Is iPhone app name and Application name in app store should be same? - iphone

i am created one app, when i upload app store, raised one doubt, Whether app name what i given while developing and app store app name should be same or different?

Apple's specific guideline as of this moment:
App names in iTunes Connect and as displayed on a device should be similar, so as not to cause confusion
The name you were using while you were developing it isn't important, necessarily -- you can completely change the name of the app before submitting.
It's just important that the name you used when you submitted the app for approval is similar to the name under the icon. From my experience, it's fine to do the following with the name under the icon:
Eliminate articles: "The Best Game" becomes "Best Game"
Use initials if the name is very long: "Greatest Calculator Built By Man" becomes "GCBBM"
The key, I suspect, is that when the user sees the app on the phone they'll be able to recognize it based on the name of the app they saw when they bought it.

Many apps have significantly different Bundle Display Names, product file names, and the Application Names in their iTunes descriptions. For instance, short display names under the icon, long app store names with spaces and special characters, medium length file/ipa names with no spaces or special characters. Etc.
However, if the names are misleadingly different, Apple may find a problem with accepting the app.


How to set name of app in itunes connect

I am uploading an App to Apple Store.
The name of my App is "Sem Hora".
But in iTunes Connect, inside App Name, it shows me: The following is not recommended for use in this field: hora.
Should I submit it just like this?
If you’re specifying that name in an English locale, it’s probably recognizing the word “hora” as non-English. If that’s what the app’s name is meant to be, though, you’re probably fine ignoring that warning. Just make sure you set appropriate keywords in the Keywords field so people can search for your app without having to know its exact name.

App name and filename different of an iPhone app

My app name(the one that appears on the home screen) contains a special character, if i keep the name of the build( to be the same, it gives some sort of error. If I keep the name of the build without any special character everything works fine. Now we want to upload this app to appstore, I was just wondering if that could get my app rejected(keeping app name and build name different).
The App Store Review Guidelines state:
3.4 App names in iTunes Connect and as displayed on a device should be similar, so as not to cause confusion
"Should be similar" gives them a lot of leeway, and in fact I've had an app rejected where the names were (I thought) very similar. But, there's definitely no rule that says they must match exactly, and I'd guess you'll be in good shape if the only difference is a special character.

What's the difference between bundle names and Apple App store names?

Does an app's bundle name must match the name in the Apple App store? For instance, for Angry Birds, there is "Angry Birds" and "Angry Birds Seasons" in the app store, however when installed on the device, the names of both apps are displayed as "Angry Birds".
Any suggestions? Thanks.
No, a bundle name doesn't need to match the App Store name. The main reason for this is you only get between 11-14ish characters for your app name on device before it gets clipped by the system. On the app store this limitation doesn't exist. In your main app .plist file your app name (the name that displays under your icon) is you bundle display name. Bundle display names do not need to be unique (hence why Angry Birds Seasons & Angry Birds both use 'Angry Birds' as their display names), but your app store name obviously does!
And since January 2012, the app store name does not have to be unique. It only needs to be unique for a particular language, even though an app can appear on all the different app stores in the world. More information on my blog post:
...all right in "ixt" answer, i just wanted to add that "Bundle display name" not only doesn't need to be unique, but can also have different names for the same app (one name for any language you want; it can be localizable)

Help filling out "info.plist" file

I'm ready to submit my first app to the App Store, however I'm having trouble filling out some of the "Info.plist" fields. I don't want my app to be rejected because I did this wrong.
These are the fields I'm having trouble with:
Executable file,
Bundle identifier,
Bundle name and Bundle creator OS Typecode
Can you put anything on these fields or are you suppose to use certain values or names such the "App ID" given by Apple for your application?
I already have an "App ID" for my app but I don't have a website for my app yet.
Thank you for your help!
To work with Hotpaw2's answer:
Bundle creator is an obsolete
4-character field for iOS apps. I
leave it blank with no problems.
Leave this blank, as stated. (I used to write APLM for "Apple Mobile").
Bundle name is what appears under your
icon. Make sure it fits under the
icon. It has to be not misleadingly
different from your app's name.
For example, I have an app called Jewish Music Stream. I put JewishMusic in this field. It fits and it is similar to my app name. If I wrote Death Metal, I may have been rejected because that genre has nothing to do with what's offered in the app. If I would have written Jewish Music Stream, it would have appeared as Jewi...Stream or something like that.
Bundle ID is your unique reverse DNS.
You don't have to have a web site for
this particular app. But your
registered web domain and a unique app
name (or web page) would be
appropriate for this field (reversed
of course). It has to be compatible
with you provision (which might be
wildcarded). The Bundle ID should not
have the wildcard.
Mine was com.yetanotheriphoneapp.jms
The restriction on product file name
is no spaces or special characters.
Nobody sees it, so it can be almost
anything (unique for your apps and
non-misleading). I've had old obsolete
project names on mine, but the apps
were still accepted.
The truth is that people can see your app name if they have Xcode, or if they look into the iTunes folder for the actual binaries. This makes no difference, but it's an interesting habit - naming your binaries.
Good luck to you and may you make many successful apps!
Bundle creator is an obsolete 4-character field for iOS apps. I leave it blank with no problems.
Bundle name is what appears under your icon. Make sure it fits under the icon. It has to be not misleadingly different from your app's name.
Bundle ID is your unique reverse DNS. You don't have to have a web site for this particular app. But your registered web domain and a unique app name (or web page) would be appropriate for this field (reversed of course). It has to be compatible with your provision (which might be wildcarded). The Bundle ID should not have the wildcard.
The restriction on product file name is no spaces or special characters. Nobody sees it, so it can be almost anything (unique for your apps and non-misleading). I've had old obsolete project names on mine, but the apps were still accepted.

iPhone & iPad - is it OK to change the product name on Xcode?

I am preparing a update for one of my apps.
I want to change the "product name" of this application in Xcode.
Will this give me any problems? I mean, will users that already have bought the application be able to download the update?
What exactly identifies the application for iTunes and the iPhone? The bundle identifier and version on info.plist?
thanks for any help.
You dont have to change the product name, although if you do it shouldn't matter either. Apps are identified by their bundle identifiers.
Likely what you really want to do is change the display name, which is the 11 characters that appear below your icon on the device. End users generally dont see the "product name" as that is used for the executable or '.app' file name. In which case users will only see it if they look for the resulting .ipa file on their harddrives after purchase form the store.
In your info.plist there is a field for "bundle display name". This is what determines the name displayed under your icon. You can just change it there in the info.plist, keeping in mind that anything over 11 characters gets truncated. You can change this without an issue from apple, although your users might be slightly confused if the name is drastically different.