Modifying Every Column of Every Frame of a Video - matlab

I would like to write a program that will take a video as input, create an output video file, and will (starting after a certain number of frames), begin writing modified frames to the output file frame by frame.
The modification will need to work on individual columns of pixels, one at a time.
Viewing this as a problem to be solved in Matlab, with each frame as a matrix... I cannot think of a way to make this computationally tractable.
I am hoping that someone might be able to offer suggestions on how I might begin to approach this problem.
Here are some details, in case it helps:
I'm interested in transforming a video in the following way:
Viewing a video as a sequence of (MxN) matrices, where each matrix is called a frame:
Take an input video and create new file for output video
For each column V in frame(i) of output video, replace this column by
column V in frame(i + V - N) of the input video.
For example: the new right-most column (column N) of frame(i) will contain column N of frame(i + N - N) = frame(i)... so that there is no replacement. The new 2nd to right-most column (column N-1) of frame(i) will contain column N-1 of [frame(i+N-1-N) = frame(i-1)].
In order to make this work (i.e. in order to not run out of previous frames), this column replacement will start on frame N of the video.

So... This is basically a variable delay running from left to right?
As you say, you do have two ways of going about this:
a) Use lots of memory
b) Use lots of file access
Your memory requirements increase as a cube power of the size of the video - the size of each frame increases, AND the number of previous frames you need to have open or reference increases. I.e. doubling frame size will require 4x memory per frame, and 2x number of frames open.
I think that Matlab's memory management will probably make this hard to do for e.g. a 1080p video, unless you have a pretty high-end workstation. Do you? A quick test-read of a 720p video gives 1.2MB per frame. 1080p would then be approx 5MB per frame, and you would need to have 1920 frames open: approx 10GB needed.
It will be more efficient to load frames individually, if you don't have enough memory - otherwise you will be using pagefiles and that'll be slower than loading frame-by-frame.
Your basic code reading each frame individually could be something like this:
for (frame=InWidth+1:NumInFrames)
for (subindex=1:InWidth)
This will probably be slow, and I haven't fully checked it works, but it does use a minimum amount of memory.
The best case for minimum file acess is probably using a ring buffer arrangement and the maximum amount of memory, which would look something like this:
for (frame=InWidth+1:NumInFrames)
for (subindex=1:InWidth)
The buffer indexing code may need some tweaking there, but something along those lines would be a minimum file access, maximum memory use solution.
For a given PC with more or less memory, you can implement somewhere in between these two as a solution (i.e. reading somewhere between 1 and all frames per iteration) as a best-case.
Matlab will be quite slow for this kind of task, but it will be a good way of getting your algorithm right and working out indexing bugs and that kind of thing. Converting to a compiled language would give a good increase in speed - I converted a Matlab script to a C# program in a couple of hours, and gave a 10x increase in speed over an optimised script where the time taken was in the number of file reads.
Hope this helps, good luck!


Optimizing compression using HDF5/H5 in Matlab

Using Matlab, I am going to generate several data files and store them in H5 format as 20x1500xN, where N is an integer that can vary, but typically around 2300. Each file will have 4 different data sets with equal structure. Thus, I will quickly achieve a storage problem. My two questions:
Is there any reason not the split the 4 different data sets, and just save as 4x20x1500xNinstead? I would prefer having them split, since it is different signal modalities, but if there is any computational/compression advantage to not having them separated, I will join them.
Using Matlab's built-in compression, I set deflate=9 (and DataType=single). However, I have now realized that using deflate multiplies my computational time with 5. I realize this could have something to do with my ChunkSize, which I just put to 20x1500x5 - without any reasoning behind it. Is there a strategic way to optimize computational load w.r.t. deflation and compression time?
Thank you.
1- Splitting or merging? It won't make a difference in the compression procedure, since it is performed in blocks.
2- Your choice of chunkshape seems, indeed, bad. Chunksize determines the shape and size of each block that will be compressed independently. The bad is that each chunk is of 600 kB, that is much larger than the L2 cache, so your CPU is likely twiddling its fingers, waiting for data to come in. Depending on the nature of your data and the usage pattern you will use the most (read the whole array at once, random reads, sequential reads...) you may want to target the L1 or L2 sizes, or something in between. Here are some experiments done with a Python library that may serve you as a guide.
Once you have selected your chunksize (how many bytes will your compression blocks have), you have to choose a chunkshape. I'd recommend the shape that most closely fits your reading pattern, if you are doing partial reads, or filling in in a fastest-axis-first if you want to read the whole array at once. In your case, this will be something like 1x1500x10, I think (second axis being the fastest, last one the second fastest, and fist the slowest, change if I am mistaken).
Lastly, keep in mind that the details are quite dependant on the specific machine you run it: the CPU, the quality and load of the hard drive or SSD, speed of RAM... so the fine tuning will always require some experimentation.

How to write "Big Data" to a text file using Matlab

I am getting some readings off an accelerometer connected to an Arduino which is in turn connected to MATLAB through serial communication. I would like to write the readings into a text file. A 10 second reading will write around 1000 entries that make the text file size around 1 kbyte.
I will be using the following code:
%%%%%// Communication %%%%%
fileID = fopen('Readings.txt','w');
%%%%%// Reading from Serial %%%%%
for i=1:Samples
scan = fscanf(arduino,'%f');
if isfloat(scan),
vib = [vib;scan];
Any suggestions on improving this code ? Will this have a time or Size limit? This code is to be run for 3 days.
Do not use text files, use binary files. 42718123229.123123 is 18 bytes in ASCII, 4 bytes in a binary file. Don't waste space unnecessarily. If your data is going to be used later in MATLAB, then I just suggest you save in .mat files
Do not use a single file! Choose a reasonable file size (e.g. 100Mb) and make sure that when you get to that many amount of data you switch to another file. You could do this by e.g. saving a file per hour. This way you minimize the possible errors that may happen if the software crashes 2 minutes before finishing.
Now knowing the real dimensions of your problem, writing a text file is totally fine, nothing special is required to process such small data. But there is a problem with your code. You are writing a variable vid which increases over time. That may cause bad performance because you are not using preallocation and it may consume a lot of memory. I strongly recommend not to keep this variable, and if you need the dater read it afterwards.
Another thing you should consider is verification of your data. What do you do when you receive less samples than you expect? Include timestamps! Be aware that these timestamps are not precise because you add them afterwards, but it allows you to identify if just some random samples are missing (may be interpolated afterwards) or some consecutive series of maybe 100 samples is missing.

Efficient way of using ssim() function in Matlab for comparing image structures (or any other alternative)

I'm given the task of reordering a number of randomly placed video frames into the right order. I've managed to do this by using each frame as a reference once, and find the the two closest frames in terms of structure for that reference frame..presumably that these two closest frames would be the ones behind and after that frame in the video. After finding the two closest frames for each video frame, I would then compute a possible path.
My problem however is when it comes to performance, particularly when scoring. It's very inefficient unfortunately,and run time alone for 72 frames (320x240) is approx 80 seconds on just the scoring. I'm not too familiar with Matlab (or any similar language) but this is what I am doing for scoring right now:
for i =1: n_images,
current_image = Images{1,i};
%obtain score pairs image similarity
for j = 1:n_images,
if i ~= j,
scores(1,j) = ssim(Images{1,j}, current_image);
[svalues, index] = sort(scores,'descend');
Closest(1,i) = index(1,1);
Closest(2,i) = index(1,2);
%Closest consists of a 2 x n_images matrix, where for each frame index, there are two
%column values, which are the indexes of the closest frames.
Could anyone give me some pointers for optimizations, or else suggestions for a better way of scoring?
Edit: Images are normalized and converted to grayscale
Edit #2: I've tried using threads by adding parfor in the scoring loop, which improved performance by around 50%, however the problem is that I need to create an executable, and i'm not sure I'd achieve the same performance..
Never mind, here I'm going through all image pairs, twice (switched parameters), which is not needed.So it is possible to reduce the speed by n-1/2.
If you want efficiency over accuracy (which in my case, it is), finding the score from the correlation of histograms is one possible way.
It took me 55 seconds to process 72 frames with ssim(), while only 1.2 seconds with difference of histograms.

Where do I find the memory requirements of a MATLAB function?

I have a 3D array of values (0 or 1), which is very large (approx 2300x2300x11). I want to fit a surface to these values using for example interp3, but when I try MATLAB runs out of memory. Thus, I've decided to reduce the size of my array enough for MATLAB to accomodate it in memory.
Now, the smaller I make the reduced array, the worse my results will be (the surface fitting is part of a measurement process with high precision requirements), so I want to reduce the array as little as possible.
Is there any way to determine on beforehand how much memory a certain array size will demand and how much memory is available, and then use this information to resize the array enough to avoid out of memory exceptions, but not more?
I don't know the answer to this, but I wonder if you can have your cake and eat it, too.
If your data set is too big, why not do a piecewise fit? Do it in chunks rather than omitting data points.
Or be smarter about how you omit data points. You want them in areas of high curvature - where your data is changing fastest. Leave out points in areas far away from the action, where nothing interesting is happening. You might have to do a fit, look at the surface, add and remove more points and try again.
It might an iterative process, but I'll bet you'll be able to get a nice fit with a little luck and effort.
You can look at the maximum array sizes that are supported on different platforms. In general, if you have a PxQxR sized 3D array of doubles, then the size of your array in bytes is P*Q*R*8. For your matrix, the size is ~ 444 MB. You can also try reducing it to a single, using single(A). single uses 4 bytes per element and you can reduce the size of your array by a factor 2.
I haven't really poked into the inner workings of interp3, but the exact memory requirements will depend on the interpolation option you choose. So, you can first try to convert it to single and see if it works. If not, try with 80% (90%) of the number of rows and columns. This way you have a good chunk of the original array, but the memory requirement is only 64% (81%) of the original.
If that doesn't help, duffymo's suggestion is what you should be looking into.

Mixing sound files of different size

I want to mix audio files of different size into a one single .wav file without clipping any file.,i.e. The resulting file size should be equal to the largest sized file of all.
There is a sample through which we can mix files of same size
[( )(Example 4)].
I modified the code to get the mixed file as a .wav file.
But I am not able to understand that how to modify this code for unequal sized files.
If someone can help me out with some code snippet,i'll be really thankful.
It should be as easy as sending all the files to the mixer simultaneously. When any single file gets to the end, just treat it as if the remainder is filled with zeroes. When all files get to the end, you are done.
Note that the example code says it returns an error if there would be clipping (the sum of the waves is greater than the max representable value.). This condition is more likely if you are mixing multiple inputs. The best way around it is to create some "headroom" in the input waves. You can do either do this in preprocessing, by ensuring that each wave's volume is no more than X% of maximum. (~80-90%, depending on number of inputs.). The other way is to do it dynamically in the mixer code by multiplying each sample by some value <1.0 as you add it to the mix.
If you are selecting the waves to mix at runtime and failure due to clipping is unacceptable, you will need to modify the sample code to pin the values at max/min instead of returning an error. Don't just let them overflow or you will get noisy artifacts.
(Clipping creates artifacts as well, but when you haven't created enough headroom before mixing, it is definitely preferrable to overflow. It is a more familiar-sounding type of distortion, similar to what you get when you overdrive your speakers. See this wikipedia article on clipping:
Clipping is preferable to the alternative in digital systems—wrapping—which occurs if the digital hardware is allowed to "overflow", ignoring the most significant bits of the magnitude, and sometimes even the sign of the sample value, resulting in gross distortion of the signal.
How I'd do it:
Much like the mix_buffers function that you linked to, but pass in 2 parameters for mixbufferNumSamples. Iterate over the whole of the longer of the two buffers. When the index has gone beyond the end of the shorter buffer, simply set the sample from that buffer to 0 for the rest of the function.
If you must avoid clipping and do it in real-time and you know nothing else about the two sounds, you must provide enough headroom. The simplest method is by halving each of the samples before mixing:
mixed = s1/2 + s2/2;
This ensures that the resultant mixed sample won't overflow an int16_t. It will have the side effect of making everything quieter though.
If you can run it offline, you can calculate a scale factor to apply to both waveforms which will keep the peaks when summed below the maximum allowed value.
Or you could mix them all at full volume to an int32_t buffer, keeping track of the largest (magnitude) mixed sample and then go back through the buffer multiplying each sample by a scale factor which will make that extreme sample just reach the +32767/-32768 limits.