Unity3d Facebook SDK login with browser - facebook

I am creating a game application using Unity3d tool. In that I shared some texts and photos in Facebook. So that I have used Facebook SDK(Prime31).
Case 1: Facebook app already installed
If login the facebook from my app, the facebook application's login screen is opened.
Case 2: Facebook not installed
If login the facebook from my app, the browser will open the facebook login screen.
My question: Is it possible to open the browser window for facebook login even the Facebook app already installed?
Reason: If I use the case 2, the facebook login is success. But If I use the case 1, the facebook login is failed and it shows the "Invalid access token error". This is happened only in the "HTC" mobile devices. So I want to use case 2 even facebook app installed in the device.
If possible Can you give me the steps to do that?

You better ask them here instead of asking people on StackOverflow. Ask them on forum, PM or Email them on their page.

Only Facebook's SDK chooses how authentication occurs. We couldn't choose that one.
Finally I got this answer from Prime31 plugin forum.


Facebook login integration with phonegap

I'm new using facebook for developers, I want to use Facebook Login for my app developed in phonegap, where I want that when users want to login, it opens facebook standard page for them to continue with the process and return data to my app. But the first thing I found was that there were many solutions:
The Login Flow for iOS
The Login Flow for Android
The Login Flow for Web (without JavaScript SDK)
But none for what I want. I also found facebook github's solutions but, it seems to be only for Android or iOs, but not both of them:
So I have some doubts:
¿What solution should I use for phonegap integration?
I know that I need an app-id that I can find it at facebook's developers page https://developers.facebook.com/docs/facebook-login/login-flow-for-web-no-jssdk/ , but if that key is locally saved, at the devices, would it be safe?

iOS 5 Facebook Integration

I am writing an app and for the first time I want to integrate some Facebook SDK functionality. I want to have the user login to their Facebook account, then be able to choose one of their friends to "compete" against in the app.
I am following the instructions on the Facebook developers site for iOS but what I can't seem to figure out is how to present a "login with Facebook" view when the app is launched and then never again while the Facebook SSO is authorized or unless the user logs out of the app.
The example I'll use for this is like the DrawSomething app's workflow for authentication.
Any ideas of how to accomplish this? Tutorials or examples would be awesome! I am using iOS 5 with storyboards for the app if that makes a difference.
First authenticate :
Facebook API/SDK integration

Facebook login on windows 7

I'm trying to build a phone app on the windows phone, I've decided to use Facebook as a mean of authentication, for users to login. I've been reading through the Facebook Mobile Dev page, but I couldn't see any SDK for a window phone native app.
Am I missing something? Is there another technique to login the user through Facebook?
I think you need to use OAuth in the web browser to get this to work. I used the Facebook c# sdk by following instructions on Prabir's Blog.

Open IOS Application which uses sharekit via fbconnect and/or sharekit from facebook app or facebook website

Does anyone of you know if it is possible to open a App which uses sharekit from a Facebook request by clicking on the request either in the facebook app, or in the browser?
I could not find anything about this in the web.
To be more precise i want my app which uses sharekit to send a request to a facebook-friend. This facebook friend should then be able to open the same app by clicking on the request either in the facebook app on his mobile device or by clicking on the request on the facebook browser page which is opened on his mobile device.
I already know how to share things in facebook via sharekit, but to get it "the other way round" seems to be difficult. I could not find anything helpful in the web so far.
Greets and many thanks in advance,
Yes. Your will will need to register itself as a protocol handler, and the link clicked on from Facebook app would need to use the url scheme you define.
Keep in mind if the recipient does not have the app installed, or they do this on their desktop machine, they will get a message that the phone is unable to open that URL.
See this tutorial: http://mobileorchard.com/apple-approved-iphone-inter-process-communication/

Utilize the Facebook SDK Login (iOs/Android) for being logged into Facebook # Web?

Straight Forward:
User logs into my iPhone/Android App with Facebook SDK [so i got an id and authtoken for that user]
... functionality using the FB SDK and much more ...
I open a WebView inside my pp and load the facebook profile of an other user, but in this webview im NOT logged in.
Is there a possibility, to utilize my login (id/authtoken) from the SDK to get the user automatically logged in inside the webview?
On iOS you can use single sign on, see https://github.com/facebook/facebook-ios-sdk, scroll down to 'Single Sign On' section with it's description.
This is not a direct solution but perhaps it could help.