Withdraw money feature for paypal - paypal

Basically I have a script where user should have Withdraw button on his account so he can automatically withdraw money from my paypal balance
What API should I use in this case and is this available at all for paypal?

You may be interested in the Mass Pay API. You can send them in batches, say daily, weekly, or monthly.
See here for an explination directly from paypal:
The MassPay API allows you to send payments to up to 250 recipients with a single API call. The payment amount for each recipient is specified individually, but all payments in a MassPay API request must have the same currency type. You can choose to specify recipients by email address or PayPal customer account number.
And here for PHP examples (if you're using PHP):
There are additional examples and a large amount of documentation on the first PayPal.com link, regardless of programming language used.
Please keep in mind Mass Pay has it's own fee schedule.
There is also Adaptive payments, which may be more up your alley, as it's designed for more fine-grained control and has a larger API available. Information can be obtained here:
However, the Adaptive payments will require approval of each Payment by you (the sender) via the PayPal website. If you want 100% automation, the Mass Pay API is the way to go.
Please realize a mistake here could cost you infinate amounts of money, so tread extremely carefully.

If you're attempting to withdraw money from your PayPal account and move it to your bank account that's not something you can do via the API, unfortunately. You have to do that manually through PayPal, or you can call them and request that they enable AutoSweep for you, which will automatically move the balance in PayPal to your bank at the end of each day.

Ya there is preapproval api in AdaptivePayment. You can approve the api caller for the amount he want to withdraw from your account on your behalf.
You can refer api here : https://www.x.com/developers/paypal/documentation-tools/api/preapproval-api-operation


Options for PayPal Payouts with Bank

I'm looking for a way to pay users to their PayPal account - ideally without manual intervention. I've looked at the MassPay & Payout APIs, but it seems that I need to hold the balance to be paid out in my PayPal account and there is no way to add funds to the PayPal account via the API.
I've also looked at the AdaptivePay API with the implicit payment option. However it fails to mention
1.) If I need to have the funds in the PayPal or if it will do an transfer from my primary banking source.
2.) What the fees for the transaction are? AFAIK it seems like payments can be made for free which would be strange considering the Payout API requires a fee.
Adaptive API with implicit payment will transfer the fund from the primary bank if balance cannot cover it, and implicit payment transaction fees is the same as normal transactions. MassPay & Payout APIs are usually used to send money to like hundreds of users while implicit payment can send money to 9 users at one time.

Which PayPal API will achieve crowd payments

My application already receive payments using Stripe API. Once payment is received, I must pay affiliates related to the transaction. This could be 1 to many recipients.
I want to use PayPal, I want to wire an API into my application so that I may pay all pending payments by clicking a "release funds" button...clicking the release funds button would pay related recipients to their email address from a paypal account that I will keep flush with funds.
Which PayPal API will achieve this? (paying many recipients from one paypal account)
I've done a lot of research on this and alternatives. Before I spend valuable dev time on this, I need to know I'm heading down the right path so any advice would be most helpful.
The MassPay API will do it, but you'll need to get MassPay enabled on your PayPal account in order to use it. It's free, but it's just not enabled by default.
You could also look into Adaptive Payments, specifically the Pay API. In that case you would build a script that loops through all your recipients and sends payments one at a time.

PayPal auto withdraw

If you have used oDesk or Elance then you would be familiar with how you can withdraw your funds to your paypal account.
My question is which paypal feature do they use for this auto withdraw method?
I am building a website for a client who will connect specialists to clients. Clients will pay directly on the website and my client will hold the funds in his account. Once the specialist has completed the appointment they can request to withdraw the funds.
I've come across chained payments but that has a limit of 90 days, so would not work for bookings longer than that.
Ideally I would like to know how sites such as Elance manage this where freelancers can request to withdraw their money from the dashboard, and then receive the specified amount automatically.
Thanks in advance for your help.
For Adaptive Payments, use the Pay Call.
Look at Implicit Payments -- if the caller of the API is also the senderEmail or sender.accountId it will have automatic approval and be able to send programatically.
Alternatively, MassPay can also send from an account program

Funding business paypal account from bank via api

Yes i know this question looks similar to Add funds to PayPal from Bank Account , but I have a legitimate circumstance why that answer is not acceptable.
I have many recipients that I need to automatically pay out each day, and need my paypal account to have suitable funds (while only making ONE call to my bank account). My bank account has transaction limits and I therefore can't afford to make 10+ withdrawals a day.
I plan on using Mass Payments api, does anyone know if this makes one lump withdrawal for the total amount of all the payments combined that are wrapped up in a mass payment?
Alternatively, does anyone know of an api way of funding a paypal account from a bank account?
Unfortunately, there isn't any way to fund your PayPal account from your bank through the API. MassPay won't automatically do it either. You would need to have the funds already available in PayPal for MassPay to work.

Credit Card Payment - secondary money receiver

I working on an e-commerce site where I need to do something like this.
When the users is on payment page, he should be doing the following things:
- pays a fee
- authorize the payment of an amount (which could vary, but not with a big amount...)
Up to here, everything goes find with PayPal Direct payment system.
But I need more. I need that the authorized amount at some point to be directly charged by another seller (or transferred)
Any chance I can do this with PayPal Direct (such the the payment would still be made in site)? Or is there any other method?
If you're receiving the money via DoDirectPayment you could use MassPay or Pay to send funds to a 3rd party. If you want the split to happen within the original payment you can use Pay by itself and set it up as a parallel or chained payment. See the Adaptive Payments documentation for more details on that.
(Disclaimer: I am employee) Balanced will work for your use case
capturing cards directly without sending user to a third party site
paying out to a merchant of your choice via ACH payout at a later point in time.
The caveat is it's US only so if your outside the US let me know and I'll see if I can find any other options for you.