Facebook login integration with phonegap - facebook

I'm new using facebook for developers, I want to use Facebook Login for my app developed in phonegap, where I want that when users want to login, it opens facebook standard page for them to continue with the process and return data to my app. But the first thing I found was that there were many solutions:
The Login Flow for iOS
The Login Flow for Android
The Login Flow for Web (without JavaScript SDK)
But none for what I want. I also found facebook github's solutions but, it seems to be only for Android or iOs, but not both of them:
So I have some doubts:
¿What solution should I use for phonegap integration?
I know that I need an app-id that I can find it at facebook's developers page https://developers.facebook.com/docs/facebook-login/login-flow-for-web-no-jssdk/ , but if that key is locally saved, at the devices, would it be safe?


Logging in a social media (facebook, twitter etc) in a hybrid mobile application through javascript

My hybrid mobile application (for android and iOS possibly windows as well) requires users to authenticate in Facebook.
How should I setup the Facebook application (mobile application or web application) since I am using Javascript SDK
If I need to setup the application as a web app, How should I configure the app domain and site URLs in Facebook application as the files are going to reside in the local app folders of the hybrid mobile application.
If I need to setup the application as a mobile app, How can I use the Javascript SDK?
The OAuth Login system verfication helps to increase the registration , since your application is hybrid and its a mobile based you need to create a php based web login auth to authenticate the login , there are many an enumeros website that help in aiding to achive the determined goal of this, the first thing is to create a facebook application , secondly you need to configure App Id and App Secret ( this will require you to input details about your domains and other information related to the app infos ) , your solution can be found here www.oauthlogin.com also check this out simply download and implement video instruction out there http://www.9lessons.info/2011/09/update-login-with-facebook-and-twitter.html
You will need to register your app with facebook to get developers API Apps Id and App Secret.
you have to follow a screenshot of Friends Invite from Facebook in the links below.
The set up are all the same and that is what am using in my phonegap app to set facebook login authentication. Once you have created an account with facebook, you can follow a tutorial in the link below to build your facebook login for IOS,Windows and Android etc
You can write back if you find it difficult to integrate. Rate this response if you findin it helpful. Thanks

Is it possible to open Facebook share dialog (in Facebook app) from mobile web?

We have similar functionality for Twitter -- linking to "twitter://post?message=Hello" will open the Twitter app (if installed). Is there a similar way to invoke in-facebook-app share dialog via "fb://"?
The reason we'd like to use "fb://" over "http://facebook.com?sharer.php?u=" is UX. From their phones, most FB and Twitter users use the native apps (not the mobile web versions) so their apps are logged in and their browsers are not. The "twitter://post" link works beautifully for Twitter, but we can't figure out if something similar is possible with Facebook (we tried most of what's on http://wiki.akosma.com/IPhone_URL_Schemes#Facebook but no dice. Even the actual share button invokes the fb web version, not the app). Suggestions?

Phonegap/Cordova Facebook plugin rejected by Facebook

Facebook rejects the implementation of the official Phonegap Facebook plugin.
Did it by the book, login, posting works. Explained it's Phonegap (v3.0), and it's using their native SDK, but got rejected two times without any explanation except the info below.
Your Android app must use the native Login dialog that comes with Facebook's SDKs instead of custom web views. Ensure you have successfully tested your Facebook Login integration for Single Sign On or remove this integration as a listed platform in the developer app.
Here are the full details
Please advise. Thx!

Facebook native mobile application and mobile browser sharing session

I have a website which allows login via facebook functionality and displays photos from facebook.
While accessing from a mobile browser I would like the website to automatically login(when the click on FB login button, without entering username and password) if the user is already logged in via the native FB application (iOS or andriod). It seems to be that I can do that by building a native iOS or android application and use facebook single sign on feature. Is it possible to do that without having the user install anything on their mobile device?
That is not possible.
Auto-Login relies on auth tokens that will be granted to a website or mobile app after a user approves an app. For security reasons, those tokens are tight to the cause they were issued for. Particularly, web tokens and mobile tokens are not interchangeable.
So you could build a native mobile app to get a "native token", but even if you would manage to (cookie-)inject it into a browser view, your website's backend couldn't use it.
More generally, you're raising an issue even facebook can't solve: Say you are using a facebook mobile app and logged in there. If you open facebook's web version on that very same phone, you'll have to log in there again. The root cause is the same as with above. Specifically, any native app is uncapable of setting arbitrary auth cookies into the OS browser. I personally believe this restriction will not fall, because it would have a large security impact - just imagine how any app could set (and possibly get) cookies for any website.
If they've never logged in facebook from their Mobile, how will your website ever know them ?
Is it possible to do that without having the user install anything on their mobile device?
Like PC's, users in a mobile device need to login in their phone in facebook's website before being eligible to login "automatically" to your website. When I say automatically, I mean they still have to go with the first time process of "Do you authorize this app/website to do X things on your account". That message is inevitable when using facebook's api on the web.
Hope this answers your question.
Is it possible to do that without having the user install anything on
their mobile device?
No this would not be possible. You need to have a native or hybrid app (phonegapped etc) to make it work. Mobile web apps run in a browser sandbox and without native code interface - you cannot get to the native SSO of FB on your mobile device
Did you have a look at this facebook page ? I'm not sure what you ask is possible, as basav said, but maybe you'll have some clues there.

Facebook login on windows 7

I'm trying to build a phone app on the windows phone, I've decided to use Facebook as a mean of authentication, for users to login. I've been reading through the Facebook Mobile Dev page, but I couldn't see any SDK for a window phone native app.
Am I missing something? Is there another technique to login the user through Facebook?
I think you need to use OAuth in the web browser to get this to work. I used the Facebook c# sdk by following instructions on Prabir's Blog.