Can I have App name as English + Some other language? - iphone

I have created an app for real estate.
My client is insisting on keeping the app name in both English and Arabic.
Is this possible in the App store?
The client is worrying that if the user searches app names in Arabic, they will not see the app as the name of the app is in English.
How can I solve this problem?

You can set a mixed English/Arabic name for the app in the Info.plist. The key you are looking for is “Bundle Display Name” (CFBundleDisplayName). By default that key value is ${PRODUCT_NAME}, but you can change it to any string you want (even with Arabic characters).
Mind that the space in the home screen is limited, and you cannot use long names under the icons. Your proposed name seems to be a little bit long and shows like “My…التطبيق” in my Simulator.

Just add the name in the display name in info.plist file


How to set name of app in itunes connect

I am uploading an App to Apple Store.
The name of my App is "Sem Hora".
But in iTunes Connect, inside App Name, it shows me: The following is not recommended for use in this field: hora.
Should I submit it just like this?
If you’re specifying that name in an English locale, it’s probably recognizing the word “hora” as non-English. If that’s what the app’s name is meant to be, though, you’re probably fine ignoring that warning. Just make sure you set appropriate keywords in the Keywords field so people can search for your app without having to know its exact name.

Change App Name If iPad Change Language Setting

I am making a bilingual app thai is English and Korean language.
Now, I want my app to change its name whenever the user change the language setting of the device. It the language is set to English the app name is english, and if it in Korean the app name will change to korean.
i know it is possible, because i've seen some apps like that.
How will i able to do it?
Go to infoPlist.Strings File
CFBundleDisplayName = "Your App Name In Particular Language";
Add the Localization of the file in property

How do I localize my app's name in the App Store

I'd like to change the name of my app on the App Store for some of the localizations I handle.
I've already seen That I can change the name of the app on the springboard using CFBundleDisplayName and that works pretty well.
But there is nothing about the localization on the App Store.
Is CFBundleDisplayName doing the job ? Is there something else to do ?
Have you looked into iTunes Connect? I know that the description can be localized there (under Manage apps -> App -> Version -> Manage Localizations). I'm not entirely sure if it can be done though, as the names in the App Store have to be unique and therefore I imagine that are bound to a certain app ID.
To localize the App Name you can do this like any other file. First click on the AppName-Info.plist file then open up the Identity Inspector (Left Pane Column), under the document tag is a Localization section. You can just click the add button to add the different languages that you want (say, first English, then Italian). Than you just have to individual change each of the names in the AppName-Info.plist (English) and AppName-Info.plist (Italian) files.

Is iPhone app name and Application name in app store should be same?

i am created one app, when i upload app store, raised one doubt, Whether app name what i given while developing and app store app name should be same or different?
Apple's specific guideline as of this moment:
App names in iTunes Connect and as displayed on a device should be similar, so as not to cause confusion
The name you were using while you were developing it isn't important, necessarily -- you can completely change the name of the app before submitting.
It's just important that the name you used when you submitted the app for approval is similar to the name under the icon. From my experience, it's fine to do the following with the name under the icon:
Eliminate articles: "The Best Game" becomes "Best Game"
Use initials if the name is very long: "Greatest Calculator Built By Man" becomes "GCBBM"
The key, I suspect, is that when the user sees the app on the phone they'll be able to recognize it based on the name of the app they saw when they bought it.
Many apps have significantly different Bundle Display Names, product file names, and the Application Names in their iTunes descriptions. For instance, short display names under the icon, long app store names with spaces and special characters, medium length file/ipa names with no spaces or special characters. Etc.
However, if the names are misleadingly different, Apple may find a problem with accepting the app.

iPhone application Info.plist language property

Which property should I change on Info.plist in order to configure the list of languages shown in itunes store under my submitted application?
EDIT: My application will be in Greek and I want to see Greek as the only language under Languages in the App Store. How do I do that?
It seems that the "Localization native development region" value on the .plist file is related to the languages that appear on the app store after Languages.
What you list in the plist does not affect what is shown in iTunes. When you submit to itunesconnect, you will be asked to enter languages that are supported. Of course , you will want to match these languages up with what your app really can support, but iTunes will not just show the supported languages by default.
It appears the OP is just asking how to localize within the app. See here