seems to be no way to #define away it so you need to edit the source).
-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE =0 should disable all Apple's definitions (did not try this though).

custom titanium module not doing proper work with using xcode 4

i have created a iphone module later on. it's work on xcode 3 and titanium 1.6.2 but not proper work on xcode 4 and titanium 1.7.2 giving error that Tiproxy.h and TiModule.h file not found pls solve this problem
i experiences something same. building the application with an older titanium sdk version (1.5.x) worked.

Problems running application compiled with XCode 3.2.4 and iOS SDK 4.1 on iOS 3.x

I recently ran into troubles building an app with latest iOS 4.1 SDK and running it on device with iOS 3.x. App works OK on 4.x devices and iPad, but crashes on devices running older 3.x iOS.
Problem appears to be in linker, since crashes are obviously caused by calls to 3rd party libraries used in the project. The linker (or even compiler) suspicion is supported by fact that when I build the app with older 3.1.3 SDK, it works as expected.
My Release configuration uses iOS 4.1 as Base SDK and iOS 3.0 as deployment target platform, compiled with LLVM GCC 4.2. I also tried GCC 4.2 compiler, but it didn't help too.
I've found that there's some bug in linker/compiler in this version of SDK, but none of proposed solutions worked for me.
I desperately need to resolve this issue, so any help is highly appreciated.
Thanks to everyone for any hint or advice.
Just to let you know that if you are using something like iAd framework, you need to add this framework as "weak dependency" in the Target Info Pop-Up :-)
If it's a librairie, could you list them ?
Good Luck !
I guess I am too late at answering this one. But still - If you have the 3.1.3 device with you, doing an in-system debugging by loading an app with a developer profile gives you what caused the crash. I faced a similar problem when my apps used to work fine on the 4.0+ devices but used to crash immediately upon startup when I tried it on 3.1.2 device. I compiled it with a developer profile and then did an in-system debugging. I found out that I was using a class UIPopoverController which was brought in with iOS 3.2 and hence used to fail for my 3.1.2. Putting in the necessary checks for this resolved my problem.
Hope that helps.

How to find iOS 4 only code in iPhone project

i have a iPhone Project with Base SDK 4.0 and Deployment Target set to 3.0 with XCode 3.2.3. Is there an "easy" way to find out whether i use iOS 4 only API calls in my Source Code. I'm aware that i could install an old XCode to run my project against an e.g. 3.1.3 Simulator, but i hope there is a simpler way for checking this.
Anybody has an idea?
Set the SDK to a 3.x SDK and recompile. If you have any new errors or warnings, it's probably a sign you have 4.0-specific code, and the errors will tell you where.

iPhone OS Deployment Target after update to iPhone SDK 4

I just updated to iPhone SDK 4 and am trying to debug on my device with 3.1.3 installed. Before the update, I compiled with Base and Active SDK set to 3.1.3 and all was well. After the update, I'm limited to SDKs 4.0 and 3.2--setting the base to 4.0 and iPhone OS Deployment Target to iPhone OS 3.1.3, I'm able to build and install on my 3.1.3 device, but receive the following error:
Error from Debugger: mi_cmd_stack_list_frames: Not enough frames in stack
I'm not using anything specific to the newer SDK, as I haven't touched a bit of code, just updated the SDK/XCode. So what am I doing incorrectly? The application runs as expected on an iOS4-installed device. Are there changes to pre-existing API's that need to be weakly linked perhaps? Thanks for all help.
Have you tried removing the app completely from your dev device, doing a build -> clean all targets, and then build again to your device?
I found this answer on macforums. If it's correct, then you probably have a memory corruption problem in your app that is confusing the debugger. Perhaps over-releasing something somewhere.
This probably isn't related to the SDK you are compiling with. It's possible you had this problem in your app all along but it just didn't show up until things moved around with the new Xcode, SDK, etc.
EDIT - I just ran into this problem myself trying to update an older app of mine to 4.0. It would run fine in the simulator and would install and run on the device except it wouldn't run in the debugger on the device. Anyway, I finally decided it was the .xcodeproj file that was corrupt or bad in some way and created a new project, copied over my source files to the new project and now it all works again. It's a pain but it only took about 20 mins to duplicate all my settings and I spent a couple hours trying to get the debugger to work.
Myself (and probably many others) are concerned about "will I still be able to compile/install apps for v3.1.3 of the iPhone OS?"
And what version of xCode does it become IMPOSSIBLE to ever write v3.1.3 apps again?
(Without installing a second copy of an older version of xCode.)
I've read the mile-long document that Apple wrote on the subject... but it sure would be simpler to understand if they just LISTED the various versions of each... instead of writing long paragraphs.
If you have:
Mac OS version 10.x.x x
xCode version x.x.x
SDK version(s) x.x.x
you can produce apps for iPhone OS x.x.x through x.x.x?