Top up account on website - paypal

I successfully established the paypal pay function on my website. I actually haven't tried it in live, but it's working in the sandbox mode. Is there a way for my user's to top up their account on my website? It's easier for them to transfer money to my website in advance then pay from that amount every time they purchase my service. Of course, I would also like to give them the opportunity to withdraw this amount.

You could use the Adaptive Payments (Pay) API or the MassPay API to send money to one account or group of accounts.


Using PayPal API to send money between PayPal Accounts

I'm trying to build out a process for users of my app to send money from their PayPal wallet to another user's PayPal wallet.
The idea is that there is no need for credit cards, just wallet to wallet transactions, so that there are no fees attached to the transfer (we're not taking payments or selling goods, just helping people settle their debts with friends and family)
Can anyone confirm whether this is possible with PayPal? And which API / method you would use for this? Thank you!
There is no API to send money without fees. Such functionality is available in for users from certain countries using certain funding sources (their PayPal balance or a bank)
In general, sending money to another account can be done by adding a payee variable to a regular PayPal Checkout:

Is it possible to transfer money from one paypal account to another without touching my paypal account, but I get notified when the payment happened?

Is it possible to transfer money from one PayPal account to another without touching my paypal account, but I get notified when the payment happened?
Seller on my website uploads product
Buyer comes on the website and purchase
If Seller receives the amount from buyer
Me (the websites unlock product for download (money dosen't touch the websites account)
coding Language dosen't really matter, if not possible is it possible to a business account with automated payout to the seller?
Use PayPal Checkout with a server backend
Specify a payee object in the purchase_unit:

PayPal auto withdraw

If you have used oDesk or Elance then you would be familiar with how you can withdraw your funds to your paypal account.
My question is which paypal feature do they use for this auto withdraw method?
I am building a website for a client who will connect specialists to clients. Clients will pay directly on the website and my client will hold the funds in his account. Once the specialist has completed the appointment they can request to withdraw the funds.
I've come across chained payments but that has a limit of 90 days, so would not work for bookings longer than that.
Ideally I would like to know how sites such as Elance manage this where freelancers can request to withdraw their money from the dashboard, and then receive the specified amount automatically.
Thanks in advance for your help.
For Adaptive Payments, use the Pay Call.
Look at Implicit Payments -- if the caller of the API is also the senderEmail or sender.accountId it will have automatic approval and be able to send programatically.
Alternatively, MassPay can also send from an account program

PayPal - several API type "can it be done questions"

I have an app that is both Web and Mobile. I know what I am trying to do is a bit messy but I was hoping someone could help guide me through the options please. I have done some reading and check replies on Stackoverflow but I'm am getting confused.
The main criteria here is I do not want to have the users log in to PayPal every time, approve a transaction every time. So I guess part of the solution is to have them set up an Agreement to pay ?
I have a Business account.
is it possible to transfer funds from a users bank account they have with paypal, to some other paypal account. In other words make a payment from their bank account to a specified paypal account they do not own (namely some merchant)
is it possible to transfer funds from one paypal account to another. Lets say mine to someone else's.
is it possible to transfer funds from one paypal account to another. Lets say someone else's to mine.
is it possible to transfer funds from my paypal account to someone else's bank account.
I guess PayPal IPN could be used for instant notification ?
All of the above needs to be done in the background without user involvement apart from them entering the amount, and say yes proceed. No passwords or bank account details to be entered etc.
I would preferably like to do the above on a web server rather than on a mobile device. So within server-side code.
thanks in advance
It is possible to do some of what you are asking using a Billing Agreement. In a BA, you agree that I can charge your Paypal account without a further login. It's a one-time setup.
You can use the MassPay API call to pay anyone. All you need is their email address. There is a fee to you to do this, tho.
You can make third party calls (where I make calls on your behalf) so it's theoretically possible for me to issue a MassPay on your behalf.
You cannot send money to a bank account (i.e. ACH-style). You can send it to their paypal and they can log in and move it from there.
All transactions will send an IPN if you have one specified.
Hope that helps

Withdraw money feature for paypal

Basically I have a script where user should have Withdraw button on his account so he can automatically withdraw money from my paypal balance
What API should I use in this case and is this available at all for paypal?
You may be interested in the Mass Pay API. You can send them in batches, say daily, weekly, or monthly.
See here for an explination directly from paypal:
The MassPay API allows you to send payments to up to 250 recipients with a single API call. The payment amount for each recipient is specified individually, but all payments in a MassPay API request must have the same currency type. You can choose to specify recipients by email address or PayPal customer account number.
And here for PHP examples (if you're using PHP):
There are additional examples and a large amount of documentation on the first link, regardless of programming language used.
Please keep in mind Mass Pay has it's own fee schedule.
There is also Adaptive payments, which may be more up your alley, as it's designed for more fine-grained control and has a larger API available. Information can be obtained here:
However, the Adaptive payments will require approval of each Payment by you (the sender) via the PayPal website. If you want 100% automation, the Mass Pay API is the way to go.
Please realize a mistake here could cost you infinate amounts of money, so tread extremely carefully.
If you're attempting to withdraw money from your PayPal account and move it to your bank account that's not something you can do via the API, unfortunately. You have to do that manually through PayPal, or you can call them and request that they enable AutoSweep for you, which will automatically move the balance in PayPal to your bank at the end of each day.
Ya there is preapproval api in AdaptivePayment. You can approve the api caller for the amount he want to withdraw from your account on your behalf.
You can refer api here :